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Top 10 Beauty Treatments done by Celebrities Before the Oscars.

Zit Killer or cortisone injection:
On its own, the acclaimed 'cort shot' (cortisone injection) can shrink
colossal zits with in 48 hours. As a follow up, skin is smoothed with the
Near Infrared light. Cortisone shots are injections that may help relieve
pain and inflammation in a specific area of your body. Cortisone shots are
most commonly given in joints � such as your ankle, elbow, hip, knee,
shoulder, spine and wrist. Even the small joints in your hands and feet may
benefit from cortisone shots.
Vivienveil.com writes on its website: Everyone hates pimples, and I don�t
know about you, but I�m tired of wasting my time and money on acne remedies
that don�t work. Now I�ve found the most effective zit killer. Meet Mr
Hydrogen Peroxide. This guy kills acne faster and better. This deadly acne
assassin eliminates acne causing bacteria in no time by blasting it with
oxygen. I developed problem skin after stopping a birth control pill from
hell called Dianette. It wrecked havoc on my hormones and gave me unwanted
spots. That�s when I began researching acne cures, and believe me, I tried
EVERYTHING � even putting raw garlic on my pimples. I started using hydrogen
peroxide and haven�t looked back.
Thankfully, my blemished skin days are a distant memory. Thanks to Mr
Hydrogen Peroxide and a DAIRY-free diet, I now rarely get spots.Peroxide
rocks because it�s cheap and best of all, it contains no harmful toxic
chemicals. You won�t experience any horrific side effects � like those
associated with Accutane.
Cortisone shots usually include a corticosteroid medication and a local
anesthetic. In many cases, cortisone shots can be administered in your
doctor's office. However, the number of cortisone shots you can receive in
one year may be limited because of potential side effects from the
Cortisone is a type of steroid that is produced naturally by a gland in your
body called the adrenal gland. Cortisol is released from the adrenal gland
when your body is under stress.
Natural cortisone is released into the blood stream and is relatively
Injectable cortisone is synthetically produced and has many different trade
names (e.g. Celestone, Kenalog, etc.), but is a close derivative of your
body's own product. The most significant differences are that synthetic
cortisone is not injected into the blood stream, but into a particular area
of inflammation. Also, the synthetic cortisone is designed to act more
potently and for a longer period of time (days instead of minutes).
Steroids are a group of molecular compounds that all share some common
structural characteristics. Not all different steroids are the same! Types
of steroids include cortisone, cholesterol, and sex hormones. Cortisone is
not the same type of steroid as a performance enhancing drug.
Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory medication. Cortisone is not a
pain relieving medication, it only treats the inflammation. When pain is
decreased from cortisone it is because the inflammation is diminished. By
injecting the cortisone into a particular area of inflammation, very high
concentrations of the medication can be given while keeping potential
side-effects to a minimum. Cortisone injections usually work within a few
days, and the effects can last up to several weeks. Many conditions where
inflammation is an underlying problem are amenable to cortisone shots. These
include, but are certainly not limited to.
Cortisone shots carry a risk of complications, such as:
Death of nearby bone (osteonecrosis)
Joint infection
Nerve damage
Skin and soft tissue thinning around injection site
Temporary flare of pain and inflammation in the joint
Tendon weakening or rupture
Thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis)
Whitening or lightening of the skin around injection site
Limits on the number of cortisone shots
There's some concern that repeated use of cortisone shots may cause
deterioration of the cartilage within a joint. For this reason, doctors
typically limit the number of cortisone shots in a joint. The limit varies
depending on the joint and the reason for treatment. In general, people with
osteoarthritis or other noninflammatory conditions may be limited to four
total cortisone shots per joint. People with rheumatoid arthritis may be
limited to three or four cortisone shot per joint per year.
If you take blood thinners, you may need to forgo these medications for
several days before your cortisone shot, to reduce your risk of bleeding or
bruising. Some dietary supplements also have a blood-thinning effect. Your
family doctor can help coordinate what medications and supplements you
should avoid before your cortisone shot.
Some people experience redness and a feeling of warmth of the chest and face
after receiving a cortisone shot. If you have diabetes, a cortisone shot
might temporarily elevate your blood sugar levels. Cortisone shots commonly
cause a temporary flare in pain and inflammation for up to 48 hours after
the injection. After that, you should experience decreased pain and
inflammation at the injection site.
Dated 27 February 2013