Top 10 Beauty Treatments done by Celebrities Before the Oscars.

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  Stem cell serums - Top 10 Beauty Treatments done by Celebrities Before the Oscars
Stem cell serums:


Stem cells have to be the anti-aging beauty ingredient of the year. Specifically known as epidermal growth factors, they are in my experience as good as it gets. Without doubt,

EPGs seem to be at the leading edge of what anti-aging skincare currently has to offer. Serums with EPGs vary as to whether they focus on a single growth factor, or complex combinations. They may also be derived from humans or plants.

In August, 2011 an all natural rejuvenating serum that uses your own adult stem cells to decrease wrinkles and increase moisture retention and elasticity was launched in the United States, and subsequently in Australia. This is a mocha based fusion of the world's most restorative ingredients and a blend of six cytokines that stimulate the proliferation and migration of the skin's stem cells by more than 225%.

There are a number of stem cell based serums and skin care products that have appeared on the marketplace over the past few years, and they constitute a novel frontier in skin care. Although many of them are nothing more than simple skin care products with misleading or spurious stem cell claims, a few are legitimate products. The legitimate ones are all based on the use of compounds called cytokines, which are growth factors supporting the functions of stem cells in the skin. Some of them contain an extract from apple stem cells, whose effectiveness really remains to be proven � there is an obvious difference between human skin and an apple! Others contained cytokines from human stem cells. The latter are obviously the premium products.

One of the questions the developers of this product asked was: Of all the natural compounds and herbal extracts known to benefit the skin, which do so by supporting the natural role of stem cells in the skin? Are there natural compounds that can support the intrinsic ability of the skin to renew itself? They studied a broad array of plants and herbal extracts for their effect on the proliferation and differentiation of human skin stem cells grown in vitro, and they discovered a handful of natural compounds that have an effect on the very stem cells of your skin. By supporting the natural role of your skin�s stem cells, you support the process of rejuvenation of your skin from within.......the way nature intended.

These compounds include AFA, the same product from which stem cell nutrition is derived.

AFA alone increased the proliferation of skin stem cells by nearly 100% in the study. Other natural ingredients include: Aloe vera (which increased skin stem cell proliferation by 87%) and a proprietary fucoidan that increased proliferation by 55%. When blended together, the effect of these plants on skin stem cell proliferation was further synergistically increased by ingredients like vanilla, maqui berry, cacao, old man�s weed and others. All these ingredients taken together constitute the Stem Cell Complex unique to this product with a Stem Cell Index exceeding 250% Hyaluronic acid is part of the infrastructure (skeleton of the skin) and is one of the main components forming the matrix of the skin. One of the main roles of hyaluronic acid is to retain moisture in the skin. Good hydration is the hallmark of young skin, and it comes from the presence of hyaluronic acid. Recently a group of scientists discovered that as we age, although we continue to produce hyaluronic acid, its structure is less and less branched. The highly branched hyaluronic acid in young skin allows for greater retention of water in the skin. Since these branches are formed of a derivative of glucosamine, scientists discovered that the best results are obtained when this derivative of glucosamine is applied on the skin, instead of hyaluronic acid itself. This product is the first in the US to contain that very derivative of glucosamine, produced by fermentation.

 Stem cell serums - Top 10 Beauty Treatments done by Celebrities Before the OscarsAn all-natural formula Of all the stem cell based skin care products, this is the only one that is truly natural ......even though many make the claim. In essence, all skin care products are oils blended with water extracts of various plants. Since oil and water do not mix, it is necessary to use compounds called emulsifiers that can dissolve in both water and in lipids, thereby helping to create an emulsion. There are very few natural emulsifiers and none that are known to be effective at making a cold emulsion � which is essential to the preservation of all the delicate actives found in herbal extracts. This is the only skin care product made cold with an all-natural emulsification system. Products like glycerin are relatively natural and can be used as emulsifiers; however, they are known for their drying effect on the skin. There is no glycerin here. Once produced, natural skin care products are essentially food for bacteria, so they need to be preserved. And this is the biggest challenge, as there are virtually no natural preservatives commercially available.

Although the best products claim to have none of the dangerous carcinogenic parabens, they have other compounds just as dangerous � such as phenoxyethanol and various forms of benzoic acid, all known to be irritants to the skin. The developers asked the question, �Where in nature can we find natural antibacterial compounds?� They harvested several flowers known to grow in very moist areas while blooming for weeks, unaffected by bacterial or fungal growth, and they extracted their antibacterial power. To this they added a proprietary process called SoniPure� that inactivates bacteria by the use of sound waves � a breakthrough innovative process. So this skin serum is 100% stable without delivering harmful compounds to your skin.

The developers� intention was to create a product to restructure the skin from within in order to increase water retention and skin elasticity, which in turn would naturally reduce wrinkles and fine lines� and this is exactly what was demonstrated in an independent clinical trial. It was shown to increase water retention by 30% and skin elasticity by 10% and to reduce wrinkles by an average of 25% in 28 days. Some people saw significant benefits after only 7 days, while others report wrinkle reduction by as much as 75%. In all participants, wrinkle reduction was already statistically significant after 7 days. So you can easily see how both the developmental process and the resulting formula ensure that this product is undeniably second-to-none in stem cell based skin care.

In healthy individuals, skin youthfulness is maintained by epidermal stem cells which self-renew and generate daughter cells that become new skin. Therefore, part of skin aging is caused by impaired adult stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow and the reduced number of adult stem cells able to respond to repair signals. This means that, if we increase the number of circulating adult stem cells, we can affect the epidermal stem cells. Research also shows that topical application of cytokines stimulates the migration and proliferation of skin stem cells.

In much the same way as stem cell nutrition works with adult stem cells to deliver inner wellness, the rejuvenating skin serum applies the benefits of adult stem cell science to the body�s largest organ, the skin, to achieve and maintain outer vibrance! Taking care of this organ � the skin, which exposed to the elements on a continual basis � is essential. The rejuvenating skin serum assists in our daily process at the skin level, by a proprietary blend of over two dozen natural ingredients found during years of searching worldwide. Each natural ingredient has been selected for its nutrient-rich attributes that fight the appearance of aging, regenerating cells, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles, increasing moisture retention and increasing skin elasticity. In addition, some of the ingredients have natural sun-protecting components.

What�s being described as a �revolution� in anti-ageing treatments, the Swiss Apple, is now available from skinChemists with our Apple Stem Cell Serum. Celebrities such as Helen Miren and Jennifer Lopez are big fans of the miracle anti-ageing apple.It is claimed that the ingredients in our Apple Stem Cell Serum can reverse skin ageing, increase the lifespan of human cells and may even make it possible to grow back lost hair. skinChemists, as always, are at the cutting edge.

Human stem cells can turn into any part of the body and are big news in medical research. However, laws ban the use of embryonic stem cells in cosmetics, so instead, researchers turned their attention to plants. The biggest star in the stem cell world is called Malus Domestica.It is derived from a rare 18th-century species of apple, the Uttwiler Spatlauber, in short the Swiss Apple. It first attracted attention as it could be kept for months without withering. This is where the story comes full circle, to skinChemists Apple

Stem Cell Serum

Dr Daniel Schmid, research director of Mibelle Biochemistry, the Swiss lab which developed PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica, insists that his study shows his apple stem cell extracts have been "shown to improve the maintenance of the apple stem cells characteristics of epidermal stem cells". Although he states that "the anti-ageing benefit for the skin after topical application could not be confirmed in a clinical trial". He is confident that "the extract offers a promise of real skin rejuvenation". What we can guarantee is that you are using one of the newest serums to hit the market. Rarely have we been so excited as we are with Apple Stem Cell Serum.




Namita Nayyar (WF Team)

Dated 27 February 2013