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Top 10 Beauty Treatments done by Celebrities Before the Oscars.

Botox Lite:
Some are calling it �baby-Botox� and others �mini-Botox�which may sound
misleading at first but a new trend is on the rise. Botox-Lite is solving
the problem of the frozen-faces that represent the Botox cliche. The idea
behind Botox-Lite is that the doctor administers just enough to make the
muscles relaxed without paralyzing them, and employs a very specific
technique to the desired areas. The patient is left with their normal
expressions but the strength of the muscles are significantly reduced as to
soften the lines and wrinkles that these facial movements produce.
Botox Lite is for a softer, more relaxed look, we inject tiny amounts of the
toxin into multiple areas of the forehead says Nurse Jamie says. 'This way,
people still have full motion... without the skin looking like an
If you�re looking for a solution to your seemingly everlasting wrinkles but
are afraid to look frozen and waxy, then Botox-Lite may be the ideal
solution to your aesthetic woes.
Just a touch could do the trick to give your wrinkles a break, without
giving your muscles the day off.
Botox injections are used to lift the corners of the mouth and smooth frown
and forehead lines, crow's feet, neck folds, and lip lines.
Gradually, over three to five months, Botox effects will fade and the muscle
action will return. A simple maintenance treatment is all that is necessary
to refresh results.
If you feel that your Botox treatment has not taken full effect, you must
return within two weeks for a booster. If you are unable to make it within
two weeks, please call the office. Botox cannot be performed on pregnant and
breast-feeding women.
Botox for underarm sweating
Botox can be used to treat severe underarm sweating but it is not a cure.
Results last 6 or 7 months. Symptoms will gradually return and re-treatment
will be needed. Some insurance companies will cover this procedure.
How does Botox work?
It blocks impulses from the nerve to muscles, so they do not contract. After
Dr. Jaliman's treatment, the overlying skin remains smooth and unwrinkled,
while the untreated facial muscles contract as usual, allowing normal facial
expression to be unaffected.
How safe are Botox treatments?
Botox has been used safely and effectively for years. It is an increasingly
popular treatment for reversing the visible signs of aging.
What is the treatment like?
Using a tiny micro-needle, a very small amount of Botox is injected, very
precisely, into several locations in the face. No sedation or local
anesthetic is required and patients can resume normal activities
Are there any side effects?
Some patients may experience a slight, temporary bruising at the injection
site. This can be easily covered with makeup. In some cases, the Botox can
migrate and cause a temporary weakness of nearby muscles. In rare cases,
there can be a drooping of an eyelid or asymmetry of facial expression.
Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are all used to counter wrinkles. They're a
purified form of botulinum toxin A, meaning there's no botulism risk when
used properly. They work by blocking the nerves that contract muscles,
softening the appearance of wrinkles.
Benefits and Side Effects
Botox is most effective on wrinkles that haven�t quite set -- �dynamic�
wrinkles that appear while you�re moving your face, such as when you frown.
�If you don�t move the muscle too much, you won�t form the wrinkle,� says
Columbia University dermatologist Monica Halem, MD. She considers Botox
If you're breastfeeding, pregnant, or plan to become pregnant, the FDA
recommends that you talk to your doctor before starting Botox, Dysport, or
Side effects are possible: headaches, bruising, pain at the site of
injection, and, in fewer than 1% of cases, drooping eyelids or eyebrows that
return to their natural position within a few months.
If you decide to give it a try:
Don�t be a pill. You're more likely to get a bruise at the site of the
needle injection if you're taking aspirin or ibuprofen; these medications
thin the blood and increase bleeding which causes the bruise. Skip the pills
for two weeks in advance of your treatment. You should also tell your doctor
-- before treatment -- about any supplements you're taking, even if they're
"natural," because some (such as fish oil pills, gingko, or vitamin E) also
thin blood. Your doctor may ask you not to use those supplements for two
weeks before your treatment.
Go easy. Ask your doctor for a more natural, expressive look. Your doctor
can adjust the dose accordingly. Don�t party on. Spas and parties are fun,
but not for injections. These wrinkle treatment should only be done by a
doctor who is board-certified in dermatology or plastic surgery.
Stars do crazy things to grab attention, but one thing they don't want
anyone to see is their frozen forehead. "I've had patients tell me that it's
in their contract: If they get Botox, they could be fired," says Wexler. So
dermatologists inject tiny amounts of the toxin into multiple areas of the
forehead for a softer, more relaxed look. "People still have full motion, so
they can emote and act effectively, but skin doesn't accordion," explains
Grossman. Evidence of her sleight of hand: A star patient sent Grossman an
article on overdone faces in Hollywood, in which she served as the example
of a non-Botoxed face. On it was a sticky note: "If they only knew." The
results of this subtler approach last roughly three months as opposed to
five, says Wexler.
To strengthen and prolong the toxin's effect, especially when patients are
on tour or filming abroad, Wu offers a new prescription supplement called
Zytaze. The pill combines zinc with phytase, an enzyme that breaks down
phytates, or compounds that prevent zinc's absorption. Why is zinc so
crucial? To be effective, "botulinum toxin has to bind with zinc in the
body," says Wu. "This pill, which you take for five days prior to your
appointment, helps your body retain zinc better, so there's more available
to bind to the toxin molecules."
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Zytaze made the effects of the
toxin last 30 percent longer when taken for four days before an injection.
Dated 27 February 2013