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Cindy Landolt: World Leading Fitness Trainer from Switzerland Reveals her
Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Share your exercise routine that you do to maintain such a
bikini perfect physique?
Ms. Cindy Landolt:
I train predominantly to create an increase in strength
throughout my body, this is a big distinction between my methodology and that of
many other trainers.
I don't get concerned with the latest trends or fads, I am aware of them, but I
don't waiver from the basic exercises that develop an increase in strength
throughout my entire body.
My workouts are also comparatively brief, as I mentioned before, my deep studies
about the adaptive processes of muscle regeneration lead me to realize that you
need to stimulate your growth in the gym and then get out, in order to provide
your body with the maximum amount of time to recover. So my workouts rarely
exceed 60 minutes and I train weights 4 times per week. I control my body fat
purely with an optimized nutritional plan and meal timing; timing is something
that is heavily overlooked. I rarely perform cardio for fat loss, I prefer to
use cardio to improve my respiratory efficiency.
I have always trained as an athlete, not for cosmetic appearance, that holds no
interest for me, and is a large part of why I don�t go on stage.
For me it has always been function over fashion. I don�t critique my body in the
mirror thinking that I need to add a little here or subtract a little there in
order to appear more aesthetically appealing, my criteria is to find a
physically weak spot and make it stronger, subsequently it then becomes balanced
with the rest of my physique anyway, improving the aesthetic as a bonus.
If you make an increase in strength your aim, then the rest will follow, again
through the adaptive process. So, to the routine. (As I have stated before, this
routine is specific to MY needs and MY goals, it may not be optimal for you)
Monday sees me training my upper body vertical pressing structure. Notice that I
don�t specifically break down my workouts into details about different triceps
heads or delts, just work on the exercises that increase the strength in the
overhead press.
For me that involves seated dumbbell presses 2-3 sets in a rep range of 8-5 reps
descending using the maximum weight that I can safely control through a full
range of motion, followed by a type of standing side lateral raise, but here I
use cables so that the resistance remains the same throughout the entire range
of motion, just 1 set here, that�s enough to stimulate development if the weight
and form are perfect.
From there I move to a triceps dip machine that isolates my triceps in a
pressing motion, allowing me to use my maximum force and developing strength in
my arms, the aim is to remove shoulder and chest involvement ensuring that my
upper arm pressing muscles are receiving all of the load. I then finish the
session, with 3 sets of weighted abdominal crunches in an old Nautilus abs
I train my back and posterior chain basically from the balls of my feet to the
back of my neck. I start with some hyperextensions to warm up my spinal
erectors, this is very important as injury prevention is key when lifting heavy
weights, followed by my first weighted exercise, 2 sets of 13-8 in the seated
cable row with a narrow vertical grip, I perform these through a full range of
motion, always at the same speed, no jerking or explosive movements, a smooth
and steady cadence, keeping the involved muscles under tension for the duration
of the rep and set is key here.
Next I switch the close grip handles for a wide overhand grip and complete the
same sets and reps but with a lighter weight. From there I perform strict
overhand chin ups, these are a great exercise for your back and arms, as well as
your abdominal structure, 2 sets without weight to failure. Next I move to the
deadlift platform, and do 2 sets of heavy stiff legged dead lift, again perfect
form is paramount, I want to feel the weight distributed evenly throughout my
body, an evenly spread load from my feet to my neck and down through my arms.
This exercise when performed properly is exceptionally demanding but it provides
an enormous return for the trainee, these alongside the Squat are real body
changing exercises.
When I have completed them I move over to the dumbbell rack and perform 2 sets
of shrugs.
Thursday is chest, arm flexion and abdominals. First exercise is the flat bench
press, I perform 2-3 sets in the 8-5 rep range again always with a weight that
is the maximum that can be handled safely in perfect form, after that I move to
the dip bars and again perform 2-3 sets, but my reps are normally higher around
13-8. Moving to arm flexion, (many people just say biceps, but that isn't the
entire area that I train) I use an old nautilus curl machine for 2 sets in the
8-5 rep range and follow it with 2 sets of thumbs up rope curls on the cable
machine. It may not seem a lot compared to the masses who train 10 sets of 10 to
build their arms, but my experience with my own arms and those of my trainees
has shown me that hitting them hard and briefly for 4-5 sets under maximum load
is enough!
After that I repeat the abdominal training from Monday.
Friday is legs day. I start with the king of all leg development exercises, the
deep squat. Proper instruction here is essential not just for safety but also
for maximizing results!
I see many trainees in gyms around the World performing the squat with sloppy
form and shallow reps, worse still, using a weight that they can�t properly
control! Ego has no place in proper training and when you are stuck under a
150kg bar in the squat rack you will quickly discover the need to become more
humble in the next set, best case? You look foolish, worst case? You suffer an
injury that can limit yourself for life!
So seek proper instruction, and train yourself to being able to handle some
large weight in the lift whilst ALWAYS squatting low enough so that you femur
goes below horizontal. I perform 2 sets with the same weight for 21 then 13
This is the very cornerstone of my leg development, if not my entire body
development. After I have shuffled away from the squat rack I perform 2 sets of
leg extensions (no jerking or �kicking out� at the top, mind those knees, you
need them) followed by 2 sets of lying leg curls, rep range for both is 13-8
again. After that I move to the calf raise machine and perform 2 sets of 21-13
That�s it! 8 sets total, but if you can even consider carrying on, then you
weren't trying hard enough in the Squat, that first exercise when performed
correctly is an entire session in itself!
Next Question
Dated 05 June 2014
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