Crystal Lai: Best Entertainer and People Choice Award World Pole Dance Championships 2010 Reveals her Secret of Being Fit Staying Healthy isn't about going to Gym, it’s a Lifestyle

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  Crystal Lai: Best Entertainer and People Choice Award World Pole Dance

Crystal Lai fell in love with the art of pole after her first visit to Brandi’s in Vancouver. Soon after, she started her pole journey in 2005 at Tantra Fitness, where she learned from Tammy Morris. With no dance or gymnastics background, Crystal is proud that her 7 years of training have culminated in her becoming Miss Pole Dance Northwest USA 2008, Miss Pole Dance Canada 2010, Best Entertainer and People Choice Award at the 2010 World Pole Dance Championships and was also a finalist at the 1rst World Pole Cup 2011 in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

Crystal enjoys bringing her bubbly personality to upbeat routines, but can also demonstrate grace and control to more melodic music. Crystal hopes by revealing her lack of a dance or gymnastics background will inspire future pole dancers who question their potential; pole dancing can truly stand alone to develop strength and fluidity. With her dancing, she wishes to help progress the technical and performance aspects of her sport as well as use her platform to educate the public about the sport and art of pole dancing. Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world.”

Aside from her pole dancing journey, Crystal graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and is obtaining her second degree in Accounting. During her free time, Crystal likes to spend time with family and friends, explore different cuisines from around the world, and balance random objects her Shiba Inu.

Crystal Lai is proud that her 6 years of training culminated in her becoming Miss Pole Dance Canada and winning Best Entertainer and People Choice at the World Pole Dance Championships in 2010. Now, she is determined to reach the next level in her sport and to continue to share her love to pole dancing!

Crystal Lai achievements as a Pole Dancer

*Finalist at the I World Pole Cup 2011 in Rio de Janiero
*Miss Pole Dance Canada 2010
*Best Entertainer and People Choice Award at the 2010 World Pole Dance Championships
*Miss Pole Dance Northwest USA 2008

Crystal Lai Miss Pole Dance Canada 2010 and Winner of Best Entertainer and People Choice Award at the World Pole Dance Championships 2010. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar President Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You started pole dancing few years back after your first visit to Brandi’s in Vancouver and reached the pinnacle of success in pole dancing where you won Best Entertainer and People Choice Award at the 2010 World Pole Dance Championships. What factors you consider were responsible that made you achieve that?

Ms. Crystal Lai: I believe the support from my friends and family was a huge factor that got me to where I am today with pole dancing. I am extremely lucky to have such a supportive network of friends and family that kept pushing me to the next level, I definitely could not have done it without them. I also think that the fact that I want to show the world that you do not need to be a dancer or a gymnast in order to succeed in this sport was another factor. It was one of the main driving factors to help me stay motivated and train hard.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You learned pole dancing from Tammy Morris and you innovated your own mesmerizing style of pole dancing. Elaborate on Tammy Morris contribution in your competitive pole dancing career?

Ms. Crystal Lai: Tammy taught me the art of entertaining and gave me the starter tools that I need for pole dancing. Not only was she able to teach me the fundamentals of pole dancing/fitness, she passed on her knowledge and years of experience as a professional performer to me. She has guided me to ‘grow’ and ‘develop’ into my own style and find my own personality for the art of pole dancing. Most importantly, she has always reminded me the most important aspect as a performer, which is always keep your audiences entertained.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?

Ms. Crystal Lai: I try to do as much cross training as I can. I don’t mean cross training as in the type of fitness classes that you do, but more training that will help benefit me as a pole dancer: such a dance classes and other intense cardio classes. In the past couple of years, I have picked up squash as a sport just to increase my cardio endurance as well. I also work with an amazing hand balance coach that guides me through series of conditioning exercises that helps me increase the strength that I need to do the crazy tricks on the pole and another outstanding dancer that assists me with dance techniques and helps me out with choreography.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. Crystal Lai: To be perfectly honest, I don’t follow a special diet. The only time that I had followed a diet was when I was training for Miss Pole Dance Canada back in 2010. I enjoy eating as it’s one of my favorite things to do – if I want candies, I’ll have some candies. Having said that, I do watch what I eat on a regular basis and try to pick healthier choices when I go grocery shopping and eat out less.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding pole dancing girls who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in field of pole dancing ?

  Crystal Lai: Best Entertainer and People Choice Award World Pole Dance Ms. Crystal Lai: Have fun and do your best. It sounds cliche but it is so true. I have been pole dancing for 9 years now and I am still excited when I go in for a training session. Pole has so much to offer to every one of us – there are so many different styles out there that you will find one that speaks to you the most. Dance from your heart and share your ‘stories’ with the audience. Eat well and train smart!

Ms. Namita Nayyar: How did you feel before and after standing 1st at Miss Pole Dance Canada 2010?

Ms. Crystal Lai: I was on cloud 9! I have never experienced ‘happy tears’ until that day. All the hard work that I had put in had finally paid off and I was excited beyond words. It is one of my proudest and most accomplished moments in my life. There was an overwhelming amount of support and love coming from the crowd – the whole night was surreal and I still felt as if I was dreaming for the next few days.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Tell us how you being a accomplished pole dance, you use this platform to educate the public about the sport and art of pole dancing?

Ms. Crystal Lai: I believe by simply performing and telling my story to the public slowly educates them about the sport and art of pole dancing. I have a BSc from the University of British Columbia and I have also worked in various fields since graduation, thus it exposes me to many different groups of people who become curious about the world of pole dancing after they learn that I do it as a hobby.

The curiosity then leads them to asking more questions and educating them that there is more to pole dancing than what they know. I know my family and friends have been great about educating the public by sharing my performance videos and explaining to everyone they meet what the art of pole dancing is all about.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Who has been your greatest influencer and motivator in your success in the field of your career in competitive pole dancing ?

Ms. Crystal Lai: Oh dear, there definitely has been a lot of great influencer in the pole dancing field for me. For one, Tammy was my inspiration to start pole dancing and she guided me along the way to Miss Pole Dance Canada and still continues to provide me with support to this day. Jenyne Butterfly, is also my mentor, my coach, and my friend – she is one of the main pioneers in pole dancing for sure.

Jenyne’s performance during the 2009 World Championship blew my mind away, the strength, the grace and the beauty that she possess is something that I work towards to.
And now, just to name a few: Estee Zakar, Natasha Wang, Michelle Stanek, Marion Cramp, Mario Fisken, Carlie Hunter and so many more bring pole to such a different platform from when I first started. Not only are these women amazing performers, they are brilliant teachers and I always have something new to learn from them each time we meet up.

They are my main motivation to keep myself up-to-date with the world of pole dancing and influences me to push to that next level all the time.

Crystal Lai on Women Fitness:

Staying healthy isn't about just going to the gym. It’s a lifestyle – the website shares so many different types of information and offers so many tools for us women to stay active and healthy.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Tell us you experience on being the finalist at the 1st World Pole Cup 2011 in Rio de Janiero, Brazil ?

  Crystal Lai: Best Entertainer and People Choice Award World Pole Dance Ms. Crystal Lai: It was a roller coaster ride – on the one hand, I was excited to represent Canada on the world stage once again to compete but on the other hand, I was injured and nervous about completing my routine. I had torn my rotator cuff on my right shoulder a few weeks prior to the competition; however, I kept training on it. The injury only got worse and I was worried that my body may not be able to perform to the level that it needs to be at; however, I wanted to give it a go.

My travel time out to Rio was about 20 hours (including layover in Dallas) – and I had to compete the same afternoon that I got in to the city. Looking back at that time, my adrenaline must have gotten me past those 4 days. I was shocked that I had made it to the finals as half way through my routine, my right arm went numb and I lost all the strength I have in that arm, thus preventing me from being able to do my original choreography. The next two days went by so fast as I was swamped with teaching workshops and trying to nurse my shoulder for the main competition day.

On the actual day of competition, I was excited and extremely nervous. I knew there was no way that I was able to complete my original choreography and was mentally trying to prepare myself to freestyle if necessary. As I had predicted, my right arm gave out a minute into my routine; however, I kept on my smile despite the excruciating pain I was in. I was happy that I was able to deliver and entertain the crowd as everyone seem to be very pleased with my performance. Even though I did not win a prize at this competition, I have met and made some of the most talented and amazing friends from all around the world.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Crystal Lai: Staying healthy isn't about just going to the gym. It’s a lifestyle – the website shares so many different types of information and offers so many tools for us women to stay active and healthy. Our body is our temple and we should always treat it well. Staying active and healthy will prevent a lot of detrimental illnesses that we see so often in our society now. So keep yourself up-to-date with new information through this website and join different programs that will keep you motivated and active!

Women Fitness Team thanks Crystal Lai for giving her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and made this interview happen.


Namita Nayyar (WF Team)

Dated 28 April 2014


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