Choline intake benefits during pregnancy
A new study done at Cornell University and published June 2(2010) in the
peer-reviewed journal Behavioral Neuroscience found that more choline
during pregnancy and
nursing could provide lasting cognitive and
benefits to people with Down syndrome. The work indicated greater maternal
levels of the essential nutrient could protect against neurodegenerative
conditions such as
Alzheimer's disease.
"We found that supplementing the
maternal diet with additional choline
resulted in dramatic improvements in attention and some normalization of emotion
regulation in a mouse model of Down syndrome," said lead author Barbara Strupp,
professor of nutritional sciences and of psychology. The discovery could lead to
increasing the maternal dietary recommendations for choline, currently 450
milligrams a day during pregnancy, 550 milligrams for lactation.
Dr. Randy Fink, a Miami, Fla., OB/GYN and Fellow with the American Board of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, says that during pregnancy, choline stores can be
Choline is important for the structural integrity of our cell membranes-
Choline, or its metabolites, are needed for the structural integrity
and signaling functions of cell membranes; it is the major source
of methyl-groups in the diet (one of choline's metabolites,
betaine, participates in the methylation of homocysteine to form
methionine), and it directly affects cholinergic neurotransmission,
transmembrane signaling and lipid transport/metabolism
the breakdown and utilization of fat for energy- Choline has
several unique connection to
fat and its name reflects the fact- chole in
Greek means "bile" and bile is the liver's unique food for processing fat.
Choline is also nestled in the fat layers of the membranes of each cell of the
body and it modifies membrane fats to give them greater
flexibility in
sustaining the cells. As it helps in the utilization of fat within the body choline is often referred to as one of the "lipotropic" B vitamins.
Cholesterol transport and elimination from the body- It is
necessary for lipid and cholesterol transport from
liver. Choline helps
emulsify fat, keeping it in liquid form and suspension. As long as
cholesterol is
emulsified, it isn't likely to settle in the arterial walls. Choline helps
transport cholesterol and fats so they can be used by the body or excreted to
maintain healthy cholesterol levels already in the normal range.
It is necessary for normal muscle function- The bladder is a
muscle which is under cholinergic control. Acetylcholine stimulates a type
of receptor in the body called a muscarinic receptor. Stimulation of the
muscarinic receptors in muscles leads to a contraction of the muscle.
Acetylcholine stimulates the muscle contractions of the bladder and supports
healthy urinary function.
Choline is significant for communicating information from nerve to
nerve- These are chemicals are stored in nerve cells and are
involved in transmitting messages between the nerve cells and muscle cells.
Acetylcholine is found in nerve endings and is constantly being manufactured
and broken down by the body.
Plays an important role in male and female fertility- Choline
is a nutrient that potentially enhances
sexuality through its
conversion to acetylcholine. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are
the main driver of testicular functions - and can help stimulate the libido.
Choline helps increase the number of cells in the memory center during a
critical period of brain development. Choline is required for the
synthesis of one of our body's primary neurotransmitters, acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine is vital for thought, memory and
sleep, and is also involved in
the control of movement. Animals whose mothers were fed
supplemental choline scored better on memory tasks throughout their entire
lifetime compared to animals born to mothers who were choline deficient. A
(Apr. 9, 1998) had shown that choline enhances a brain
function called long-term potentiation (LTP), in which the act of receiving an
electrical stimulus or "message" actually paves a pathway allowing future
messages to reach the nerve cell more easily -- similar to the way that rain
water creates a furrow through soil upon repeated downpours, enabling even a
small trickle to find its way more easily.
Food Sources of Choline
Choline is a naturally occurring amino acid existing primarily in nature as
lecithin and is found in egg yolks, milk, nuts, chicken and beef liver, pork
loin, roasted chicken, ground beef, shrimp, soybeans and wheat germ as well as
in human breast milk. Choline can also be found in potatoes, lentils,
cauliflower, oats, sesame seeds and flax seeds and, in lower amounts, in some
leafy green vegetables. It is the essential building block for a memory-forming
brain chemical called acetylcholine, and it plays a vital role in the formation
of cell membranes throughout the body.
Food items
Choline content
(mg/100 g food)
Animal food products
Egg, yolk, raw, fresh
Chicken, liver, all classes, cooked, pan-fried
Egg, whole, cooked, fried
Egg, whole, raw, fresh
Egg, whole, cooked, hard boiled
Turkey, liver, all classes, raw
Chicken, liver, all classes, raw
Turkey, heart, all classes, raw
Turkey, gizzard, all classes, raw
Chicken, broilers or fryers, meat only, raw
Chicken, broilers or fryers, meat and skin, raw
Plant food products
Mustard seed, yellow
pistachio nuts
Garlic powder
Ginger, ground
Brussels sprouts, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Broccoli, raw
Mushrooms, raw
Asparagus, raw
Clementines, raw
Radishes, raw
Blueberries, raw
Cucumber, peeled, raw
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