Namita Nayyar:
What is your skincare and hair care routine like:
a. after a sweaty workout?
Zoe Salmon:
I always have my hair in a high bun during a workout so that I can avoid overwashing it. Fortunately I don’t get a sweaty head when I workout! When I do wash it, (usually only 1-2 times per week) I alternate each wash between an intensive hair mask and a light organic conditioner. I always use a leave-in conditioner too to help comb out all the knots! My hair is fine so it tangles extremely easily. I prefer to let my hair air-dry naturally and I only blow-dry it occasionally.
I use a gel foaming cleanser in the shower and at the moment I’m loving Dr Bonner’s range as it’s natural and organic. To moisturise I like to use a lighter aloe vera serum during the day and always an added SPF if I’ll be outdoors. Finally I’ll apply an eye serum and if I’m applying make-up I’ll use an oil based eye serum instead as it works better for my make-up application.
b. before going to bed?
Zoe Salmon:
I always try to be as gentle as possible with my skin cleansing so I use micellar water, my go to is Bioderma. I like to use a more intense moisturiser at night, usually an oil, at the moment I’m using Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate or a face oil by local Northern Irish brand Mrs R’ganics. I’ll also apply an eye serum at night, I use The Ordinary’s Caffeine Solution. I sleep on a silk pillowcase which is kinder to my hair and skin. When I travel I bring my silk pillowcase with me as it’s part of my skin care and hair care routine.
Namita Nayyar:
You are also often seen being makeup-free. Do you support the important aspect for celebrities to show their true self to the audiences to inspire them towards self-love?
Zoe Salmon:
100% absolutely. I think that people in the public eye have a responsibility to be a positive influence and role model; it’s essential for us to always be aware of this and to make positive choices. No-one is perfect and we’re all individuals with individual concerns, opinions and choices but at the heart of that I think it’s important to consider others and to always inspire.
I’ve seen increasing awareness around the subject of self love encouraging us to love the skin we’re in. Mental and physical health are both equally serious issues and it’s vital we all support each other to spread love and kindness.
I try to never lose sight of the fortunate position I’m in and to use it as a platform to be positive and to help campaign about subjects I’m passionate about.
I get lots of lovely fan mail from people asking me how they can be a TV presenter and I always tell people they can achieve anything. My mum Priscilla used to say “the world is your oyster” and it’s true – it’s everyone’s oyster and I try to spread the belief and love that emanates from self-love, to believe in yourself is a huge aspect of self-love.
When I filmed Channel 4’s The Island with Bear Grylls one of the key elements to survival Bear taught us was “positivity, positivity, positivity”. And it’s true – we’re all trying to survive in life and the more positive we can be in ourselves and towards others, the better. We should always try to build each other up and surround ourselves with those who care about us.
Self care is a good starting point for self-love. To have good nutrition, exercise & sleep patterns, to have fun socially and to find time for relaxation too. Taking care of your mind and body will help you towards being the best that you can be.
Yes I am make-up free the majority of the time and I prefer to look natural when I can and just be me, I love that feeling of simply letting my skin breathe. But I understand that’s not the case for everyone, we all have our own preferences, issues and insecurities but as long as we’re striving to be the best we can be then I think that says a lot.

Namita Nayyar:
Your Favourite holiday destinations for 2019?
Zoe Salmon:
My husband and I always like to return biannually to Barbados to celebrate when we got engaged there and also when we got married on the island. Barbados is very special to us and we look forward to returning in 2019.
Namita Nayyar:
Fitness goals or resolutions for the new year?
Zoe Salmon:
My PT and I track my body composition statistics each week – everything from muscle and bone masses to visceral & body fats and hydration etc. I’ll continue to monitor and maintain my health and fitness but also set new targets and try to achieve new personal bests. Fitness is a continuous journey which is so vital to our wellbeing; I enjoy trying to push my body and boundaries throughout the year to improve my health and to try to live a positive and healthy lifestyle.
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