Namita Nayyar.
How do you like to kick-start your day?
Sheena Shah.
I start my day with prayer, meditation, and yoga outdoors in my garden when the weather is nice! I have found that having some ‘me-time’ before I start my day helps me focus my mind and get everything I need to get done in a calm and grounded way.
Namita Nayyar.
With International Yoga Day around the corner, what are your plans for the same, and message for people out there?
Sheena Shah.
I’m hosting a weekend yoga retreat in Norfolk for my students at the end of June which I’m so excited about! It’s a beautiful chance for everyone to spend quality time reconnecting with themselves, nourish their bodies with healthy food, and meet like-minded people on the same journey of personal growth as them!
Namita Nayyar.
What did your yoga journey until now teach you? What are the key essentials a beginner should embrace to achieve success?
Sheena Shah.
That the greatest victory in life is conquering yourself! Embrace all aspects of yoga – from the physical poses to the breathwork to the yoga philosophy- with an open mind and heart.
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