Namita Nayyar:
Share the best part of your job you enjoy as a model?
Weronika Rosati:
Meeting genuine and brilliant artists is probably what I like most. i just love becoming part of another reality, another world and making a movie or a photo shoot allows you to create a new reality. I think its amazing the pictures and film stays forever out there and they become your legacy, your history.
Namita Nayyar:
Five exercises are an integral part of your workout routine? Morning stretches that you practice? Any sport you like?
Weronika Rosati:
I got myself an elliptical machine when quarantine started and I think I survived thanks to that every day work out (laugh). I stretch every day, do crunches, sit ups – just the basics. But before the lockdown I went every week for long hikes and yoga class.

Namita Nayyar:
Introduce us to a day in your busy life? How do you balance your routine as a mother & an actress? You are known for the role in Obława (2012), where you were nominated for the Polish Film Award for Best Actress. How hasbeenthe experience working in that film?
Weronika Rosati:
My life is ruled by my daughter (laugh) she is the master of my time and sometimes I think the hardest work out is to keep up with her and she is active just like her mommy. My baby is my priority but I always knew I will be pursuing my career even after birth. She joins me on set most of the time. I set up a way of life together and I think she explores the world enormously being with me so much. I try to use every second when she doesn’t require my attention to take care of myself like get a facial, I meditate, and I educate myself as much as I can reading and learning. I think it’s important to keep also your mind alert and expand your knowledge.
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