Namita Nayyar:
As you’re a two-time Olympian, tell us about your preparations for the Games.
Wendy Holdener:
My first Olympics went really badly for me, but the next one, most recently in Pyeongchang went very well as I won a complete set of medals. Essentially, I don’t make any special preparations for the Olympics. In other words, I don’t set out to do anything differently than in a non-Olympic season. It’s important for me to have already got some good results under my belt in the run-up to an Olympics or other major event. This means I can go to these important competitions with a lot of self-confidence.
Namita Nayyar:
Injury and pain are part and parcel of any sport. How do you go about handling them? Do you have any recovery rules you live by?
Wendy Holdener:
Unfortunately, injuries and pain are unavoidable in sport. I try to train hard and train a lot so that my body is ready and I can also reduce my risk of injury. At the same time, I’m very keen to train in the best possible way and not to risk anything if I don’t have to. If I experience any pain, I tell my support staff straight away so that they can help me and we can find a solution together. If there are some very strenuous days ahead or an upcoming competition, only one thing counts: being able to put in the best performance you can. Proper recovery is key to this. Nothing can be left to chance when you’re recovering. This is something I pay a lot of attention to – as well as healthy food and targeted physiotherapy.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you feel about your incredible social media following?
Wendy Holdener:
I think it’s cool that I have such a big fan base and so many people follow me on social media channels. I find social media exciting and like to show people snippets of my life. However, managing your social media channels also takes time. After all, you want to offer your fans added value and not simply post any old random thing. I myself follow other people on social media and very often take a look at what they’re up to. Basically, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I reduced my social media consumption a bit.
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