Namita Nayyar:
There’s a role model in every sport. What athletes have inspired you the most?
Wendy Holdener:
I was a big fan of Didier Cuche. He was at his peak as a ski racer at a time when I was still able to watch ski racing regularly on TV. He inspired me a great deal with his accuracy and the hard work he put in day in, day out to become even better.
Namita Nayyar:
Physical fitness is a key essential in every sport. What comes together to make a good professional skier? What challenges might someone just starting out come across?
Wendy Holdener:
If you’re very fit, you have a better chance of staying healthy. A skiing season is always highly strenuous and requires a lot of strength. It’s important to do everything you can to get better. You’ll then find that the challenges seek you out by themselves. Being a ski racer isn’t an easy job, even if you are lucky enough to live your dream. An awful lot goes into it, such as a proper diet and recovery regime, training, fine-tuning your equipment and your obligations towards your sponsors. You have to really live for your sporting goals and enjoy doing what you do. This applies not only to skiing but also to any sport out there.
Namita Nayyar:
What diet do you like to stick to for optimum performance? What five favourite foods do you enjoy any time?
Wendy Holdener:
Of course I watch my diet, but not to the same extremes as endurance athletes in other sports, for instance. The most important thing for me is to always get enough protein. Fruit, pasta, meat, cheese and bread are among my favourite foods. Every now and then I treat myself to something sweet as well.
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