Tracey Birdsall is an American film and television actress best known for her diverse and challenging roles – which recently earned her the esteemed Female Action Performer of the Year award at the highly regarded Action on Film Festival for her role of Sienna in the recently Premiered and highly anticipated Science Fiction film Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter.
Lets check out her exclusive interview with Women Fitness.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You are best known for your diverse and challenging roles – which earned you the esteemed Female Action Performer of the Year award at the highly regarded Action on Film Festival for your role of Sienna in the recently Premiered and highly anticipated Science Fiction film Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter. Tell us more about your journey in Hollywood?
Ms. Tracey Birdsall:
Oh it’s definitely been a journey! I spent my younger years (relatively speaking) training a lot and working sporadically. I’m a huge believer of working on your craft unless you are at work at your craft. As the years went on, I didn’t have the time to train and coach as much as I was preparing for roles and working. Over the last five years, I’ve come to really miss my coach – as I’ve only been in to see her a handful of times… I’m constantly working. I’ve also come to miss the audition process, as it used to be a huge part of my days/weeks/years… I can’t even remember the last audition I went on…
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
It is often said that there is cutthroat competition and you have to work really hard to survive here. What would be your best tips for a newcomer entering Hollywood?
Ms. Tracey Birdsall:
It is said that it’s cut-throat competition; yes I’ve heard this said many times. On the contrary, my perspective is completely different. I believe that we are only in competition with ourselves, not really in competition with each other. Each day, my job is to be the very best me that I can be, and to always arrive overly prepared and excited to work. If I’m not working, my job is to make sure my tools are sharp for when I’m called (training, working out, taking care of myself). My work and my roles really don’t have to do with anyone else, and roles I did not get hired for (at the so-called competition stage), were not my roles after all. I think people get too excited about what “could” happen in this town, and forget to focus on what “does” happen – which is your life. My best tips would be to train with a teacher that doesn’t praise you, train with someone who teaches you what you need to work on. Too much of this town is about praise so I always see that as a falsity. Work on your craft, your presentation of self, and your fitness – and inspire yourself with yourself. Look to yourself, not to others. If you want to be successful in this town, work 10 times harder than anyone else is working. It’s a very tough industry, and there’s no easy route.
Full Interview on Next Page!
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