Gilad’s Tips:

*Find your guide. If you don’t know where to begin or what to do, doing a home video workout can be as easy as moving the coffee table out of the way and following along on your TV, smartphone or table. Putting together a workout whether you’re at the gym or at home requires thought and discipline. When I designed my routines for the Bodies in Motion with Gilad show, my goal was to create programs that didn’t require a lot of space or equipment and that viewers could easily follow along, yet still get a great workout in. Following along with trained instructors while working out at home can not only show you what moves to do, but also provide great information on proper form.
*Make fitness a family affair! Much like Albert Einstein, I have my own theory of relativity: The more muscle you have relative to fat, the more energy your body can produce! But my special law of relativity is to get your relatives involved! I created two Gilad’s Kids in Motion workouts specifically to encourage not only children to be active, but in a format that adults could follow along with as well. Regardless of what fitness routine you’re doing at home, doing it as a family can create a fun group setting that benefits everyone. It also helps you to keep your routine, since your kids will be less likely to distract you from your workout if they’re exercising with you.
*Realize that you have a choice as to how you use your time. While practicing self-distancing, for example, you can succumb to a “poor me” mentality and sit on the couch, or you can realize that, while you don’t know how long this will last, you can still eat healthy and think of this as an opportunity to fashion your own fitness camp at home. Motivation is extremely influenced by how you think of your circumstances and, while many things are out of your control, how you think about things is up to you!

Want to get your body in motion? Gilad released several of his DVDs in full for free on YouTube at and also has two free workouts for children to help keep them active while stuck inside. You can also take advantage of a limited time, free two week trial period of the network which offers the complete library of Bodies in Motion with Gilad and Total Body Sculpt with Gilad.
You can discover more about Gilad’s workouts and fitness expertise by visiting, on Facebook at @BIMHawaii, and on Instagram @gilad_bodies_in_motion
Jari Love is a certified personal trainer, author and creator of the wildly popular and scientifically tested Get Ripped! workout series. Jari is also a frequent contributor on fitness, weight loss, and nutrition topics for publications and television programs world-wide.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.