Tiana Flex: An Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Fitness Model, IFBB Professional Physique Competitor and Fitness Expert

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What is your diet? Do you take a
particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients
and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?
Ms. Tiana Flex: Dieting through the year, I stick to 6
meals a day, eating as clean as possible. But not as
when I prepare for contest. I do not take supplements
and stick to organic meals to ensure my body gets all
the nutrients and vitamins it needs to be in maximum
condition to keep all organs and muscles fed. Beyond
competing health is number one to ensure that I can put
my body through the stress involved in preparation for
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What is your motivation to take a
multi-faceted personality of a fitness model, IFBB
professional physique competitor and fitness expert?
Ms. Tiana Flex: By nature I am an introvert and shy
person. Once starting this journey my husband had to
really motivate and encourage me to step out of my
comfort zone and realize that I am an inspiration to
many other women wanting to better themselves and
achieve their goals. Now motivating other athletes and
followers has become an exciting part of my journey. As
a physique athlete, it requires a completely different
set of skills. Being dedicated day by day to achieve the
perfect physique to step out on stage requires that I
withdraw somewhat in order to focus. This training
routine is more focused on muscle group training to
achieve the cut rather than fitness and health training.
My first photo shoot as a model really required me to
lose my shyness in order to allow the photographer to
create artwork whilst photographing me. It also guided
me gently to be aware of how others see me. This in turn
helped me a lot to become the motivator that I now do
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have a perfect chiseled physique.
You are an epitome role model for fitness conscious
women of today. Tell us the secret of having such a
beautiful, glamorous and perfect physique?
Ms. Tiana Flex: Wow, I get this question quite a lot.
There is no secret, in order to have a perfect chiseled
physique; I had to make life choices. My lifestyle is
one hundred percent dedicated to making a success of my
career and being the best me I can be. I am genetically
gifted by god; however, it does not make it easier.
I have to work so hard and deny myself so much, when it
comes to eating and socializing. We sacrifice a lot by
hardly ever letting loose. I never ever eat fatty meals,
junk food or drink. I ensure I get enough sleep and rest
in order to give my all in the gym.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have glowing skin and gorgeous
hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it
young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair
to make them look so stunning?
Ms. Tiana Flex: When training, I hardly ever wear
makeup, this allows my skin to breath as the pores are
opened whilst training. Once every 6 months, I go for a
skin peel Lerina I beauty.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Fitness modelling is about bold photo
shoots. What advice you wish to give to the women of
today to be body confident in order to do such bold
Ms. Tiana Flex: I had to really accept my body as
beautiful in order to be able to project the self
confidence in often revealing photo shoots.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Advice and motivational words to the
inspiring and budding professional
Physique competitor girls who all are your fans and
shall like to know from you for their climb to ladder of
success in field of professional physique competitions?
Ms. Tiana Flex: My advice would be that you take up this
sport because of yourself not to impress anyone else.
This sport really requires that you give so much of
yourself that if you do it for fame or glamour you will
lose yourself in the process. Obviously you want to have
the edge when stepping out on stage, therefore
self-confidence is vital. You will almost have to
develop a thick skin, as you will face judgement and
critique. But boy, oh boy it is worth it once you see
the results.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Tell us how you felt before and after
your spectacular achievement of standing 1st place in
2013 WBFF in figure and 1st overall and earned WBFF card
to compete in las vegas as a pro diva?
Ms. Tiana Flex: Words cannot capture the moment! I
however will still try. The international arena
captivates your imagination. You strive to reach that
level but it is so big and so different from the south african fitness scene, it is just breath-taking to be
part of such a vibrant , motivated, competitive group of
people. All whom have one goal to be the best they can
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