Tiana Flex: An Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Fitness Model, IFBB Professional Physique Competitor and Fitness Expert

Tiana Flex is an exceptionally talented fitness model,
IFBB professional physique competitor and fitness
expert. She is in a candid conversation with Namita
Nayyar, President Women Fitness.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You must be interested in sports and
physical activities since your childhood. You started
training in 2009 to be healthier and met your 1st
trainer Tony Flex (now your husband) and 8 months later
competed in your 1st Fitness show. Later you were
encouraged & motivated to compete in fitness
competitions. You reached the pinnacle of success by
winning at 2013 WBFF 1st Place in Figure, 1st Overall
and Won WBFF card to compete in Las Vegas as a Pro Diva.
Tell us more about your journey that took you to the the
world of fitness and as a competitor in physique
Ms. Tiana Flex: I have been an avid sports lady from a
very young age. Being physical is my oxygen to life. I
have excelled in athletics at school in 100 meter
sprint, as well as the equestrian arena from a very
young age. I earned the victrix ludorim and participated
as dressage rider in many competitions locally and
I started training in the gym after going through a very
difficult time in my life. My goal was to better my
physique and find new focus. This was the right choice,
not only did I develop the physique I currently have, I
also met my husband and together we are so focused on
changing our world by encouraging and motivating all and
everybody we come in contact with .
From just wanting to better my physique to get to the
professional stage was hard work but so worth it. I had
to change all of me to be where I am today.
As an equestrian I did not really wear make-up, being
outdoors on horseback and dusty was a completely
different world to where I am now. I had to learn to see
myself as a beautiful woman, I had to learn to be more
extrovert and to put my assets out on a stage for all to
see how amazing our bodies are and how special we as
women are. Making a difference in people's lives became
my focus.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: How your interest in health &
wellness, motivation and training by your husband has
helped you in carving your present profession of being a
fitness model, fitness expert and a physique competitor?
Ms. Tiana Flex: Being in the industry as a couple
certainly has benefits. We can support and motivate one
another in the competition season. My husband's passion
for the sport is contagious and pushes me in the gym to
my limit. He is forever studying the latest trends in
training techniques and nutrition as he is an
international online fitness coach and I reap the
benefits from these studies.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Share your exercise routine that you
do to maintain such a bikini perfect physique?
Ms. Tiana Flex: I train 6 days a week, all year; I do
not take off season breaks dramatically. Thus when
competition time comes it is easier to get into
competition shape.
My typical day revolves around fasted cardio for one
hour and one hour weight training in the afternoon.
- Monday: legs
- Tuesday: chest
- Wednesday: arms
- Thursday: back
- Friday: shoulders
- Saturday: abs and calves
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All Written Content Copyright 2016 Women Fitness