You have a really great site!
I was just looking at your web site and it is excellent! You have done an excellent job
Thanks for pointing out your great site, it is just the sort of link I’m looking for. I have added a link to womenfitness to the skills and fitness section of my site
Jon Pitchfork
You have a great web site!
Tyler Burgess
Hi Namita,
Just a note to let you know that I am impressed with your program after 3 weeks thus far. I have worked with 5 different trainers over a long period of time, and exercised regularly 5 times per week, but I was never instructed to do exercise in the order you prescribed. I am amazed at how exercising in a certain sequence and eating more foods in the proper combinations can make such an unbelievable difference. I have already lost 4 pounds after being stuck at my previous weight for such a long time. You certainly have a winner! Thank you !
Hello Namita,
just an email to let you know I am doing well. I have been on your program about 10 days now, and I have lost almost 5 pounds. I like it and actually look forward to the next day. Thanks!
Thank you so much for all of your continued support and kind emails over the year.
Many thanks for your wisdom and words of inspiration, It means a lot.
Since so many mondays you’ve been motivating me in the right direction. and thanx for doing that. i’m really motivated in so many positive directions. There is nothing like reading your motivating messages every Monday and trying to inculcate those aspects into my life! Once again thank you all @’women fitness’ hope to receive many more messages like this and thats it for now and catch you later.
I enjoy your site and grateful for it. Have a great week.
Excellent website. Lots of good information.
Thank You
Chuck Krautblatt, IFA, CEO
Great – I enjoy your site. Thanks.
I absolutely love your “Monday motivations”–you are a very blessed person to be able to make such a large impact on so many people. You’re definitely right, you need to go 100% or be continuously dissatisfied. I think that philosophy could apply to most of life! Thanks
I think you have a great idea and are providing a needed service for women.
To namita, I really felt this statement that you had written on motivation and how one should achieve goals. Persistence and resistance. For the most part is for what. What is one to resist and persist against. For myself, I guess at this time of my life I must begin to consciously strive toward my goals on a day to day, hour by hour basis. Make the effort to make the right choice. Which then comes to resisting outside elements that will try to push me away from reaching goals whatever they may be. You said it perfect. Thanks for making your letter available to show people the right way, like a catalyst.
From Kenny, aspiring fitness buff and martial artist Support Team Member CyberSoft, Inc.
women fitness has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2001-2002 Golden Web Award. You and Your Staff at women fitness have Obviously Worked Very Hard – Proudly Display Your Award
Masters & Designers
Congratulations of your new website. It’s very nice and well put together. Thank you so much for all you do for women’s health, and especially for what you do for women and girls with endo! Warmly,
Brenda W. Quinn Endometriosis Association
The Digit Web Awards is an effort toward recognizing the fabulous work done by the industry over the years and helping set standards for the up coming Web Sites. Looking at your impeccable contribution to the Web worldwide, we feel your presence will lend an impetus to our efforts.
Sandip Maiti Jasubhai Digital Media.
Hi Namita! Congratulations! Your site “Women Fitness” has been reviewed by all our judges & scored 82/120 points. Your site has met the award requirements & we are proud to reward you with our 1Simple Guide’s Bronze Award! Once again, congratulations &thank you for the opportunity of judging your site. Iza1 Simple Guide Many thanks for your wisdom and words of inspiration, It means a lot.
Barbara Little Spirit
I am very impressed with the information on your website. I very much appreciate the detailed instructions on how to do the exercises. Is it ten US dollars to join? That is very reasonable.
Hello Namita, Congratulations!!……Your site definitely qualifies for the “Critical Mass Award”. A very nice site, excellent design, clever original graphics, great photos, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits Cheers,…
Bill Darling
I love this site. I am going through some life changes now and I really use your insight and inspirations. They seem to get me right where and when I need it. Keep up the good work..
I like your website. I found it to be informative.
Sherryann Simon
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