Namita Nayyar:
In 2008, you began hosting the Playboy TV erotic instructional show, School of Sex. What led you to take up the offer and what is the show all about? Sexual health is an essential part of fitness and how far do you rate it on the scale of 1-10?
Tera Patrick:
Being fit and healthy is a game changer for your sex life!! I mean if your’e out of breath let it be from changing positions and not because you don’t have stamina right!!! I like to do pelvic tilts because this exercise strengthens your pelvic muscles, core and tush which help you with YOUR stamina! Kegels are important too!
Namita Nayyar:
Your daily diet routine? Your 5 favourite food and your favourite meal would include?
Tera Patrick:
I eat a lot of fresh vegetables, fruit, lentils, quinoa, and fresh fish. I aim to drink about 2 liters of water per day sometimes 3 depending on how active I am. I can’t emphasize enough how important being hydrated is! At night I make a “tonic” of hot water, a teaspoon of raw honey, cinnamon and a half a lemon squeezed in. It’s calming and a great immune booster! I also take a teaspoon of apple side vinegar in my water once or twice per week . When I feel a cold coming on I take oregano oil. Just a few drops under my tongue held boost immunity! I’m half Thai so my favorite foods to “cook” would be Thai Curries, noodle dishes and Som Tom or Raw Green Papaya salad is my favorite! Your diet is REALLY the biggest factor in not just maintaining your body weight and appearance but your internal health as well so I try to be mindful of what I eat especially when I travel because I won’t always find the time to workout with such a tight schedule!
Namita Nayyar:
With a massive fan following how do you go about handing been a multi-tasker?
Tera Patrick:
THIS is challenging! You have to prioritize because really it’s impossible to do it all. I mean maybe you CAN but I don’t believe in depleting yourself or exhausting yourself , then you might not enjoy your “rewards!! . I make and keep lists and I have a planner to actually WRITE my tasks, appointments and ideas down. I find that this keeps me focused and checking off my list makes me feel accomplished!
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