Namita Nayyar:
What glute exercises do you highly recommend to prevent joint pain?
Tammy Hembrow:
One of my favourites is ‘sit to stand’ the easiest way to do this is to grab a chair and pretend you’re about to sit on it and then stand up- for best results do this as slow as possible and remember to squeeze!
Namita Nayyar:
You have also spoken about the importance of eating protein-rich food and complex carbohydrates to maintain good physique. How do you incorporate these in your meals?
Tammy Hembrow:
I’ve actually been following my App Tammy Fit, I worked with a nutritionist on the meals to make sure they have a good balance so it’s much easier for me to incorporate the right foods especially with my busy schedule.
Namita Nayyar:
Ingredients that are a must in your kids menu? Foods to keep to the minimum?
Tammy Hembrow:
My kids pretty much eat what I eat, so vegetables, chicken and I’ve recently been cooking the meals from my app and they’re loving the variety!
Namita Nayyar:
Being a mom is a full-time job, and you are one of Australia’s top fitness entrepreneur and influencer too. Tips how working women can fit a workout into their busy schedule?
Tammy Hembrow:
- Find the time! I know it seems impossible sometimes, especially after a long day but all you need is a 30 min workout 5 days a week to make the difference! For me it’s all about how hard you push yourself in the workout and not the length of the workout.
- Use my app. The gym/ home workout can take forever when you aren’t sure what to do/ how to do it. My app will guide you step by step of each exercise and how to execute it! (even at home)
- Plan your week, with kids and work, things won’t always go to plan but it can help as a guide when trying to fit your workouts in. I find that some sort of routine can be really helpful.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.