Exceptionally Talented Fashion Supermodel, Actress and TV Host Sylvie Meis Shares her unwavering battle with Cancer and much more

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You are world leading media personality,TV host, model, actress, star icon and a
brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable
multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Ms. Sylvie Meis: Well, I think the diversity of my
career is due to the fact that I need this constant
changing of challenges. This keeps me on top of my game
and motivates me everyday to do my very best.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness
regime or workout routine that you may wish to share?
Ms. Sylvie Meis: I am 38 years old now. Of course I have
to train for my body a lot! I normally train 5 times a
week as well as 2 sessions with my personal trainer a
week. I do 30 min cardio a day as well as 20 min abs and
20 min focusing on my arms.
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