Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have selected a profession of being a singer, songwriter, producer and editing music that requires a lot of hard labor, technical soundness and excellence in different faculties to finally succeed, how do you achieve that?
Ms. Stef Lang: Learning how to produce, record and edit my own vocals is not something I ever ‘planned’ on doing but now that I know how to, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Knowing how to build, create sounds and track your own vocal ideas has been so important to me and absolutely crucial to my creative process. It’s also opened a lot of doors for me also because I’ve earned several big features on records simply because I was able to record the vocals myself and send it back to them.
Having that versatility can only benefit you. I learned productions skills back when I was an intern and continued to use them, practice, try new ideas and watch/learn tricks from others. My case has been a ‘learn-by-doing.’
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Stef Lang: I run a lot. I used to really dislike running but now I need to because it clears my mind. When I don’t, I can get really bad anxiety so when I run it completely releases all that tension and gets me back to a good place mentally. I’m a big fan of the P90X work outs (KenPoX, Plyometrics, YogaX) and I also like to take fun classes like hip hop dance classes.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Stef Lang: I don’t have a special diet other than I eat several smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to two huge meals. I eat a lot but it’s broken up into 4-5 meals so I think the key for me has been portions. Also, my body has the ability to tell me whether or not I’m not eating enough fruits, veggies because I’ll crave it. When it comes to food, I love everything that’s bad for me, especially bread, pasta, chocolate. Whenever I’ve tried to cut these things out of my diet completely, I only want them more. So I keep them in my diet just in portions and moderation.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?
Ms. Stef Lang: For skin cleanser I use Estee Lauder ‘Perfectly Clean’ Cleanser and I use the Day Wear & Night Wear moisturizers. For foundations and primers I love using STILA makeup products.
My hair has been done by Matthew J Schubert for many years now, he’s kept all my hair looks (cuts & color) all very fresh and fashion forward. We’ve used many products by Redken (Shampoo & Conditioner) Also CAT treatment & Anti-Snap. I also like using the dry-shampoo & powder grip for styling as well as argon oils for softness and shine. My hair’s really long, so I tend to keep it simple by throwing a few curls in it as a daily look.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Advice and motivational words for our inspiring and budding singers who all are your fans, what should they do for their climb to the ladder of success in field of singing?
Ms. Stef Lang: The biggest thing I could say is that if music is something you need to do, then do it. There’s a difference between “wanting” to do something and “needing” to do something. I’m in music because I need to do it. There’s nothing else I’d rather do. If you want it that bad, don’t be afraid of the challenges along the way, go after it and keep getting back up when you fall. Cause you will Also, if you’re an artist…do what you think is cool. Trust in your talents as they evolve and have faith in your abilities. Everything starts happening for you when you believe in yourself.
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