Namita Nayyar:
What common misconceptions about yoga do you encounter, and how do you think you could address them?
Snigdha Bharadwaj:
My favourite question!! Here they are:
Myth: Yoga means tough asanas on the yoga mat. This is something to be done only by the “healthy” people
Answer: Wrong! Yoga happens even if you are raising your hand synchronized with your breath! It’s as simple as this. Everyone can do yoga asanas. We have sukshma vyayama ( subtle exercise) – that addresses the health of joints when done along with breath & awareness it gives amazing results. Anyone can do yoga- of course in case of some dire disease one must consult the doctor first.
Myth: I do Gym and a lot of jogging and walking. I don’t need yoga.
Answer: The gym addresses the musculoskeletal system of the body. It has nothing to do with the other 7 systems in our body- the nervous system, circulatory system, etc to name a few. The after-effect of Gym is tiredness in the body and the mind is not involved so not much work there. It works more on the sympathetic nervous system that is responsible for fight or flight! I have nothing against Gym but just stating the facts.
Walking is a must even if one does yoga and gym. It’s an aerobic exercise that the body needs.
Yoga is isometric and when done properly has a profound effect on our physical and subtle (mind, intellect, memory, and self) bodies. The deep calmness experienced after ending the asana session with a good meditation has its effect throughout the day at the mind level too. This works on the parasympathetic nervous system hence improving the vagal tone leading to a strong being. The world is not experiencing the outcome of Therapeutic yoga! One has to experience this practically to know what I am talking about.

Namita Nayyar:
As a yogini, how do you incorporate the principles of mindfulness and presence into your daily life?
Snigdha Bharadwaj:
My day starts with 45 mins of yoga asanas and pranayama after which I slip into Sudarshan Kriya and meditation. This practice keeps me alert and aware of my own emotions and feelings during different situations that life unfolds throughout the day. I don’t say I never get upset but even if I do it’s for a very short moment and I bounce back into my calm and peaceful happy state of mind.
So I would say “mindfulness” for me, is awareness and doing everything with 100% focus and concentration joyfully without stress. I feel contented and that is the source of my happiness- all thanks to my yoga practices!
Namita Nayyar:
Lastly, on this International Yoga Day, what message would you like to share with those who are curious about starting their yoga journey?
Snigdha Bharadwaj:
Very short and sweet msg-
YOGA IS THE SWEETEST ADDICTION! It’s your life. You have already spent 20,30,40,50,60 years of your life without Yoga. Make the yoga mat your best friend and experience the other side of life …calm, peaceful, joyful, and living life to the fullest! Who doesn’t want that?
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.