Namita Nayyar:
In your opinion, what makes yoga such a powerful practice for holistic well-being?
Snigdha Bharadwaj:
The regular consistent practice of yoga makes it very powerful.
Holistic well-being incorporates Physical, Mental, and Emotional well-being. One cannot say that he/she is “healthy” because they are not taking any medication.

Namita Nayyar:
What about the mental and emotional well-being?
Snigdha Bharadwaj:
Yoga gives you that- the inner balance and strength, the focus (after effect of meditation), perseverance, etc. It brings in balance both at the body and mind level- through asanas, pranayama, and meditation. Every asana practice must culminate into a peaceful meditation – THEN YOGA HAPPENS!
Namita Nayyar:
International Yoga Day celebrates unity and harmony. How does yoga create unity among people from diverse backgrounds and cultures?
Snigdha Bharadwaj:
We are all aware of how Yoga from India was looked down upon in earlier days! Now it’s become a fashion statement!
June 21st, 2014 saw the world coming together to celebrate the International Day of Yoga- a proud moment for my country! Yoga rises above the earthly nitty gritty of life – religion, caste, creed, culture & diverse backgrounds. The first union happens in the self when one does yoga- the union of body, mind, and soul – Breath plays the most important role! This individual unity later spreads in ripples into the society when all do the practice. I would like to elaborate more here:
Yoga addresses the truth of life which is – we are humans first- made of the same panch tattva- earth, water, fire, ether, and air. The balance in these 5 elements in our mind and body matrix through the practice of yoga, and meditation brings about harmony- wipes out the negativity and clears the negative vibrations! With regular practices, the world is realizing the worth of a peaceful state of mind and this is how unity blossoms through Yoga and continues to.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.