Namita Nayyar:
You educate people on how food affects their bodies on a physiological and emotional level. Many find it hard to believe this as true, please throw some light?
Serena Poon:
Yes, in my practice of Culinary Alchemy®, I teach people that the energy and the thoughts you put into your food can directly affect the energetic vibration of the food, as well as how your body receives it.
Food is one of our most important defenses against both disease and anxiety. In times of uncertainty and fear, grounding foods can help you feel safe, calm and connected. Anxiety and stress can also decrease the strength of our immune system, so it’s equally important to eat immunity boosting foods during challenging times.
Whole foods that are rich in antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids, probiotics/prebiotics, nutrient-dense in C, D, E & B vitamins and minerals magnesium, zinc and potassium all support the body in ways that help to lower stress, anxiety and other depressive symptoms. Foods high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory levels help to protect our whole body and especially our brains, from oxidative stress and inflammation.
Omega-3 rich foods are great for lowering stress and anxiety because they contain alpha lipoic acids (EPA & DHA), which help to reduce inflammation, regulate our neurotransmitters and promote healthy brain function.
Foods that have high levels of Vitamin D, magnesium can help calm neurotransmitters and helps with symptoms of depression.
Zinc, which is essential for brain and nerve development, has also been linked to lowering anxiety.
Foods rich in different B vitamins (folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine) and certain amino acids, can support our nervous systems and help with lowering stress because they help our body to make neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter that helps us regulate our mood, memory, sleep, brain function, behavior and anxiety. The amino acid tryptophan, which is responsible for creating niacin, that also helps the body produce serotonin.
Foods with probiotic and prebiotic bacteria help to support our gut, which is like our second brain! A good 95% of serotonin is produced in our gut, so foods that support a healthy gut microbiome and digestive system is equally important for managing stress and anxiety.
Namita Nayyar:
Your advice regarding how people should cope with the upcoming Christmas and winter season to stay fit and healthy.
Can reiki play a role in healing under these circumstances. How far has it helped your clients, please share some feedback?

Serena Poon:
I believe in faith over fear. I believe in the power of our thoughts, the energy of love and that our bodies are incredible self-healing machines. I believe that we are powerful souls and that sometimes we need a little bit of help, but that the power to heal is within us.
When it comes to balancing self-care from the emotional, mental and spiritual angles, I would say that having a grounding practice and daily (sometimes all day, throughout the day!) affirmation practice is key. Grounding can come in the form of breathwork, meditation, prayer, gratitude lists, journaling, walking or even during the methodical nature of food preparation.
Grounding keeps you centered, aligned in your own energy, even while there is chaos around you, and focuses your attention on one thing at a time, as opposed to scattered thoughts everywhere. The affirmations for me, were powerful and empowering. I would repeat to myself, from the start of the day in the shower, and throughout the day.
I am also very mindful of eating to support my spiritual nutrition, the essentials of Culinary Alchemy®. So, for the days that I felt that my root chakra needed more support, I reached for those foods. The same for my heart chakra, my solar plexus, as well as all the other chakras.
In terms of reiki, as a core component of my practice, it has also been one of the most supportive modalities that have helped my clients and my community all year. In the beginning of the pandemic and throughout heightened times this year, I practiced distal reiki sessions several nights a week before bed, sending healing energy out to clients, people in need and to our world as a whole. When you send out loving, healing energy out like that, you also receive energy, so that is also helpful. One of the most important things I did for my community, which actually ended up supporting my own emotional care as well, was starting the #LOVENOTE hashtag trend in March. Encouraging people to leave a love note (text message, voice note, post-it note, signs, etc) for their friends, loved ones, healthcare workers, delivery persons, etc, was so positive and healing for everyone.
Staying focused on positive news of kindness and humanity from around the world is healing for the mind and for the heart. The collective conscious energy of love, kindness and unity is healing, strengthening and powerful.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.