Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Winning involves a lot of determination and sacrifice, more so in the life of a professional sportswoman. What exercises comprise your fitness regime both on a daily basis & when you are preparing for competition?
Ms. Sadie Bjornsen:
The majority of my summer months I get to spend my time training outdoors in the mountains. I live and train out of Anchorage, Alaska, where I run and hike in the mountains,as well as rollerski and bike on the roads to stay fit. My club is fortunate to have The Thomas Training Center at Eagle Glacier where we can ski in the summer as well! Aside from that, I also spend a certain amount of time in the gym to complement my aerobic work. During the winter racing months, most of my training is out on the race trails preparing for the weekend of races.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Optimum nutrition is an integral part of the life of a sports person to stay fit and recover from wear & tear. There is no doubt you need to take special care of your diet? Do you follow a strict menu to stay healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Sadie Bjornsen:
I always think of nutrition as the fuel for my really fancy sports car. What I eat is what I am. For that reason, I try to be good about feeding myself the very best fuel. That isn’t always easy as we are traveling the world, and trying to find the best food in many different cultures. Despite trying to take good care of myself, I also take the time to reward myself every once in a while. My favorite rewards are tortilla chips, and chocolate.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Being a professional athlete, you are a role model for many striving to make it their dream come true, provide us in 5 words key to success?
Ms. Sadie Bjornsen:
Never stop believing, have fun!
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You had your Olympic debut at the 2014 Sochi Games, where you and your teammates finished ninth. You also raced in two individual events, the 10km individual (classical) and the Skiathlon – an event which encompasses 7.5km of classical racing followed by 7.5km of freestyle. Tell us how does it feel to be so close to living your dream?
Ms. Sadie Bjornsen:
Sochi was a dream for me. I went there with my eyes wide open, and taking in the best of this amazing experience. I didn’t have many expectations for myself, so everything was a dream come true! During the 2014 Games, I vowed to myself I would come back again with a dream of winning medals. It was pretty exciting to come back to my second Olympics these past few weeks in South Korea to do exactly so!
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