Namita Nayyar:
5 exercises that are a must for toning your leg muscles and to enhance flexibility.
Sabra Johnson:
Best exercises all to tone and stretch leg muscles.
1. Plies! (Ballet) for strength and fluid movement.
2. Lunges to balance and stretch.
3. Hamstring stretch. Just touch your toes!
4. Lunge and let your back knee stay on the floor, stretch your psoaz. Very important!
5. Passes and Develops. Balancing on one leg and lifting the other into the air, it takes a certain strength and flexibility to be able to achieve this. Two birds with one stone!
Namita Nayyar:
How would you define Women Fitness?
Sabra Johnson:
Women Fitness is strong mind strong body and vise versa. It feels good to feel good about yourself.
Namita Nayyar:
After a spectacular journey up till now, where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Sabra Johnson:
In the next five years I will have completed the movie I’m currently working on and reach millions and millions of people. I will build my house. I will start a family. I will still be dancing and continuing to create.
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