Namita Nayyar:
You offer a program “Love Up” that is a 8-week, divinely-inspired online immersion into the highest frequency of love and soul connection, designed for one to find clarity on who your soul match is and call them in fast, get clear on what you desire in your current relationship & up level, or embody divine union codes so you and your partner can grow together. Tell us more about this very unique course that you offer and that is rare to find in today’s world.
Regan Hillyer:
Love Up is such a popular program. I devised this with my husband, Juan Pablo Baraonha, so many of our clients would come to us and on the outside it seemed that they had everything. They were affluent, positive, and in every way, seemed fulfilled and energized, and yet, often, they had been unable to attract the soul mate of their dreams. Their personal lives were littered with fractured heartbreak, destructive relationships and relationship trauma.
Our program, Love Up, unpacks the whys and wherefores of attraction to assist individuals to get clear on what qualities they desire in their relationships. It is designed for them to find clarity on who their soul match is and call them in fast, and how to understand and embody the divine union codes so they and their partner can then grow together. Love Up is an 8-week journey into a divinely inspired online immersion into the highest frequency of love and soul connection.
Namita Nayyar:
You are the founder of Regan Hillyer International, companies dedicated to helping people have it all on their terms, in whatever way that looks like for them. Kindly elaborate on the offerings of this company to the prospective clients of yours who wish to have services from your esteemed organization.
Regan Hillyer:
Regan Hillyer International (RHI) is an education, business and personal development company that offer multiple programs, courses, inspirational immersions and a full, online, safe community of like-minded souls – Ignite with Regan. RHI specializes in assisting people to think outside of the square, find their purpose and create a life that they truly love. In the past eight years, I have coached and facilitated hundreds of thousands of clients to manifest and build the life, relationship, and business of their dreams.
I am recognized globally as a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, energetic coach, international speaker, mindset coach, thought leader, and empath, and my programs and courses reflect all of these aspects. And, through my RHI online platform, I empower and impact the lives of millions of people worldwide. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing a client take on the world in their chosen niche, create the money that they wish to, and in the process, pay it forward and give back to society.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Regan Hillyer:
As a regular global traveler I rely on a well-founded health and fitness formula to support me through a busy, and often, hectic work and lifestyle schedule. What if I told you your health, body and energy levels were essentially an internal game as opposed to an external one? This concept is somewhat counterintuitive, in a world where a new diet, new exercise regime or health protocol comes up every other day. For me this idea is in line with my commitment to powerful mindset training tools.
It is 80% internal, 15% around eating and 5% on how I choose to move my body. Plus, here’s an example regular workout/strength training for my shoulders that looks like this:
Perform four sets of each exercise – 1) Dumbbell Lateral Raise, 2) Dumbbell Alternating Anterior Deltoid Raise, 3) Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press, 4) Upright Row, for the amount of reps (20/15/10/20). Rest one minute between each set. Pay particular attention to tempo: 1:3 seconds. For example with a Shoulder Press, breathe out and push up for one second, taking three seconds to come down, having the weights around ear-level whilst you breathe in. Use body-mind connection to put your energy and intention into the muscle. Total time 45-50 minutes.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Regan Hillyer:
I commence my day upon waking with a routine that is a ‘must do’ that involves a mixture of journaling, meditation, manifestation and mental exercises around gratitude, thankfulness and leaning into the projects that I have on hand that I wish to progress and bring to fruition.
And, every day I talk to my body, love it from the inside and the outside, tell my body that it is beautiful and request that it manifests itself to be what I desire. I talk to my muscles requesting intentional growth and definition and also communicate with ‘stuck’ toxic fat cells requesting of my body that it removes these with ease. This is my morning ritual, it takes only 5 or 10 minutes and I firmly believe that this ritual doesn’t have to consume your life or your working day to be effective.
Then I move, with my regime as per above and I always add abs onto the end of every workout, Plank and Crunch to engage this muscle group and not collapsing. 5 sets. I have also found that when I fast I have more energy, more mental clarity and focus, I feel lighter and my skin tone is brighter and my eyes clearer. Initially, it was quite hard to break the usual schedule of three meals per day and I used to be really attached to the myth that to have a super toned body, you have to eat more and exercise hard out. However, now it is easy and such a part of my normal routine that any old patterns and programs that I practiced in the past, in my desire for some ‘perfect’ shape that seemed constantly elusive, just appear now, on recollection, to be odd and inappropriate.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Regan Hillyer:
Wherever I go, I always let where I am staying know in advance of my health and eating requirements including not using cheap seed oils on the food and options that are not fried or full of sugar. I am also fully committed to my nutritional supplementation and my adherence to my daily regime that includes fasting in the mornings until after 11am and some days until after 2pm.
I’m a huge fan of intermittent fasting, and depending on my working and flying schedule, I regularly fast for up to 20 hours a day, then I eat within the following four hour window. During this four hour window I eat whatever my body desires. Generally, it’s mostly highly nutrient-rich foods, as I have experienced that intermittent fasting resets your body and eliminates cravings for sugar and toxic foods.
So, how do I maintain my energy levels during the 20 hours fast? Of course, some of the time is spent sleeping; other than that I drink herbal teas, avoiding caffeine, keeping hydrated with Liquid Light Water Technology and then I break the fast with a protein shake, jam packed with quality super foods. My water intake of at least a gallon a day is supported with excellent nutrition. I eat whole, organic nourishing fools that fuel me with a focus on protein and good fats. As an intuitive eater, I listen to my body and account for shifts in my cycle or training. Even when I travel, which is 4 – 5 months of the year, I stay organized with packable options, powdered proteins or bone broth.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.