Polina Volchek “Pink Puma” is American Pole Fitness Champion 2012 and winner of Pole2Pole Cup USA in Champion of Champions category. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar President Women Fitness.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Your practice in dance and sports at an early age was a catalyst that in August 2011 you fell in love with pole dance and reached the pinnacle of success by winning the American Pole Fitness Championship 2012 and 2nd place in World Pole Dance Championship 2014. What factors you consider were responsible that made you achieve that?
Ms. Pink Puma:
I think one of the main factors is experience that I’d already had before entering these competitions. So far I’ve been in sports and shows for 20 years. Second key factor I’m sure was determination. From the very first pole training I had a goal. I knew what I want to achieve and what I need to do for that. There were many things that I needed to learn in order to succeed on such apparatus as pole.
Compared to aerial props that I’ve been working on before there were different muscles engaged, contrary body grips and technique. It took me 6 month before I entered first professional pole dance competition, a little bit over a year before winning American Pole Fitness and 2,5 years to become 2nd on World Pole Dance. Third main factor that I think was important is discipline.
At the time when I started practice pole I’d worked with Cirque du Soleil. I was occupied from 2pm to midnight with rehearsals and 2 live performances daily. There was no time for messing around. I had to use morning hours for personal pole trainings. Since then my timetable hasn’t changed much. When you are on your own you have to be strict to yourself but at the same time careful and responsible.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have training and experience in rhythmic gymnastic exercises, hula-hoops, aerial gymnastics, contortion, acrobatics, manipulation and contemporary dance. You also have International Master level of Sports certification. How this knowledge and conditioning helped you in competitive pole dancing ?
Ms. Pink Puma:
As I said above experience means a lot. I was competitive gymnast for 10 years and performed in cirque style shows for 10 more. All together it gave me a strong physical base and moral advantage. By the time I started pole I was already flexible, strong and mature artist. My previous achievements and ambitions did not allow me to step down. That helped a lot at the beginning.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Pink Puma:
One of the most essential things in my regime is an alternation of a good workout with rest. When you are constantly training your body needs to produce lots of energy. I’m trying to make sure that I have enough hours to recover after each show, rehearsal. Another important thing in my daily routine is warm up. I can spend 40 minutes to 1 hour a day to make all my body parts warm, flexible and ready for the exercises. After I finish my practice I let myself to cool down and make sure that my back, legs and shoulders are covered. Drafts and sudden change of temperature might harm muscles and joints.
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