Ms. Namita Nayyar: Elaborate about your “The Get Fit Guide” ?
Ms. Niki: It’s a guide based on the way that I train! It’s a combination of bodyweight and dumbbell exercises that I’ve found to be the most effective for myself and when incorporating this type of training with my clients! It’s time effective and uses minimal equipment so if you have some dumbbells, a chair and 30 minutes you can get a killer workout in!
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Share your exercise routine that you follow to maintain such a perfect physique?
Ms. Niki: It’s mainly my guide that I described above! It has lower body, upper body and total body days along with core work and some cardio thrown in! I do this and then of course any YouTube workouts I film!
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What is your diet? Do you take a particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?
Ms. Niki: I take vitamins and a greens powder supplement but other than that I just do my best to stick with real whole food as often as possible. So things like lean meat, fish, veggies, lots of fruit, nuts/seeds and some whole grains! I’m also big on balance and living a life that makes you happy so if I’m feeling Oreos or ice cream I’ll have that too! Just not consistently!
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?
Ms. Niki: I think my hair benefits a lot from the greens powder and vitamins! It definitely grows faster when I take them consistently! As far as my face goes, I’ve always been one of those people with breakouts so I just do my best to keep it clean and use things to nourish it. One of my favorite things is using coconut oil as eye makeup remover!
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What according to you are the Top 3 Fitness Tips for women to start with a successful exercise program?
Ms. Niki: 1. Commit and make time for it. Being wishy washy and maybe doing something gives you an automatic out when you don’t feel like working out. If you’re gonna start, give it all you can! It also helps to get into a schedule and make time for the workout rather than just saying you’ll do it sometime later.
2. Remember that if you do miss a day or quit a workout mid way it’s not ruined. You can hop right back into it tomorrow and power through!
3. Find something that you like. Make it fun for yourself!
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.