Namita Nayyar:
You said “I’ve never won three races in one year. Everything is going to plan,” after winning the season’s first two downhills at Lake Louise, Canada. What all went into you winning the Crystal Globe?
The victories in Lake Louise were a bit surprising. I really like the track there, but I couldn’t finish a downhill in the top 15 there over the last few years. Last summer there was a change of coach, which was very important for me. I immediately had a good connection with the new coaches and was full of confidence. Physically I was able to gain some muscle mass. When you’re as small as I am, every kilo counts in downhill!
The training sessions during the fall worked out very well and we were able to make a lot of progress improving my basic speed, which I was missed a bit in the previous season. Just ahead of the Lake Louise race, during the last training camp in Copper Mountain, we were able to improve and fine-tune my equipment and so I was perfectly prepared for the season. But I couldn’t expect such a good start despite the great preparation.
Namita Nayyar:
What all goes into the practice session for the final race when it comes to physical fitness?
On the day preceding the race my routine is core training and leg axis training for stability and a short massage to eliminate any the tiredness that may have been accumulated in my legs over the previous days.
Namita Nayyar:
How important it really is in winning a race for a sportsperson? What all goes into the making of a winner according to you?
Winning is very important for an athlete. It is the result of many years of hard training, and experience and of all the sacrifices one has to make. A victory creates many emotions that are then simply released from within you. It is a confirmation of your decisions and your actions. A victory motivates you and gives you a lot of strength for every further step you want to take.
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