According to a study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, there are two specific habits that are associated with a lower body mass index (BMI) in the long term: keeping a longer overnight fast and eating breakfast early. This research was led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by the "la … [Read more...]
Weight Management

Should Men and Women Eat Different Breakfasts to Lose Weight?
It's not a bad thing if you pick a toasted bagel for breakfast, while your partner chooses eggs. In fact, according to a new study from the University of Waterloo, that difference could help you lose some weight. The study, which employed a mathematical model of men's and women's metabolisms, showed that men's metabolisms respond better on average to a meal laden with high … [Read more...]
The Secret to Losing Weight could All be Down to a Combination of 14 ‘Skinny Genes’, a New Study has Found.
University of Essex researchers discovered they helped people drop twice as much weight when they ran for half an hour three times a week. The team -- led by Dr Henry Chung, from the School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences -- found those with more of the genes slimmed the most across eight weeks. People with the most markers lost up to 5kg during the study … [Read more...]
Excess Body Weight Tied to Increased Risk for Second Cancers
Cancer survivors who had overweight or obesity at the time of their initial cancer diagnosis have a higher risk for a second primary cancer, particularly an obesity-related cancer, a new analysis found. Cancer survivors have an increased risk for another primary cancer. Studies suggest that lifestyle factors, such as excess body weight, may contribute to the risk for a … [Read more...]
Ozempic And Other Weight Loss Drugs Pose New Risks for Surgery, Europe Warns
Patients taking GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Zepbound could be at risk for respiratory complications during surgery The agency’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) recommended new measures to lower the risk of respiratory complications during surgery for patients taking GLP-1 treatments. GLP-1 drugs are a class of diabetes and weight loss drugs that mimics … [Read more...]
Low Intensity Exercise linked to Reduced Depression
New research has found a significant association between participating in low to moderate intensity exercise and reduced rates of depression. Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) carried out an umbrella review of studies carried out across the world to examine the potential of physical activity as a mental health intervention. The analysis, published in the … [Read more...]
Researchers Identify Causal Genetic Variant Linked to Common Childhood Obesity
Both environmental and genetic factors play critical roles in the increasing incidence of childhood obesity. While the exact role of genetics in childhood obesity is still not fully understood, prior studies show that neuronal pathways in the hypothalamus control food intake and are key regulators for the disease. Prior international genome-wide association studies (GWAS) … [Read more...]
Cranberries Provide Runners With an all-Natural Boost
Competitive athletes are always looking for an extra edge that can help them improve performance. According to a new study by Concordia researchers published in the journal Physical Activity and Nutrition, they can find one in the common cranberry. In a series of trials involving trained distance runners, the researchers found that ingesting a cranberry supplement for 28 … [Read more...]
Kallistatin Contributes to the Beneficial Metabolic Effects of Weight Loss
An increasing number of people are developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. These are highly complex and multifaceted diseases. In order to treat them sustainably, new approaches to therapy are needed. Clinical studies on humans have shown that heavily overweight individuals produce less Kallistatin.Kallistatin is a protein that has various effects in the body. Among other … [Read more...]
Understanding Rapid Weight Loss in Older Women: Message From the Heart
Unexplained rapid weight loss in older people could be a sign of underlying disease and can be linked with increased risk of falls and fractures, as well as a poorer long-term prognosis. The understanding of factors that could contribute to rapid weight loss remains poor, with current treatments including correcting suboptimal dietary and physical activity behaviors. New … [Read more...]
New Weight Loss Medication may help Lower Blood Pressure in Adults with Obesity
The new weight loss medication tirzepatide significantly lowered the systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) for nearly 500 adults with obesity who took the medication for about eight months, according to new research published today in Hypertension, an American Heart Association journal. Systolic blood pressure, or the top number in the blood … [Read more...]
Main Regulator for the Body’s ‘Oven’ Discovered
Obesity is defined as a pathological increase in white fat, and has become a major problem worldwide, with a greatly increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. "Exercise and dieting are not enough to effectively and permanently shed the pounds," says corresponding author Prof. Alexander Pfeifer, Director of the Institute of Pharmacology and … [Read more...]
However, Adults Hardly have any Brown Fat, and it can be Found Mainly in Young and Slim People.
"We therefore asked how brown fat mass can be increased while simultaneously reducing bad white fat," says Bonn postdoctoral researcher and first author Dr. Laia Reverte-Salisa. Together with researchers from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Helmholtz Munich and the University of Toulouse-Paul Sabatier, the Bonn team investigated the cAMP signaling pathway in … [Read more...]
Main Regulator for the Body`s ‘oven’ Discovered
Brown fat cells convert energy into heat -- a key to eliminating unwanted fat deposits. In addition, they also protect against cardiovascular diseases. Researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" at the University of Bonn have now identified the protein EPAC1 as a new pharmacological target to increase brown … [Read more...]
People With Obesity Burn Less Energy During Day
Weight influences how and when bodies burn energy, new research indicates. An Oregon Health & Science University study published in the journal Obesity found people who have a healthy weight use more energy during the day, when most people are active and eat, while those who have obesity spend more energy during the night, when most people sleep. The study also found … [Read more...]
Obesity Leads to a Complex Inflammatory Response Inside Fat Tissue
Fat tissue, for as much as it's been vilified, is an incredibly complex and essential bodily organ involved in energy storage and hormone production, among other functions. Yet, modern lifestyles have led to a worldwide epidemic of obesity, and a corresponding increase in related conditions like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers are attempting to … [Read more...]
Can’t Stop Binging on Fries and BBQ?
People overeat and become overweight for a variety of reasons. The fact that flavorful high-calorie food is often available nearly everywhere at any time doesn't help. Buck researchers have determined for the first time why certain chemicals in cooked or processed foods, called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, increase hunger and test our willpower or ability to make … [Read more...]
Almonds as Part of a Healthy Weight Loss Diet
When it comes to weight loss, nuts can get a bad rap -- while they're high in protein, they're also high in fats, and this often deters those looking to shed a few kilos. But new research from the University of South Australia shows that you can eat almonds and lose weight too. In the largest study of its kind, researchers found that including almonds in an energy restricted … [Read more...]
Both High-Protein and Normal-Protein Diets are Effective For T2D Management
Published in the journal Obesity, 106 adults with T2D were randomly assigned to either the high-protein or normal-protein diet for 52 weeks. Both diets were energy-restricted. The high-protein diet included recommendations to include lean beef in the diet, while the normal-protein diet instructed participants to refrain from eating any red meats. The team of researchers found … [Read more...]
A new Breakthrough in Obesity Research may Allow You to Lose Fat While Eating all You Want
The complex balance between food intake and energy expenditure is overseen by the hypothalamus in the brain. While it has been known that the neurons in the lateral hypothalamus are connected to fat tissue and are involved in fat metabolism, their exact role in fat metabolism regulation has remained a mystery. The researchers discovered a cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus … [Read more...]
Fewer Teens Now Perceive Themselves as Overweight
A study involving more than 745,000 adolescents from 41 countries across Europe and North America identified an increase in the amount of teenagers who underestimate their body weight. Tracking data from 2002 to 2018, the peer-reviewed findings, published today in Child and Adolescent Obesity, demonstrate a noticeable decrease in those who overestimate their weight … [Read more...]
One Third of Normal-Weight Individuals are obese, according to study based on body fat percentage
The study -- the largest of its kind ever conducted in Israel -- was led by Prof. Yftach Gepner and PhD student Yair Lahav, in collaboration with Aviv Kfir. It and was based on data from the Yair Lahav Nutrition Center in Tel Aviv. The paper was published in Frontiers in Nutrition. Prof. Gepner: "Israel is a leader in childhood obesity and more than 60% of the country's … [Read more...]
Diet Tracking: How Much is Enough to Lose Weight?
Keeping track of everything you eat and drink in a day is a tedious task that is tough to keep up with over time. Unfortunately, dutiful tracking is a vital component for successful weight loss, however, a new study in Obesity finds that perfect tracking is not needed to achieve significant weight loss. Researchers from UConn, the University of Florida, and the University of … [Read more...]
Researchers Design an Innovative Strategy to Fight Obesity Through Gene Therapy
A scientific team from the University of Barcelona and the CIBERobn has designed a strategy to fight obesity and diabetes in mice through ex vivo gene therapy which consists of implanting cells that have been manipulated and transformed in order to treat a disease. This is the first study to apply the ex vivo gene therapy technique to generate and implant cells that express the … [Read more...]
People with Obesity due to Genetic Predisposition have Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
There has been a global increase in the incidence of overweight and obesity over the past few years. Almost one third of the world's population now liveswith overweight or obesity. "The figure is alarming since it is well-established that a high BMI in middle-age increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other conditions," says Ida Karlsson, assistant … [Read more...]
Obesity Turning Arthritic Joint Cells into Pro-inflammation “Bad Apples”
In a new study published in Clinical and Translational Medicine today, researchers from the University of Birmingham have found that specific cells in the joint lining tissue (synovium) of patients with osteoarthritis are being changed due to factors associated with obesity. Previous research has shown that fat tissue that has been metabolically altered by obesity releases … [Read more...]
Youth Overweight a Risk Factor for Blood Clots as Adult
The association between obesity and blood clots is already established. However, to date it has been unclear how much influence a raised BMI in childhood and puberty exerts. The purpose of the study was to clarify the links between BMI in early life and subsequent thrombi. Thrombi usually arise in the legs, often starting in a blood vessel in the calf. Swelling, pain and … [Read more...]
Rhythmic Eating Pattern Preserves Fruit Fly Muscle Function Under Obese Conditions
Obese fruit flies are the experimental subjects in a Nature Communications study of the causes of muscle function decline due to obesity. In humans, skeletal muscle plays a crucial role in metabolism, and muscle dysfunction due to human obesity can lead to insulin resistance and reduced energy levels. Interestingly, studies in various animal models have shown that … [Read more...]
Study Compares Adverse Events After Two Types of Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents
Adolescents who underwent sleeve gastrectomy, a type of weight-loss surgery that involves removing part of the stomach, were less likely to go the emergency room or be admitted to the hospital in the five years after their operations than those who had their stomachs divided into pouches through gastric bypass surgery, according to new research. Rates of complications, death … [Read more...]
Scientists Redefine Obesity with Discovery of Two Major Subtypes
A team led by Van Andel Institute scientists has identified two distinct types of obesity with physiological and molecular differences that may have lifelong consequences for health, disease and response to medication. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Metabolism, offer a more nuanced understanding of obesity than current definitions and may one day inform … [Read more...]
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