Obesity increases risk of H1N1 complications, study suggestsReported November 05, 2009 As if there weren't enough reasons to lose weight, a new study now suggests that obesity adds more risk to people that contract the H1N1 virus. The study is the most comprehensive to date to take a look at hospitalizations due to H1N1 influence (a.k.a. the swine flu). It found that a … [Read more...]
Weight Management

One Off Weight Loss Subsidy Is Just A Bandaid, Australia
One Off Weight Loss Subsidy Is Just A Bandaid, Australia Reported September 19, 2007 A one off subsidy to attend short term weight loss programs is just a dangerous bandaid because programs won't address serious risk factors associated with being overweight or obese, warns Australia's leading nutrition organisation the Dietitians … [Read more...]
Aerobic exercise, weights best for obese older adults: Study Canada
The combination of moderate aerobic exercise and resistance training offers the best results as a strategy to lower the risk of diabetes while increasing mobility and functional capacity in obese older adults, a new study says. The work, by researchers from Queen's University in Kingston, showed seniors who followed the exercise regime while eating a healthy diet saw … [Read more...]
Obese Women Less Likely to Be Tested for Some Cancers
Obese Women Less Likely to Be Tested for Some CancersReported August 05, 2008 MONDAY, March 24 (HealthDay News) -- A new review of 32 studies suggests that obese women -- particularly white women -- are more likely than others to skip screenings for breast and cervical cancer. No one knows why extra pounds heighten the likelihood that women will avoid mammograms or Pap … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
No magic pills: Anti-obesity drugs provide only modest weight loss, study showsReported November 15, 2007 TORONTO - Most severely overweight patients taking anti-obesity drugs will realize only modest weight loss, especially if they fail to augment the medications with regular exercise and a healthy diet, say Canadian researchers after reviewing numerous studies on the … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness> Behavioral Program Helps Long Term Weight Maintenance in Patients with Severe Mental Illness: Presented at ECNP
Behavioral Program Helps Long Term Weight Maintenance in Patients with Severe Mental Illness: Presented at ECNP October 25, 2005 A weight management programme that used behavioral techniques was successful to achieve and maintain clinically significant weight loss for as long as 4 years in a group of 93 patients with serious mental illness, mostly schizophrenia and … [Read more...]
Stay Fat and Raise Ovarian Cancer Risk Eighty Percent
Stay Fat and Raise Ovarian Cancer Risk Eighty Percent Reported January 11, 2009 (NaturalNews) Ovarian cancer is far too often a killer. With frequently overlooked, vague symptoms like abdominal bloating, it is not unusual for this malignancy to only be discovered when it has advanced and spread to other organs. In fact, ovarian cancer has a five year survival rate of … [Read more...]
Getting to a healthy weight takes discipline
Getting to a healthy weight takes disciplineReported November 02, 2009 Rene Balderas, coowner of a San Antonio interior design company, knows his weight to the pound, but that wasnt always the case. I wasnt into weighing myself, I was trying to ignore the problem, but Im pretty sure I was 230 plus, he said last week. Balderas was profiled in this column last year. … [Read more...]
Being Slightly Overweight Can Add Years to Your Life: Study
Being Slightly Overweight Can Add Years to Your Life: Study Reported July 17, 2009 According to a Canadian study being a little overweight is beneficial as it appears to protect people from an early death. Researchers said underweight and extremely obese people die earlier than people who had normal body weight, but people who are slightly overweight actually live … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
Study: Obesity raises risk of prostate cancer recurrenceReported December 27, 2007 Add a better prognosis for prostate cancer to the list of benefits that come from maintaining a healthy weight. A study in the journal Clinical Cancer Research found that men who gain weight rapidly between the ages of 25 and 40 or who are obese at the age of 40 or at the time of prostate … [Read more...]
Having fat pals can make you put on weight
Having fat pals can make you put on weightReported July 25, 2008 Washington, July 25: Do you have a big belly? Well, one of the key reasons behind the extra flab could be your friends, says a new research, which found that spending time with fat people can increase a persons chances of becoming obese. According to the study, which was conducted by University of Warwick … [Read more...]
Fat women run greater health risks when they become pregnant
Fat women run greater health risks when they become pregnant Reported December 08, 2007 Heavy pregnant women run a greater risk of high blood pressure, foetal (fetal) distress and even neonatal death. (UK spelling: foetal. US spelling: Fetal) Not only does the obese mother run the risk of serious complications during … [Read more...]
75% of UK adults ‘overweight’
75% of UK adults 'overweight' Reported October 06, 2008 Three out of four UK adults are overweight or obese - more than previously thought, an expert said. At least 75% are carrying too much fat even though official estimates put the figure at 66%, he said. Dr Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, associate professor of medicine at the well-known Mayo … [Read more...]
Obesity, arthritis affects women in later years
Obesity, arthritis affects women in later yearsReported May 01, 2009 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Disabilities related to obesity and arthritis decrease women's quality of life during their senior years, according to research presented Saturday at the American Geriatrics Society's annual meeting in Chicago. "While women tend to live longer than men, this study shows … [Read more...]
Overweight women ‘surrender to obesity’
Overweight women 'surrender to obesity' Reported January 14, 2008 MORE than a third of overweight women have "surrendered to obesity", and are in denial about the need to lose weight because, according to a company that helps many Australians shed the kilograms. A Newspoll survey conducted for Weight Watchers showed that 35% of … [Read more...]
It’s time to cut the fat and go for the whole grain
It's time to cut the fat and go for the whole grain Reported February 06, 2008 It's hardly news that a diet heavy in meat and fried foods is bad for your health. It's a combination that's linked with a greater risk of obesity, heart disease, and breast and colon cancers. But now there's another reason to pass on the burger and fries. According to a new study, a typical … [Read more...]
Obese at higher risk of liver disorder
Obese at higher risk of liver disorder November 13, 2007 NEW DELHI: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a precursor of serious liver disorders including cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer, has now started to affect India's youth. Experts estimate that almost 17%-40% of obese children in India, aged between 8-20 years, are now being … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
Woman Loses 130 Pounds Without SurgeryReported November 28, 2007 "I was living off fast food. I ate pizza three or four nights a week," she said. "I'd go out at lunch and eat McDonald's -- two double cheeseburgers, large fries, a large Coke." When she should have been enjoying the best years of her life at 24 years old, Sapp felt more like someone who was dying. "I didn't … [Read more...]
Obesity ‘is a curse for women’
Obesity 'is a curse for women'Reported November 19, 2008 WASHINGTON: Ladies, you may have to pay a higher price for obesity than men, for a study has revealed that being overweight is a curse on a woman's life. Researchers in the US have carried out the study and found that overweight women are more likely to get sacked, be a victim of crime, be broke and more likely to … [Read more...]
Obesity Not the Same in Men and Women
Obesity Not the Same in Men and Women Reported July 12, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- When it comes to obesity, it seems a woman's body handles it better than a man's. A new study finds obese men are more carbohydrate intolerant than obese women, and obese women are more fit than obese men. Researchers in the Netherlands conducted the study on severely obese men and women. … [Read more...]
Obesity rises in Sweden in last 3 years
Obesity rises in Sweden in last 3 years Reported January 09, 2008 Obesity among women in Sweden rose by almost a third in the last three years, a study by the Swedish National Institute of Public Health has revealed. The number of women with a so-called body mass index, or BMI, of more than 30 rose to 490,000 this … [Read more...]
Big belly ‘as bad as being obese’ for the heart
Big belly 'as bad as being obese' for the heart Reported December 08, 2009 Having a waistline that falls into the overweight or obese category can increase the risk of dying of heart disease four-fold, according to the research. Fat carried around the middle of the body - giving people an apple shape instead of a pear - is different to fat on … [Read more...]
Obesity, heavy lifting up risk of pelvic disorder
Obesity, heavy lifting up risk of pelvic disorderReported May 07, 2009 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women who are overweight or perform heavy lifting or have certain conditions affecting the body's connective tissue may be at increased risk of having weakened pelvic muscles, a new study suggests. The study, of nearly 5,500 Swedish women, looked at the potential risk factors … [Read more...]
Little extra weight adds extra years to life: Study
Little extra weight adds extra years to life: StudyReported June 24, 2009 Toronto, June 24: That little extra bulge, not to be mistaken for obesity though, can add a few precious years in your life, suggests a new study. The study was jointly conducted by the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Portland State University, Oregon Health & Science University, … [Read more...]
Pay obese to lose weight, Australian doctors urge
Pay obese to lose weight, Australian doctors urge Reported September 12, 2007 SYDNEY (AFP) - Overweight people should be paid to attend weight-loss programmes to reduce the impact the growing obesity epidemic is having on the healthcare system, a group of Australian doctors said Wednesday. Obesity has more than doubled in Australia in … [Read more...]
Obese women less likely to be screened for cervical cancer: study
Obese women less likely to be screened for cervical cancer: study Reported June 18, 2008 Obese women are significantly less likely to be tested for cervical cancer than women of average body weight, a new study has found. Breast and colon cancer screening are unaffected by a woman's body mass, researchers found. The study analyzed the responses of 38,000 Canadian women … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness>/Hope for Metastatic Breast Cancer
DietWatch The Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau by Sharon Minai, RD When DietWatch member LaDean decided to lose weight, she wanted to make a permanent change. "I really wanted to take the weight off, and watch it come off one pound at a time," she said. LaDean began her weight loss journey in February 2000, right after the start of the new millennium. She made many changes … [Read more...]
Parents Don’t Realize Kids Are Fat
Parents Don't Realize Kids Are Fat Reported December 24, 2007 A startling number of parents may be in denial about their youngsters' weight. A survey found that many Americans whose children are obese do not see them that way. That is worrisome because obese children run the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol problems and other ailments more commonly found … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
A 'great little motivator' for weight lossReported November 21, 2007 While loosening your belt after Thanksgiving dinner, you may want to clip a pedometer to it. The reason: Just wearing a step counter leads to weight loss and lower blood pressure, according to research released Tuesday. The researchers found that a pedometer is an unusually good motivator to get people … [Read more...]
Obesity Swells In 31 States
Obesity Swells In 31 StatesReported December 09, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Loosen the belt buckle another notch, America: Obesity rates continued their climb in 31 states last year. No state showed a decline. Mississippi became the first state to crack the 30 percent barrier for adult residents considered to be obese. West Virginia and Alabama are just slightly behind, according … [Read more...]