Take your pick: All diets workReported February 26, 2009 Low-carb? High-protein? Or low-fat? If you're planning to shed some pounds, you can stop fussing over which diet works best, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health randomly assigned 811 overweight adults to four different diets with … [Read more...]
Weight Management

Physical Activity May Not Be Key To Obesity Epidemic
Physical Activity May Not Be Key To Obesity Epidemic Reported January 09, 2009 ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2009) A recent international study fails to support the common belief that the number of calories burned in physical activity is a key factor in rising rates of obesity. Researchers from Loyola University Health System and other centers compared African American women in … [Read more...]
Surgery better than diet, exercise in obese teens
Surgery better than diet, exercise in obese teens Reported February 09, 2010 CHICAGO (Reuters) - Severely obese teens who had surgery to limit what they could eat lost more weight and enjoyed more health benefits than those who did an intensive lifestyle program, researchers said on Tuesday. They said 21 of 25 severely obese teens aged 14 to 18 who underwent a form of … [Read more...]
Grandparents who care for children ‘boost obesity risk’
Grandparents who care for children 'boost obesity risk' Reported February 15, 2010 Young children who are regularly looked after by their grandparents have an increased risk of being overweight, an extensive British study has suggested. Analysis of 12,000 three-year olds suggested the risk was 34% higher if grandparents cared for them full time. … [Read more...]
Do Low-Fat Diets Curb Disease?
Do Low-Fat Diets Curb Disease? Reported July 07, 2006 The theory that eating less fat can help prevent disease suffered a setback today with the release of a large-scale study that failed to show such a diet lowered older women's risk of breast and colon cancer, and heart disease. Health researchers are not giving up on the low-fat message, however, and say the new study … [Read more...]
Why are we so fat?
Why are we so fat?Reported March 13, 2009 It is one of the most enduring of UAE myths: the Dubai stone, where those who move to Dubai pile on the pounds due to an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and an immersion into the service culture so beloved in the region. While there are no statistics to back up these claims, the transitory nature of expatriates here making such … [Read more...]
Obesity Not Just U.S Problem.: Half of Europe Fat, Report Says
Obesity Not Just U.S Problem.: Half of Europe Fat, Report Says Reported December 11, 2010 (CBS) Americans are fat, Europeans thin and chic, right? Not so fast. True, about 68 percent of Americans are overweight or obese, according to research published last January in the "Journal of the American Medical Association. … [Read more...]
Maintaining weight while pregnant!
Maintaining weight while pregnant! Reported November 12, 2010 Exercise and a nutritious diet go hand-in-hand to ensure a healthy pregnancy, experts tell us Being pregnant is synonymous with change. This means change in bodily structure, change in weight, change in ones priorities, but most importantly, change in … [Read more...]
Lack of exercise doesn’t cause obesity in kids
Lack of exercise doesn't cause obesity in kids Reported August 17, 2010 Scientists have challenged the notion that a lack of exercise causes fatness in children. Their study suggests that physical inactivity appears to be the result of fatness, instead of its cause. Their findings are based on a new report from the … [Read more...]
Olive leaves can help fight obesity
Olive leaves can help fight obesity Reported August 17, 2010 RA new research has revealed that a cup of coffee prepared with olive leaf extract may help in combating obesity. The study involved feeding rats a high carbohydrate, high fat diet for eight weeks until they developed signs of metabolic syndrome. The rats … [Read more...]
A Little Biking May Help Premenopausal Women Stay Slim
A Little Biking May Help Premenopausal Women Stay Slim Reported July 09, 2010 By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter Riding a bike is as effective as walking briskly at helping premenopausal women keep from gaining more weight, a new study reveals. Biking is particularly helpful at keeping pounds off such women who are … [Read more...]
Obesity takes a toll on sexual health
Obesity takes a toll on sexual health Reported June 23, 2010 It is well known that obesity raises ones risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer, among other health problems. But how does it affect ones sex life? Leave it to the French to provide the … [Read more...]
Belly fat and stress bad for blood sugar
Belly fat and stress bad for blood sugar Reported May 23, 2010 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - New research suggests that excess belly fat combined with high stress levels may boost the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in black women, a group disproportionately affected by the disease. "Much attention has been given to the role of obesity in … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia risk is increased by Obesity
Fibromyalgia risk is increased by Obesity Reported May 03, 2010 Obesity increased the risk for fibromyalgia, but exercise decreased fibromyalgia risk, researchers in Norway have said. Women who reported exercising four times per week had a 29 percent lower risk of fibromyalgia compared with inactive women, study leader Paul Mork of the … [Read more...]
Belly Fat Linked to Alzheimers in New Study
Belly Fat Linked to Alzheimers in New Study Reported May 24, 2010 That spare tire around your midriff could affect your brain function later in life, according to a new study by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine. Scientists performed CT scans of the abdomen and MRI scans of the brain on … [Read more...]
Obesity risk for women who sleep less: study
Obesity risk for women who sleep less: study Reported May 02, 2010 Too little sleep may be linked to the development of a large belly and broad waist, a study of women in Sweden has found. Short periods of deep sleep and dream sleep are also contribute to an increased risk of obesity, according to the study … [Read more...]
Should Obese Teens Be Considering Bariatric Surgery?
Should Obese Teens Be Considering Bariatric Surgery? Reported May 09, 2010 Bariatric surgery, while not without risks, can be a successful way to lose weight, influence health, and increase life expectancy. The procedure is performed on individuals who are severely obese who have not been able to lose the weight by other methods. … [Read more...]
Obesity Silent Killer in India
Obesity Silent Killer in IndiaReported May 01, 2009 A new study released by the Registrar General of India indicates that obesity-related diseases have joined malnutrition as leading causes of death. As India's economy grows, so does the temptation for many people to eat more and do less. Tired and home late? Fatty food is just a phone call away. Overweight, but … [Read more...]
Modest weight loss may help balance immune system: Study
Modest weight loss may help balance immune system: Study Reported April 23, 2010 Losing about six kg of excess flab may help reverse the disturbed immune system of obese people, particularly those with Type 2 diabetes, Australian scientists have claimed. The immune system is made up of many different kinds of cells that protect the … [Read more...]
First-time moms more likely to put on weight: report
First-time moms more likely to put on weight: reportReported April 22, 2010 TORONTO The subject of weight gain is often a fixation for mothers-to-be as they share stories about their pregnancies, and when they step on the scale at their frequent doctor visits. Now, a new report on weight gain during pregnancy offers some insights into the gaining and shedding of … [Read more...]
Fruit juice not linked to teen weight gain
Fruit juice not linked to teen weight gainReported March 04, 2010 HOUSTON, March 4 (UPI) -- There is no link between 100 percent juice consumption and weight gain in teens; in fact, the teens had more nutritious diets, U.S. researchers found. Lead researcher Dr. Theresa Nicklas of the U.S. Department of Agriculture/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center at … [Read more...]
Obese kids more likely to injure legs, ankles, feet
Obese kids more likely to injure legs, ankles, feet Reported March 01, 2010 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese kids' injury patterns look different from those of their slimmer peers, a new study out in Pediatrics shows. Dr. Wendy J. Pomerantz of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Ohio, and her colleagues found obese children had … [Read more...]
Belly Fat Is Culprit in Stroke Gender Gap
Belly Fat Is Culprit in Stroke Gender GapReported February 25, 2010 Feb. 25, 2010 (San Antonio) -- The midlife gender gap in stroke rates continues to widen, with women aged 45 to 54 now three times more likely than men in that age group to report having had a stroke. Several years ago, the same researchers reported that between 1999 and 2004, women aged 45 to 54 … [Read more...]
Childhood obesity getting more attention in Washington
Childhood obesity getting more attention in WashingtonReported March 02, 2010 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Now that First Lady Michelle Obama has made the fight against childhood obesity a national priority, health policy experts are gathering in Washington today to consider a series of proposals. Among them: Penny-per-ounce tax on non-diet soda pop to make it more … [Read more...]
Start obesity prevention in the cradle, US study urges
Start obesity prevention in the cradle, US study urgesReported February 12, 2010 WASHINGTON A team of US doctors has urged that obesity screening start in the cradle after a study they conducted showed that half of US children with weight problems became overweight before age two. The "critical period for preventing childhood obesity" in the children observed in … [Read more...]
Overweight Middle-Aged Adults at Greater Risk for Cognitive Decline in Later Life
Overweight Middle-Aged Adults at Greater Risk for Cognitive Decline in Later Life Reported February 24, 2010 ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) The adverse affects of being overweight are not limited to physical function but also extend to neurological function, according to research in the latest issue of The … [Read more...]
Looking thin does not mean you’re not fat
Looking thin does not mean you're not fatReported January 28, 2010 Mumbai, January 28: Even if you look slim and trim, you cannot say that you are fat. A new study conducted by the Mayo Clinic found that 30 million Americans who had normal, healthy weight, actually had an excess of body fat. Known as normal weight obesity, this would put them at high risk of many … [Read more...]
Obesity among Kerala women higher than national average
Obesity among Kerala women higher than national averageReported February 23, 2010 Thiruvananthapu ram: Knocking the bottom out of a prevailing perception that Kerala women are healthier and shapelier, a recent study has found that obesity is much higher among women in the State compared to the all-India average. A study done by the Centre for Socioeconomic and … [Read more...]
Overweight elderly live longer
Overweight elderly live longer Reported February 04, 2010 A few extra pounds help you live longer if you're past your prime but otherwise healthy. Physicians routinely follow guidelines issued by the World Health Organization when they advise patients about their waistline. Because weight depends on height, they use a standard measure … [Read more...]
Study: Dieting May Not Be Helpful for Overweight Elderly
Study: Dieting May Not Be Helpful for Overweight Elderly Reported February 01, 2010 There’s more research out today indicating that being overweight can be less harmful for the elderly than for younger people and saying that dieting may not be helpful for the post-70 crowd. An Australian study published in the Journal of the American … [Read more...]
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