Breast cancer results good for women with implants Reported December 01, 2008 CHICAGO (Reuters Health) - Using a cancer treatment approach called brachytherapy, the contraction of tissue around breast implants in women with breast cancer augmentation can be avoided. This method achieves better tumor control with fewer complications and entails a significantly shorter … [Read more...]
Breast Cancer

Women Fitness : City News
High-risk women not undertaking prevention for breast cancer: study Reported December 17, 2007 Many Canadian women at high risk of breast cancer are failing to undertake preventive practices, according to a new study conducted by the University of Toronto. It also reveals significant differences in preventive approaches among women in different parts of Canada, … [Read more...]
Majority of Breast Cancer Patients Don’t Get Tested
Majority of Breast Cancer Patients Don't Get Tested Reported September 15, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Breast cancer patients may not be receiving the right medicine, a new study suggests. New studies reveal a lack of information about new testing technologies for breast cancer. According to standard care, women with early stage breast cancer should be tested for tumors with … [Read more...]
Hispanic Women More Prone to Aggressive Breast Cancer
Hispanic Women More Prone to Aggressive Breast Cancer December 10, 2007 Results of a study published this week in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved indicate that when compared with non-Hispanic White women, Hispanic women in the state of Arizona are more likely to have high-grade breast cancers, larger tumors, a greater … [Read more...]
Breast MRIs Won’t Obviate Need for Biopsy
Breast MRIs Won't Obviate Need for Biopsy TUESDAY, Nov. 7 (HealthDayNews) -- Taking a magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the breast can help detect breast cancers, but it doesn't eliminate the need for a biopsy, a new study finds. Researchers drew that conclusion after evaluating both mammograms and MRIs in 404 suspected cancer cases. "This was an attempt to … [Read more...]
Radiation-Chemo Combo for Breast Cancer
Radiation-Chemo Combo for Breast Cancer Reported January 24, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new report shows adding radiation therapy to a treatment regimen already consisting of chemotherapy and radical mastectomy leads to better survival outcomes among women with high-risk breast cancer. And it had … [Read more...]
Findings On Folate, Breast Cancer May Be Caused By Chance
Findings On Folate, Breast Cancer May Be Caused By Chance December 10, 2004 (British Medical Journal) -- Preliminary data published in this week's BMJ suggest that folate supplementation during pregnancy may increase a mother's long-term risk of breast cancer. Although this may be a chance finding, … [Read more...]
Social Class Determines Breast Cancer Survival
Social Class Determines Breast Cancer Survival December 10, 2004 SAN ANTONIO (Ivanhoe Newswire) --Poorer women may be more likely to die of breast cancer, according to researchers from Switzerland.The investigators presented the results of their study at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. They studied more than 3,000 breast cancer … [Read more...]
Breast cancer drug combined with chemotherapy ‘cuts recurrence by a third’
Breast cancer drug combined with chemotherapy 'cuts recurrence by a third' Reported December 12, 2008 Researchers found that women who took the pill Xeloda, or capecitabine, on top of their treatment were less likely to die or have the cancer spread to another part of their body. The drug has already proved useful in women … [Read more...]
Mathematical model predicts breast tumours grow faster in younger women
Mathematical model predicts breast tumours grow faster in younger women Reported 09 May, 2008 Norwegian researchers have published details of a new estimation method, which can be used to estimate the rate of growth of breast tumours among a population. The model also predicts the proportion of breast cancers of a particular size which are detected at … [Read more...]
Family History of Breast Cancer May Raise Colorectal Cancer Risk
Family History of Breast Cancer May Raise Colorectal Cancer RiskReported August 12, 2009 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Having a first-degree relative with breast cancer may slightly increase a person's risk of colorectal cancer, Canadian researchers report in the International Journal of Cancer for August 15. The association, which was of borderline statistical significance, … [Read more...]
What Influences Breast Cancer Treatment?
What Influences Breast Cancer Treatment? Reported September 02, 2009 (Ivanhoe newswire) -- Breast cancer patients typically must choose between removing only the breast cancer tissue through lumpectomy or undergoing a mastectomy and removing the entire breast. Mastectomies do not require post-surgery radiation therapy, and lessen anxiety for cancer reoccurrence. A new … [Read more...]
Acrylamide Doesn’t Increase Breast Cancer Risk
Acrylamide Doesn't Increase Breast Cancer Risk Reported March 18, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Go ahead ladies, eat those french fries. New research shows there is no association between acrylamide -- a compound found in baked and fried food -- and breast cancer. Researchers studied more than 43,000 women who were enrolled … [Read more...]
Apples protect breast
Apples protect breastMarch 3 March 3 - Apples have been linked to life and death since the beginning of history - and now a new study links them to breast cancer. According to a laboratory study, eating apples - many of them - may cut the risk of breast cancer by almost as much as 50 per cent. The conclusions come from a study of … [Read more...]
Physically Active Women May Outrun Breast Cancer Risk
Physically Active Women May Outrun Breast Cancer Risk Reported May 13, 2008 CALGARY, Alberta, May 13 -- A physically active life may reduce a woman's breast cancer risk by 25% to 30%, according to a systematic review of the literature. The protective effect varied, though, by type of activity undertaken, when women were active over a … [Read more...]
Black Women Shortchanged on Breast Cancer Care
Black women with advanced forms of breast cancer may not be getting the same kind of state-of-the-art care white women receive. According to researchers from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, the survival rate for white women with the most deadly forms of the disease has risen steadily over the past couple of decades. Survival rates for black women have remained … [Read more...]
Breast Cancer Relapse Prediction
Breast Cancer Relapse PredictionReported September 25, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- There may be a new way to predict whether a breast cancer patient can avoid chemotherapy or whether she needs aggressive therapy because shes at a high risk of relapse. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a model -- called the preoperative … [Read more...]
Calcium May Protect Against Cancer
Calcium May Protect Against CancerReported February 27, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Drinking milk not only makes your bones stronger, it may also protect you from cancer. According to a new study, women who consume a lot of calcium have a lower risk of cancer overall and both men and women with high calcium intake have lower risks of colorectal cancer and other cancers of … [Read more...]
Risk factors explain racial breast cancer patterns
Risk factors explain racial breast cancer patternsMar 29, 05 The differences in breast cancer rates among various racial and ethnic groups can be largely explained by the presence of breast cancer risk factors, according to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. After factoring in age, breast cancer rates for women in … [Read more...]
Combo Treatment Ups Fatigue in Breast Cancer
Combo Treatment Ups Fatigue in Breast CancerReported September 10, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Women with early stage breast cancer who receive treatment with both radiotherapy and chemotherapy are more likely to report fatigue, even six months later. The result comes from a study comparing breast cancer survivors with similar women without breast cancer in the general … [Read more...]
Breast cancer danger cells found
Breast cancer danger cells found July 9, 2007 They believe that as few as one in 100 cells within a cancer have this capacity. This may explain why current treatments sometimes fail. If we are to have any real cures in advanced breast cancer, it will be absolutely necessary to eliminate these cells Dr Max Wicha It may also lead to more … [Read more...]
Even Minor ECG Abnormalities Increase Death Risk in Women
Even Minor ECG Abnormalities Increase Death Risk in WomenReported March 12, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Electrocardiogram (ECG) readings that show even minor abnormalities in seemingly healthy postmenopausal women may mean these females are at an increased risk of a heart attack or death. Researchers from the Feinberg School of … [Read more...]
Genes Play a Role in Breast Cancer Spreading
Genes Play a Role in Breast Cancer Spreading Reported July 09, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Your genetic make-up may determine whether or not cancer cells will spread, even years after treatment. A recent study has uncovered the genetic function that allows breast cancer cells to survive and spread to the bone even years after treatment. Researchers at Memorial … [Read more...]
Hereditary Breast Cancer Linked to new Cancers
Hereditary Breast Cancer Linked to new CancersReported February 13, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The risk for a new cancer in the unaffected breast substantially increases in women diagnosed with unilateral, hereditary breast cancer, according to a recent study. The study, led by Katarina Shahedi, M.D., of the Umeå University and the … [Read more...]
Genes key to breast cancer treatment success
Genes key to breast cancer treatment success A genetic test could help to predict which breast cancer patients are at greatest risk of cancer recurring after breast cancer treatment, as well as pinpointing women for whom chemotherapy has little benefit, US study findings indicate. Although it is known that only some women with such breast … [Read more...]
Increase in breast cancer seen in Asian American women
Increase in breast cancer seen in Asian American women Friday, 22-Oct-2004 The incidence of cancer among Asian Americans in California has dropped 5.9 percent and deaths from the disease have dropped 16.3 percent since 1988. Both declines are more rapid than those seen in any of the other major ethnic groups, according to research … [Read more...]
Arimidex most effective in breast cancer study
Arimidex most effective in breast cancer studyReported November 18, 2007 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - After approximately 8 years, postmenopausal women with hormone-sensitive breast cancer who received (Arimidex), generically known as anastrazole, had a lower risk of recurrence than women taking tamoxifen, investigators reported at the annual meeting of the San Antonio … [Read more...]
Mammograms Detect Cancers
Mammograms Detect CancersReported December 02, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Can breast cancer disappear on its own? A new Norwegian report finds some breast cancers detected on mammography may have gone away if they had not been found and treated. The study looked at breast cancer rates among 119,472 women age 50 to 64. Participants had three screening mammograms between … [Read more...]
New Approach to Genomic Testing Identifies Women With Low Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence
New Approach to Genomic Testing Identifies Women With Low Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence Monday December 13 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Dec. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- An initial validation study presented by Exagen Diagnostics at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium suggests it may soon be possible to distinguish good prognosis from poor … [Read more...]
Gene Can Help Predict Chemotherapy Outcomes For Breast Cancer Patients, Study Shows
Gene Can Help Predict Chemotherapy Outcomes For Breast Cancer Patients, Study Shows Reported June 12, 2008 Testing for genetic mutations can help identify breast cancer patients who do not benefit from a certain type of chemotherapy, according to a study published Tuesday in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, Reuters reports. The study included 588 … [Read more...]