Insulin, Aging and Long Life Reported March 21, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- It may not be the fountain of youth, but new research on insulin shows it plays an important role in aging and lifespan. Researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Irvine, Calif., report insulin inhibits a master gene regulator protein called SKN-1; increased SKN-1 … [Read more...]
Inherited Breast Cancer and Red Wine
Inherited Breast Cancer and Red Wine Reported October 13, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study reveals a common thread between inherited breast cancer and red wine. Investigators from the National Institutes of Health looked for the method by which mutations in tumor suppressor genes such as BRCA-1 lead to breast cancer. They found the normal form of … [Read more...]
Yoga More Popular Than Ever
Yoga More Popular Than Ever Reported August 31, 2008 Who knew terms like downward facing dog, flowering lotus, and half camel would ever be phrases of popular culture without a chorus of snickers being heard throughout a studio, classroom, or lecture hall? Unless you've been hiding in a box since the Millennium started, you know what yoga is. The … [Read more...]
Yoga Boosts Heart Health
Yoga Boosts Heart HealthReported November 09, 2009 ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2009) Heart rate variability, a sign of a healthy heart, has been shown to be higher in yoga practitioners than in non-practitioners, according to research to be published in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics. The autonomic nervous system … [Read more...]
Staying Young with Yoga
Staying Young with Yoga Reported December 17, 2008 For centuries, Hindu devotees have talked about the miraculous effects of yoga. In the last century, the world has woken up to Yoga and its many benefits. Today, we talk about how yoga helps us stay young. Ever since the dawn of the 21st century, the health and beauty industry has been growing in … [Read more...]
Ramdev breathes new life into ancient yog prescription
Ramdev breathes new life into ancient yog prescription Reported January 06, 2009 Whatever might be said of yog master Swami Ramdev Ji, one cannot accuse him of being dull. Clad in orange robes, his early morning television show pulls in 20 million viewers in India alone, with the usual video and summer camp spinoffs, as well as things like yoga … [Read more...]
Improve Your Computer Vision
Improve Your Computer Vision Reported April 8, 2008 HOUSTON, Texas (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Tens of millions of people spend four to eight hours in front of a computer every day, and it's only going to get worse! All that time can have an impact on your eyesight. If you are one of these people, you may suffer from a syndrome you don't even realize you … [Read more...]
Hypnosis Helps Unexplained Chest Pain
Hypnosis Helps Unexplained Chest Pain Reported September 28, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- You've been to the doctor and had all the tests. But no one can tell you why you're experiencing chest pains. If that sounds like you, then hypnosis might help. A new study conducted by British researchers reveals … [Read more...]
Hyperbaric Oxygen for Traumatic Brain Injuries
Hyperbaric Oxygen for Traumatic Brain Injuries Reported May 21, 2008 NEW ORLEANS, La. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Five million people in the United States have traumatic brain injuries -- injuries that are likely to have a significant impact on their quality of life and their future. There is no cure, but LSU researchers have found a treatment that could make a … [Read more...]
Hydration Without Calories
Hydration Without Calories Reported June 11, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) A new sports drink that describes itself as a zero-calorie, zero sweetener water beverage may be a good option for athletes seeking hydration. A new study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting demonstrated that Aqua-Lyte doesnt contain the sugars, … [Read more...]
Hospital Rooms of the Future
Hospital Rooms of the Future Reported April 24, 2008 PITTSBURGH, Pa. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- If you've ever had an overnight hospital stay, you know the worries -- from medication mistakes to hospital infections. But now, some hospitals are using futuristic "smart rooms" to help doctors eliminate many problems. Rita Mulkerin has heart problems and has … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness > Homeopathic Effectiveness
Homeopathic Effectiveness Reported August 26, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Homeopathic remedies produce no more healing benefits than dummy treatments, according to Swiss researchers. Researchers from the University of Berne, Switzerland, compared the outcomes of more than 100 placebo-controlled trials of homeopathic remedies with matched trials involving traditional … [Read more...]
High Tech Insomnia Treatments for Vets
High Tech Insomnia Treatments for Vets Reported June 11, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Some war veterans have trouble sleeping after a deployment to Iraq. New research finds both sleep medication and non-pharmacological treatment can help these vets get a better nights sleep. The study specifically finds high tech help may be key when treating young vets … [Read more...]
High Price for Boosting Athletic Performance
High Price for Boosting Athletic Performance Reported March 1, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Athletes who take human growth hormone to boost their performance may end up paying a high price for victory. A case report involving a body builder who took the hormone for three years links it to diabetes. Authors of the new study … [Read more...]
Hidden Dangers in Magic Bottles
Hidden Dangers in Magic Bottles Reported November 11, 2008 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- With age comes wrinkles -- and for most women, battling them is a natural response. Some think theyve found their magic in a bottle, but research shows there may be no such thing. Tiffani Hamilton, M.D., from the Dermatology and Vein Institute in … [Read more...]
Herbal Treatment may Help Keep UTIs Away
A common herbal extract, available in health food stores, could greatly reduce urinary tract infections (UTIs) and could potentially improve the ability of antibiotics to kill E. coli bacteria, the source of 90 percent of infections in the bladder. Forskolin, an extract from the Indian Coleus plant, is an herb known to rev up certain cellular activity. Researchers suggest … [Read more...]
Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Patients — A Deadly Mix?
Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Patients -- A Deadly Mix? Reported April 14, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Taking herbal or over-the-counter remedies in combination with prescription medications for arthritis can be dangerous. United Kingdom researchers conducted a study to help understand the prevalence of … [Read more...]
Herbal Medicines for Menopause?
Herbal Medicines for Menopause? Reported January 16, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Treating menopausal symptoms with herbal remedies could be a waste of time and money. A new article in the Drug and Therapies Bulletin (DTB) says there is no strong evidence either way for several herbal medicines taken to relieve troublesome menopausal symptoms. Herbal … [Read more...]
Herbal Medicine Dangers
Herbal Medicine Dangers Reported August 27, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Ordering herbal medicines on the Internet may put your health at risk. In a recent study, researchers found one fifth of Ayurvedic medicines -- a form of medicine that relies heavily on herbal products -- manufactured in the United States and India that were purchased on the Internet … [Read more...]
Herb Combo for Asthma?
The popularity of herbal medicine is on the rise. Now, American researchers are testing herbs from China that may provide a natural solution to a problem that still stumps doctors: how to treat people with asthma safely and effectively. Teo Hoke needs an inhaler to help her breathe and depends on steroids for survival. "When you have an asthma attack, you feel like … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness> Marijuana-based Medicine Helps Arthritis
Marijuana-based Medicine Helps Arthritis Reported November 9, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Doctors who tested a medicine made from a marijuana plant on people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) found it helps ease pain and may also suppress the progression of the disease. While noting the cannabis-based medicine (CBM) produced only small and variable benefits in this small … [Read more...]
Helping the Body Heal Itself
Helping the Body Heal Itself Reported April 28, 2008 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A device for sports injuries, acute and chronic pain, depression, Parkinson's disease, migraines and even wrinkles? Sound too good to be true? Doctors say it might not be thanks to low frequency pulsed magnetic resonance cell rejuvenation. Low frequency pulsed … [Read more...]
Healthy Eating for Life
Healthy Eating for Life Reported July 01, 2008 BALTIMORE, M.D. (Ivanhoe Newswire) Forty-five percent of the U.S. population is suffering from at least one chronic disease, such as heart disease, asthma and diabetes. These conditions are often preventable through diet, but with new fads continually popping up, eating healthy can sometimes be … [Read more...]
Healing Touch Therapy
Healing Touch Therapy Reported April 23, 2007(TAMPA, Fla. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Kimberly Gray is a registered nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa, Florida. She's also a certified healing touch therapist, and one of her jobs is to help heal leukemia patient Patricia Havenhill by balancing the energy in her body. "When I come down to the abdominal area, I get a … [Read more...]
Heal Yourself With Stem Cells
Heal Yourself With Stem Cells Reported July 17, 2008 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Diseases viruses paralysis! We may all have the power to save ourselves. Researchers are making amazing discoveries with stem cells, using an endless supply that's in our own bodies. Greg Minow is back on a bike. This one will help him walk again. It was … [Read more...]
Ginkgo Biloba Protects Brain from Stroke
Ginkgo Biloba Protects Brain from Stroke Reported October 13, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Ginkgo biloba has long been used as a natural brain booster. Now, researchers say it may also protect against brain damage after a stroke. In a recent study, scientists gave rodents a100 milligrams per kilogram oral dose of the extract for one week, and then … [Read more...]
Ginger Settles Stomach for Chemotherapy Patients
Ginger Settles Stomach for Chemotherapy Patients Reported May 25, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) People undergoing chemotherapy often receive drugs aimed at keeping them from vomiting after the treatments. But the nausea associated with chemotherapy can still linger, making people miserable for days. New research out of the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center in … [Read more...]
Fruit Flies Help Treat Brain Damage
Fruit Flies Help Treat Brain Damage Reported December 03, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Fruit flies may help lead to a new treatment for children with brain-damaging disorders. Researchers from Johns Hopkins University genetically modified flies to exhibit symptoms of mucolipidosis type IV (ML4) -- a disease where nerve cells die in the brain and elsewhere. … [Read more...]
Shockwave Therapy Shows Promise for ED
Shockwave Therapy Shows Promise for ED Reported November 17, 2009 LYON, FRANCE (Reuters Health) - It sounds painful, but shockwave therapy may be an effective treatment for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a small study showcased here at the European Society for Sexual Medicine. Focused shockwaves, generated by a special machine, is an … [Read more...]
Omega-3 EPA linked to less depression
Omega-3 EPA linked to less depression Reported May 03, 2008 Increased blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may reduce the severity of symptoms of depression, particularly in people taking antidepressants, suggests new research from France. A study of 1390 subjects from Bordeaux in France reports that EPA levels in people with depressive … [Read more...]