A Complete Online Guide To Achieve Healthy Weight Loss and Optimum Fitness. N A V I G A T EJOIN WF … [Read more...]
Music to Your Heart
Music to Your Heart Reported November 14, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- We often say certain sounds are like music to our ears. Researchers now believe they may be music to our hearts as well. In a new study conducted among ten healthy volunteers, they found listening to enjoyable music significantly increased the dilation of blood vessels. Compared to … [Read more...]
MRSA Infections Rise Among Kids
MRSA Infections Rise Among Kids Reported January 20, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The rates of antibiotic-resistant infections increased in children across the country between 2001 and 2006 according to a recent study. Researchers focused on strains of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus resistant to the antibiotic methicillin (methicillin-resistant … [Read more...]
Meditation Calms College Students
Meditation Calms College Students Reported February 25, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A first of its kind study shows how meditation can help students deal with the stresses of college life. Researchers found transcendental meditation decreased anxiety and increased alertness. The study investigated the effects of a ten-week Transcendental Meditation (T.M.) … [Read more...]
Meditation as Medication for Heart Failure
Meditation as Medication for Heart Failure Reported March 5, 2007 By Vivian Richardson, Ivanhoe Health Correspondent ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Close your eyes, think about nothing, and heal your heart? New evidence reveals Transcendental Meditation may help reduce the severity of congestive heart failure. … [Read more...]
Medicine’s Next Big Thing: No More Needles?
Medicine's Next Big Thing: No More Needles? Reported September 01, 2008 ATLANTA (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- For some, it's the worst part of going to the doctor. It's estimated that 10 percent of Americans are afraid -- even terrified -- of needles. It may just be a quick stick, but it can be enough to make some people avoid treatment altogether. Now, science … [Read more...]
Medicinal Mushrooms
SEATTLE (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- It's not the kind of mushroom you'd want to eat with your dinner, but it may be the strongest kind to help fight cancer thanks to new research that focuses on the powerful fungus. Something in our forests could be the newest treatment for cancer. It grows here in the Pacific Northwest and in many parts of Asia, but you probably won't see … [Read more...]
Matching Organ Donors
Matching Organ Donors Reported March 11, 2008 BOSTON, Mass. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Two strangers matched up on the internet, but it wasn't for love. It was to save a life. Every day, 17 people in the United States die waiting for an organ donation. Now, those who need a transplant are turning to the internet to find a donor. Jenny Warden was … [Read more...]
Marijuana-like Drug Fights Alzheimers
Marijuana-like Drug Fights Alzheimers Reported November 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study makes the case for an illegal drug by showcasing its potential protective effects against Alzheimers disease. New research suggests a legal drug similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive substance in marijuana, may help prevent or delay … [Read more...]
Lupus Patients Benefit From Cancer Drug
Lupus Patients Benefit From Cancer Drug Reported June 10, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A drug used to fight cancer may also be used to treat some forms of lupus. New research shows rituximab (Rituxan) can benefit lupus patients who have complications of the nervous system. Rheumatologists from the University of California, San Francisco, and Stanford University announced … [Read more...]
Lorenzos Oil Effective Treatment for Genetic Disorder
Lorenzos Oil Effective Treatment for Genetic Disorder Reported July 12, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study gives hope for patients with a debilitating genetic disorder. Certain patients with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) could benefit from a treatment called Lorenzo's oil. ALD patients accumulate high levels of saturated, very long-chain fatty acids in their brains. … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
Staying silent in marital spats a killer for womenReported August 20, 2007 NEW YORK - Women who force themselves to stay quiet during marital arguments appear to have a higher risk of death, a new study shows. Depression and irritable bowel syndrome are also more common in these women. Such "self-silencing" during conflict may have provided an evolutionary survival … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
Hypnosis can reduce pain perception after surgeryReported August 28, 2007 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Hypnosis before breast surgery reduces the amount of medication required during the procedure and lessens postsurgical pain and nausea, according to results of new study. Hospitals also benefit from lower costs. These findings, reported in the Journal of the National … [Read more...]
Galectin-3 Test May Decrease Unnecessary Surgical Procedures
Galectin-3 Test May Decrease Unnecessary Surgical ProceduresReported May 19, 2008 NEW YORK -- May 19, 2008 -- Testing potentially cancerous thyroid nodules for the presence of galectin-3 could substantially decrease the number of unnecessary surgical procedures, reported authors of a study published in the June 2008 edition of The Lancet Oncology. Armando Bartolazzi, MD, … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
Las Vegas therapist has a new treatment for painReported August 01, 2007 Most of us have aches and pains but getting rid of them is a challenge. Healthline 3's Beth Fisher tells us about a new therapy. Patients are finding some remarkable relief with a relatively new therapy being done at Sports Physical Therapy in Las Vegas. The therapy is a little unusual. And though … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
Las Vegas therapist has a new treatment for painReported November 06, 2007 Most of us have aches and pains but getting rid of them is a challenge. The Healthline 3 Team tells us about a new therapy. Patients are finding some remarkable relief with a relatively new therapy being done at Sports Physical Therapy in Las Vegas. The therapy is a little unusual. And though … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
A pain-free alternative to the flu shotReported November 06, 2007 Like it or not, flu season is here. The Centers for Disease Control just issued its first report for this flu season. Seven states are reporting cases. Nevada hasn't reported any cases so far, but California has. A new study may prompt your pediatrician to offer a different way to protect your child from … [Read more...]
Exercise Can Prevent Breast Cancer In Some Women
Exercise Can Prevent Breast Cancer In Some Women Reported November 03, 2008 Los Angeles - Breast cancer is one of a womans worst fears. Many women go through having breast cancer only to have it again. However, studies show that exercise can prevent not only a relapse of breast cancer but any occurrence at all. The American Cancer Society and the American Institute for … [Read more...]
Women Fitness : City News
A Spot of Tea for Your MemoryReported August 08, 2007 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A few cups of coffee or tea not only give your body a pick me up, but they may improve a woman's memory as well. Text Continues Below Women age 65 and older who drink more than three cups of coffee -- or five to six cups of tea -- every day have less decline on memory tests than women … [Read more...]
Study suggests antidepressants may be beneficial for stroke victims
Study suggests antidepressants may be beneficial for stroke victims Reported May 27, 2008 CHICAGO - Doctors may want to give stroke victims antidepressants right away instead of waiting until they develop depression, a common complication, new research suggests. The findings may lead to an expanded use for antidepressants. Someday high-risk people like stroke patients … [Read more...]
Live Past 100
Live Past 100 Reported August 28, 2009 DALLAS (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The fountain of youth may be more attainable than you think. The average American lives 77.8 years, but the number of those living past 100 is growing. what is the secret to being a centenarian? Harold Rottenberg has made a long living out of painting. Rottenberg is 103 years … [Read more...]
Live Longer with Vitamin D
Live Longer with Vitamin DSeptember 11, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Adding a vitamin D supplement to your daily diet might not be a bad idea. European researchers who reviewed 18 studies involving more than 57,000 people report those who took supplements of the "sunshine vitamin" had a 7-percent lower risk of dying. On average, people were … [Read more...]
Life is a Do-Over
Life is a Do-Over Reported July 09, 2009 CLEVELAND (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Our leading killer remains what it has been every year since 1900: heart disease. It kills nearly 650,000 each year. We can only blame ourselves. Our own bad habits such as smoking, no exercise and fat-ridden diets are the main causes of heart disease. But did you know you can … [Read more...]
Less Energy Therapy is More
Less Energy Therapy is More Reported March 1, 2005 PORTLAND, Ore. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- When it comes to massage, acupuncture or touch therapy, James Oschman, Ph.D., says less is more. A traditionally trained biologist who now studies complimentary and alternative therapies, Oschman says practitioners dont have to use a … [Read more...]
Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga Reported September 11, 2008 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- If you've ever taken a yoga class, you know the drill: downward dog, the cobra and cat stretches. But forget those poses for just a minute. There's now a new kind of yoga, and all it takes is a few laughs. When you picture yoga class, you probably imagine a group of people in a … [Read more...]
Fast Food Blamed for Obesity
Fast Food Blamed for Obesity Korean version of "Super Size Me'' to Demonstrate Ill Effects of Fast Food 11-10-2004 Following a worldwide trend toward eating healthier food, fast food is now criticized as a major cause of obesity, despite being enjoyed by thousands of people in chain restaurants everywhere. Some civic groups have even staged anti-fast … [Read more...]
Physical Activity and Obesity among Premenopausal Women
Physical Activity and Obesity among Premenopausal Women01 Dec 2004 Women who are approaching or at menopause and are at risk for obesity and heart disease can benefit from increasing their levels of physical activity, according to researchers at Kansas State University. The researchers looked at relationships between physical activity and obesity in 1,004 … [Read more...]
Obese Heart Failure Patients Fare Better Than Lean
Obese Heart Failure Patients Fare Better Than Lean Wednesday, January 12, 2005 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Although obesity is usually linked to detrimental health consequences, new research indicates that overweight people with heart failure have a lower mortality risk than those of normal weight. This is not the … [Read more...]
Hypertension, lifestyle link among blacks
Hypertension, lifestyle link among blacks Wednesday, January 5, 2005 CHICAGO, Jan 04, 2005 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Illinois researchers Tuesday reported high rates of hypertension among U.S. African-Americans might be associated with lifestyle more than genetics. The international study, published … [Read more...]
IVF and Acupuncture
IVF and Acupuncture Reported November 17, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Reducing the stress and anxiety women feel when undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) is considered important in improving the pregnancy rate in these women. Acupuncture has shown promise in easing these symptoms, but a new investigation out of Hong Kong suggests a sham version of the … [Read more...]
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