Brain Structures Contribute to Asthma Reported August 31, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Could just being exposed to the word "wheeze" make an asthmatic's symptoms worse? That's what researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are saying. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brains of asthmatics, researchers were able to see which parts of the … [Read more...]
Cleaning Fluids Raise Respiratory Risks
Cleaning Fluids Raise Respiratory RisksReported April 03, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) No one wants to go to a hospital that isnt clean and sterile. But could the very products being used to achieve those goals be putting peoples health at risk? Yes, report Massachusetts researchers who looked at the composition of cleaning fluids used in six hospitals and the … [Read more...]
Chronic Rhinosinusitis Gateway to Other Illnesses
Chronic Rhinosinusitis Gateway to Other Illnesses Reported September 06, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- You are not in the clear if you suffer from rhinosinusitis (CRS), an inflammatory condition involving the paranasal sinuses. Those who are affected by CRS are more likely to suffer from other chronic illnesses. A new study suggests patients who suffer from … [Read more...]
Children’s Asthma Masks Fall Down
Children's Asthma Masks Fall Down Reported February 10, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Face masks used to deliver asthma medications to very young children may not always get the job done, report researchers from Wake Forrest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. The study reveals serious deficiencies with … [Read more...]
Childhood Food Allergies: Over Prepared?
Childhood Food Allergies: Over Prepared? Reported September 1, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- More and more kids these days are carrying around adrenaline kits aimed at treating severe reactions due to food allergies. Are they really needed? Depends on who you talk to. According to a pro/con report … [Read more...]
Chemicals in Air Fresheners Reduces Lung Functions
Chemicals in Air Fresheners Reduces Lung Functions Reported July 31, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New research reveals a chemical compound found in many common deodorizing products, like air fresheners and toilet bowl cleaners, has a moderately harmful effect on a … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Cats Trigger Allergies
Cats Trigger Allergies Reported July 5, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Allergy patients may want to reduce their exposure to cats, even if they're not allergic to the felines. Researchers from the United Kingdom were surprised to find increased exposure to cat allergen was associated with greater bronchial responsiveness (BR) in allergy patients even if they were not … [Read more...]
Cat Allergen Wreaks Havoc on Asthmatic Lungs
Cat Allergen Wreaks Havoc on Asthmatic LungsReported November 30, 2005 Women living in country Victoria will now have access to state-of-the-art cancer technology, thanks to a $1.9 million grant from the Bracks Government. The funding will go to BreastScreen Victoria's Regional Digital Mammography Project, which will see women across … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness>Cat Allergen Wreaks Havoc on Asthmatic Lungs
Cat Allergen Wreaks Havoc on Asthmatic Lungs Reported November 30, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Researchers have discovered cat allergens can weaken lungs of people with asthma for more than 22 hours after contact. Nearly 15 million Americans have asthma. Cat allergen exposure can greatly add to their morbidity rate. Those affected by the allergens can experience … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Can an Apple a Day Keep Asthma Away?
Can an Apple a Day Keep Asthma Away? Reported July 10, 2007 ORLANDO (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Eating your fruits and veggies can keep you healthy in one more place -- your chest! A recent study suggests teenagers who follow a healthy and balanced diet -- rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants -- report fewer coughs, respiratory infections, and less severe … [Read more...]
Cosmetics will require ingredients to be listed on labels
Cosmetics will require ingredients to be listed on labelsNovember 26, 2004 OTTAWA (CP) - Cosmetic manufacturers will be required to list the ingredients of their products on labels within two years, Health Canada will soon announce. After 10 years of study, the cabinet has approved changes to cosmetic regulations. To justify the change, the … [Read more...]
Control of asthma critical during pregnancy
Control of asthma critical during pregnancy Jan. 11, 2005 WASHINGTON (AP) - Physicians should pay close attention to managing asthma in pregnant patients, according to guidelines being released by the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Asthma can lead to serious medical problems, both for mothers-to-be … [Read more...]
Asthma Attacks in Pregnant Women Not Linked to Sex of Fetus
Asthma Attacks in Pregnant Women Not Linked to Sex of FetusReported March 13, 2009 MONTREAL, March 13 -- The gender of a fetus has no detectable significant effect on the risk of asthma exacerbations in pregnant women, researchers here said. In a retrospective analysis of more than 5,500 pregnancies, gender also had no bearing on the mother's use of asthma … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness>Asthma and Wheezing Develop By Age 6
Asthma and Wheezing Develop By Age 6 Reported November 18, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Children with asthma-like symptoms during their preschool years develop them by age 6, and the problems do not significantly change for at least 10 years, according to a recent study. Researchers from the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson studied 826 children based on … [Read more...]
Breast not Best for Asthma
Breast not Best for AsthmaSeptember 14, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- There may be lots of good reasons to breastfeed your baby, but protecting him from asthma apparently isn't one of them. A large study conducted by European investigators reveals breastfeeding has no effect on the development of asthma and allergies in the children at the age … [Read more...]
Botox Sponge Replaces Needles for Rhinitis Patients
Botox Sponge Replaces Needles for Rhinitis Patients Reported October 16, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- German researchers may have found a pain-free treatment for sneezing and sniffling rhinitis patients, replacing needles with soft sponges. Millions of American rhinitis patients suffer from an inflamed inner lining of their nose, causing itching, … [Read more...]
Blacks Need More Asthma Meds
Blacks Need More Asthma Meds Reported February 14, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Racial differences may play a role in determining a patient's response to asthma medications. In a new study, blacks who were asthmatic and nonasthmatic required higher doses of glucocorticoids, or controller … [Read more...]
Birth Order Affects Asthma and Allergies
Birth Order Affects Asthma and AllergiesReported May 22, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A lot has been said about birth order. Firstborns are perfectionists and middle children are the most adventurous, right? Well, new research shows there may be some science behind sibling differences -- when it comes to their allergies! Researchers say firstborn children are … [Read more...]
Baking Soda Treatment for Life-Threatening Asthma
Baking Soda Treatment for Life-Threatening Asthma Reported March 17, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, may be a treatment for life-threatening asthma in children, according to a new study in CHEST. Researchers from the Netherlands evaluated 17 children with … [Read more...]
Bacterial ‘Playground’ for Cystic Fibrosis
Bacterial 'Playground' for Cystic FibrosisReported December 17, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New insight into ancient bacteria may spur the development of a novel cystic fibrosis (CF) treatment. People who have CF suffer from an over-production of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs that traps bacteria. The lung infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the leading … [Read more...]
Smoking could trigger depression
Smoking could trigger depression Reported October 06, 2008 A study of more than a thousand women has found that females who smoke are more likely to develop major depression. Heavy smokers - those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day - have almost double the risk of developing diagnosable depression than non smokers. It has long been known … [Read more...]
Pregnant smokers boost child cancer risk
Pregnant smokers boost child cancer risk Reported January 12, 2009 Women who smoke during pregnancy greatly increase the risk their child will develop a life-threatening cancer, a new Australian study shows. Researchers assessed more than one million births recorded across NSW from 1994 to 2005, and found 948 cases in which the growing … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness>Asthma Toxins
Asthma Toxins Reported December 2, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New research is reinforcing the link between dust exposure in the home and asthma. Researchers from the University of Iowa in Iowa City compared asthma symptoms of 2,400 residents to dust samples from 800 homes. They found endotoxins in bedding dust correlated strongest with asthma symptoms, like wheezing, in … [Read more...]
Asthma Plagues World Trade Center Responders
Asthma Plagues World Trade Center Responders Reported November 09, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Responders to the 2001 World Trade Center (WTC) terrorist attacks who were exposed to caustic dust and toxic pollutants following the 9/11 disaster now suffer from asthma at a rate more than twice that of the general population. As many as 8 percent of the … [Read more...]
Asthma Patients Ditch Meds After Hospitalization
Asthma Patients Ditch Meds After Hospitalization Reported December 27, 2004 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study shows many asthmatics discontinue taking medications shortly after being discharged from the hospital. The research involved 52 inner-city, mostly black patients considered at high risk for asthma attacks. All were … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Antibiotics, Dogs Linked to Asthma
Asthma More Severe in Obese Patients Reported May 23, 2007 SAN FRANCISCO (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Of people with asthma, those who are obese are 66 percent more likely to report severe symptoms than their thinner counterparts, report researchers from Emory Crawford Long Hospital in Atlanta. In this new study of 5,741 asthmatic patients, researchers report obese patients … [Read more...]
Asthma Linked to PTSD
Asthma Linked to PTSDReported November 19, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- There may be a link between asthma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A new study from Columbia University looked at 3,065 male twin pairs who had lived together in their childhood and served on active military duty during the Vietnam War. It found patients with the … [Read more...]
Asthma Linked to Early Smoke Exposure
Asthma Linked to Early Smoke Exposure Reported November 17, 2006 By Lucy Williams, Ivanhoe Health Correspondent ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Young people who light up may find themselves sidelined with asthma. Early exposure to cigarette smoke is linked to the development of asthma in adolescents and teenagers. … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Women Fitness> Asthma in Adults 2005 Executive Summary
Asthma in Adults 2005 Executive Summary Reported June 15, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- About 10 million adults in the United States have asthma. One of the main components of asthma is airway inflammation, which is caused by airways in the lungs being overly sensitive to certain triggers. These triggers vary from patient to patient and from time to time. To be able to … [Read more...]
Asthma Could Be Linked to Date of Birth
Asthma Could Be Linked to Date of BirthReported March 02, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Whether or not a child develops asthma may depend on his birthday. Researchers at University of California at Berkeley found the risk increases for newborns whose first few months of life coincide with high pollen and mold seasons or the fall and winter months. Numerous … [Read more...]
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