New Risk for Asthma, Allergy FoundTHURSDAY, Dec. 23 THURSDAY, Dec. 23 (HealthDayNews) -- Do you have the guts to resist allergies and asthma?A University of Michigan study says changes in the bacteria and fungi (microflora) in the gastrointestinal tract may intensify immune system response to common allergens inhaled into the lungs. This can result in an … [Read more...]
Genes Help Kick Habit
Genes Help Kick HabitReported June 06, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) The power to quit smoking may be in your genes. For the first time, researchers have identified gene patters that appear to influence how well one responds to specific smoking cessation treatments. The research was a collaborative effort between Duke University Medical Center, the National … [Read more...]
Gene Found for Childhood Asthma
Gene Found for Childhood Asthma Reported January 05, 2010 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Pediatric researchers have identified a gene which may provide an important target for new childhood asthma treatment. Asthma is a complex disease in which a large number of genes are thought to interact with one another and with environmental factors to produce asthma's … [Read more...]
Gender Impacts Asthma Severity
Gender Impacts Asthma SeverityReported August 21, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Girls and boys deal with asthma differently. A new report from Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School shows even though boys are more likely to have childhood asthma than girls, they are also more likely to outgrow it in adolescence and have fewer incidents after … [Read more...]
Fruit Juices Hamper Drugs Benefits
Fruit Juices Hamper Drugs BenefitsReported August 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Washing down your medicine with fruit juice may be a bad idea. You may have heard that grapefruit juice can increase the absorption of certain drugs and potentially turn normal doses into toxic ones. Now, the scientist who first identified this problem finds grapefruit and other … [Read more...]
Women More Likely to Have Penicillin Allergy
Women More Likely to Have Penicillin Allergy Monday, November 15, 2004 BOSTON (Reuters Health) - Females are nearly five times more likely than males to have skin test results that show they're allergic to penicillin, according to findings reported here Sunday at the annual meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. "The … [Read more...]
For Lung Transplants, More is Better
For Lung Transplants, More is BetterReported January 27, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- The number of lung transplants performed at a hospital could mean life or death for patients seeking the surgery, new research suggests. In the first overall assessment of lung transplant success rates in the United States and Canada, researchers found institutions that … [Read more...]
Fishy Diet Protects Babies from Eczema?
Fishy Diet Protects Babies from Eczema?Reported September 26, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Fish is often a forbidden food when it comes to infants because of its allergenic properties; but now, experts say a diet that includes fish may protect babies from developing a common skin condition. Swedish researchers say infants who are fed fish before they are nine … [Read more...]
Fish oil Helps Asthma
Fish oil Helps Asthma Reported January 12, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Adding fish oil to the diet may help reduce the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma (EIA). A new study from Indiana University in Bloomington reveals fish oil helps reduce narrowing of the patients' airways, allowing them to use less asthma … [Read more...]
Fish, “Fruity Veggies” Protect Against Asthma
Fish, "Fruity Veggies" Protect Against AsthmaSeptember 13, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Want to help your kids avoid asthma and allergies? Then feed them more fish and "fruity vegetables" like tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, and zucchini. Spanish researchers who followed children from before birth up till age six and a half report … [Read more...]
Fighting Food Allergies
Fighting Food Allergies Reported April 17, 2006 SEATTLE (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- If you have a food allergy, you know grocery shopping can be exhausting. You never know if what makes you sick will pop up in a product you wouldn't expect. Now, a new change in food labeling takes out the guesswork. Most … [Read more...]
Farm Living Could Mean no More Allergies
Farm Living Could Mean no More AllergiesReported May 21, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Pregnant mothers who spend time on farms may be protecting their newborns from developing allergies. Researchers in Germany recently studied 18 farming mothers and 59 non-farming mothers and discovered that exposure to farms affects a babys T regulatory cells. These cells are … [Read more...]
Extra Test Doesn’t Help Kids with Asthma
Extra Test Doesn't Help Kids with AsthmaReported January 12, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Adding an expensive test to standard symptom monitoring doesn't appear to help children with mild to moderate asthma. In a new study out of the Netherlands, researchers saw equally significant improvements for children whose asthma medications were adjusted based on … [Read more...]
Eating Nuts During Pregnancy Increases Childs Asthma Risk
Eating Nuts During Pregnancy Increases Childs Asthma RiskReported July 17, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) You may want to limit the amount of nuts you eat while youre pregnant. A new study from the Netherlands finds expectant mothers who eat nuts or nut products like peanut butter every day increase their childs risk of asthma by more than 50 percent … [Read more...]
Easier Sinus Surgery for Kids
Easier Sinus Surgery for KidsReported May 26, 2009 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- When treatments for kids with chronic sinus problems fail, surgery is often an option. Traditional sinus operations may require packing and tissue removal. They can be hard on adults and even harder on children. Now, a new procedure repairs the problem of clogged sinuses and gets kids … [Read more...]
Early Exposure to Dust may Protect Against Asthma
Early Exposure to Dust may Protect Against Asthma Reported April 21, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Children exposed to dust and other microbial agents early in life may be protected from developing asthma, according to new research. Microbials are small particles that can be inhaled. Researchers from … [Read more...]
Early Asthma Detection
Early Asthma Detection Reported December 07, 2007 PITTSBURGH, Penn. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- It's one of the leading causes of hospitalization for children. One in 10 kids suffers from asthma, yet doctors may sometimes have a difficult time getting an accurate diagnosis in very young patients. Three-year old Naomi Shaviss landed in the hospital … [Read more...]
Drug Makes Asthma Easier to Manage
Drug Makes Asthma Easier to Manage Reported February 1, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Children 2 to 14 years old with intermittent asthma fare well on a common drug used to treat more serious forms of asthma. Intermittent asthma is diagnosed when a child (or adult) has brief episodes of wheezing, coughing or shortness of … [Read more...]
Dogs and Asthma
Dogs and Asthma Reported August 30, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Man's best friend could be a worst enemy for kids with asthma. New research reveals having a dog in the home may worsen the response to air pollution of asthmatic kids. In a study out of the University of Southern … [Read more...]
Doctors Heat Up Asthma
Doctors Heat Up Asthma Reported October 12, 2009 ST. LOUIS (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Fifteen-million Americans have asthma -- narrowing and inflammation of the airways that can be uncomfortable, even fatal in the most serious cases. This fall, the FDA is looking at a new drug-free treatment for patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma doctors are using … [Read more...]
Health care fails to meet demands
Health care fails to meet demands October 9, 2006 When Kevin stopped attending the Asthma Reading and Advocacy Program at the King/Drew Medical Center six months ago, I figured that he would return soon. Kevin was one of my students in the South Central L.A. program. Its mission was to help youth with … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Cold or allergy?
Health Tip: Cold or allergy? 2004/11/18 People with year-round allergies may confuse their symptoms with frequent colds. Colds are the result of a viral infection. Perennial allergies -- often caused by indoor triggers such as dust mites, furry pets, cockroaches, mold and fungi -- are the body's physical reactions to inhaled … [Read more...]
Caesarean babies four times more likely to have breathing problems
Caesarean babies four times more likely to have breathing problems December 12, 2007 Babies delivered by planned Caesarean section are up to four times more likely to have breathing problems than those born naturally, a large study suggests. The earlier the procedure is done, the greater the risk, with up to one in ten infants suffering … [Read more...]
Delaying baby vaccine could cut asthma
Delaying baby vaccine could cut asthmaReported October 21, 2008 The diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (DTP) jab is given to babies by the age of two months. Although the triple vaccination is commonplace, experts now believe that it might provoke an immune system response which predisposes the body to the lung condition. However they now believe that … [Read more...]
Daily Treatment may be Unnecessary for Asthma Sufferers
Daily Treatment may be Unnecessary for Asthma Sufferers Reported April 14, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- People with mild, persistent asthma may need to inhale anti-inflammatory steroids only during periods of bad symptoms rather than daily, as current guidelines recommend. A year-long study comparing … [Read more...]
Could Emphysema Start in Childhood?
Could Emphysema Start in Childhood?Reported May 20, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Everyone knows secondhand smoke can hurt young lungs, but most of the time the risk is associated with asthma or later development of lung cancer. New research out of Columbia University suggests early exposure might also lead to an earlier diagnosis of emphysema, even in people who have never … [Read more...]
Cost-Cutting Allergy and Asthma Tests
Cost-Cutting Allergy and Asthma Tests Reported March 24, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New information suggests that if patients' primary care physicians used blood tests more often to screen for allergies, they could eliminate the need for an additional doctor's visit. The national savings might equal the cost of that … [Read more...]
Corticosteroids Linked to Pneumonia
Corticosteroids Linked to PneumoniaReported December 01, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Inhaling corticosteroids to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may cause pneumonia, a new study shows. The lung disease COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, affecting up to 15 million people. Its prevalence is on the rise, but no … [Read more...]
COPD can Lead to Osteoporosis
COPD can Lead to Osteoporosis Reported December 21, 2004 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- People suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, may also be at higher risk for developing osteoporosis, report researchers who studied 81 patients with the lung disease and 38 healthy people who served as controls. … [Read more...]
Controlling Asthma Attacks
Controlling Asthma Attacks Reported February 18, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Montelukast, a leukotriene-receptor antagonist (leukotrienes mediate inflammation in the body and play a role in allergic reactions), decreased incidents of asthma in young children by about 32 percent … [Read more...]
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