Kids Diagnosing ThemselvesReported September 17, 2009 LAS VEGAS (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- "Mommy, I don't feel good." Many parents hear that and think their child is whining. One kid diagnosed herself with a scary disease before the adults noticed anything wrong. Josie Somerlott is usually bouncing around, but the spring was taken out of her step while watching a movie. … [Read more...]
Study: Smokers more likely to have back pain
Study: Smokers more likely to have back pain Reported January 10, 2010 LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A new study shows that smokers are more likely to suffer from lower back pain. A new Finnish study says smoking does not cause back pain, but the data suggests a link between the two. Researchers found the association was strongest in adolescent smokers and smokers who suffer from … [Read more...]
Smoking Increases Risk Of Blindness In Old Age
Smoking Increases Risk Of Blindness In Old Age Reported January 04, 2010 US researchers found that even after the age of 80, smoking increased a person's risk of developing AMD, age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness among Americans aged 65 and over, suggesting it is never too late to give up the habit. The study was the work of lead author Dr … [Read more...]
Asthma can be controlled, not cured
Asthma can be controlled, not curedReported July 10, 2009 HOUSTON -- (July 10, 2009) -- Medications and lifestyle changes help manage asthma, but they will not actually cure it, according to an expert at Baylor College of Medicine. "You still have airway inflammation that needs to be treated," said Dr. Nicola Hanania, associate professor of medicine at BCM. Environment, … [Read more...]
Asthma Treatment Guidelines in Six Months
Asthma Treatment Guidelines in Six Months Reported May 05, 2009 DUBAI - The UAE is expected to come out with guidelines to manage asthma treatment and diagnosis within six months, according to a senior health official. The guidelines are also expected to be unified at the GCC level at a?later stage. The guidelines will be based on those outlined by the Global Initiative … [Read more...]
Risk of Pancreatitis Increases if You’re a Smoker
Risk of Pancreatitis Increases if You're a Smoker Reported March 24, 2009 Chicago, IL - infoZine - JAMA - The occurrence of pancreatitis (an inflammation of the pancreas usually characterized by abdominal pain) has increased in recent decades, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. In addition, the risk of developing the disease may be higher in those who smoke more. Acute … [Read more...]
Warning to Gardeners about Deadly Fungus
Warning to Gardeners about Deadly FungusReported June 19, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) A warning is going out to all gardeners after a healthy man dies from inhaling material from dead plants. The 47-year-old man is highlighted in a report from researchers in the United Kingdom. In May 2007, the man was admitted to a hospital for sputum-producing cough, chest … [Read more...]
Vitamin Supplement may Help Asthma
Vitamin Supplement may Help AsthmaReported December 12, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Asthma patients who don't respond to steroids may have a new option. A recent study from King's College London and Imperial College finds vitamin D3 could significantly improve their response to steroid treatment. The results imply steroid … [Read more...]
Vitamin C in Pregnancy Linked to Asthma and Eczema in Kids
Vitamin C in Pregnancy Linked to Asthma and Eczema in Kids Reported January 20, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Total Vitamin C intake during pregnancy may increase the likelihood of eczema and asthma in children by age 2, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Aberdeen in the … [Read more...]
Unique Asthma Strikes Children
Unique Asthma Strikes ChildrenReported November 10, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New research clarifies the link between a certain genetic variant and asthma in children. Although the variant has been known to be associated with asthma in children, the new study shows it to be associated with asthma in children age 4 or younger. The results also show the risk … [Read more...]
Welsh mums-to-be ‘more likely to smoke’
Welsh mums-to-be 'more likely to smoke' November 05, 2007 Welsh mums-to-be are more likely to smoke than any of their counterparts in other parts of the UK, it has been revealed. Figures released by Dr Tony Jewell, Wales' chief medical officer, show nearly four in ten pregnant women in Wales smoke at some stage during their pregnancy, with more than one … [Read more...]
C.difficile infections continue to fall
C.difficile infections continue to fall Reported January 16, 2009 The NHS is on track to reduce C.difficile infections by 30 percent by 2010-11 according to the latest statistics from the Health Protection Agency (HPA). There were 8,947 C.difficile infections in in England between July and September 2008. This represents a 33 percent … [Read more...]
Apple-shaped women’s asthma risk
Apple-shaped women's asthma risk Reported September 01, 2009 Being overweight is well known to raise the risk of asthma. But the latest study suggests that the amount of weight women carry around the abdomen might be particularly important. The study, by the Northern California Cancer Center at Berkeley, appears in the journal Thorax. The … [Read more...]
Many Smokers Don’t Tell Docs About Their Habit
Many Smokers Don't Tell Docs About Their HabitReported April 02, 2009 THURSDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- More than half of smokers aren't fretting over their personal health, and almost a quarter of those who have health-care providers haven't discussed their tobacco use with that person, a new online survey shows. The survey of more than 1,000 adult smokers, … [Read more...]
Tobacco Smoke Causes Breathing Problems in Healthy Adults
Tobacco Smoke Causes Breathing Problems in Healthy Adults Reported November 16, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- There is more proof that second-hand smoke can make non-smokers sick. Over 11 years, researchers in Switzerland studied 1,661 people who had never smoked. They report inhaling environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) can cause … [Read more...]
Combined Therapy for Treating Asthma
Combined Therapy for Treating Asthma Reported July 20, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A combination therapy may be necessary to treat asthma. New research from Stockholm, Sweden, reveals asthma patients may need both inhaled corticosteroids and antileukotriene drugs. … [Read more...]
Sweating Out Asthma
Sweating Out AsthmaReported September 09, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- People who suffer from exercise-induced asthma (EIA) may benefit from strategies to increase their production of sweat and other bodily fluids. Thats the key finding from University of Michigan investigators who measured fluid secretion rates in 56 athletes suspected of having EIA. All … [Read more...]
Smokers die sooner, live with more disease
Smokers die sooner, live with more disease Reported May 26, 2009 STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 11 (UPI) -- A 30-year study of 54,000 men and women in Norway found smoking had a tremendous impact on mortality and cardiovascular disease. Haakon Meyer of the University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute of Public Health said the … [Read more...]
HIV infections on the rise in Sweden
HIV infections on the rise in Sweden Reported January 03, 2008 A record number of Swedes were infected with HIV in 2007. Stockholms intravenous drug users suffered a major outbreak which added to the high infection statistics. The virus strain is new and appears to have come from Finland. Through the middle of … [Read more...]
Does Smokeless Tobacco Help Smokers Quit Cigarettes?
Does Smokeless Tobacco Help Smokers Quit Cigarettes? Reported January 26, 2009 Some smokers say they just cant quit cigarettes. But previous studies of smokers in Sweden have suggested that many have done just that, by switching to smokeless tobacco. While not without health risks, smokeless tobacco is less harmful than … [Read more...]
Study: Less Education, More Asthma Symptoms
Study: Less Education, More Asthma Symptoms Reported December 30, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Individuals with more education suffer less from asthma, and having fewer than 12 years of formal schooling is associated with worse asthma symptoms. Drs. Kim Lavoie and Simon Bacon from the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Canada, and colleagues studied … [Read more...]
Stubborn Cough Fades With Morphine
Stubborn Cough Fades With Morphine Reported February 19, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- What do you do for a never-ending cough? New research reveals it may take morphine to quiet the rattle and give those lungs a break. Researchers from the University of Hull and Castle Hill Hospital in East Yorkshire, England, studied 27 … [Read more...]
Stopping Peanut Allergies
Stopping Peanut AllergiesReported March 20, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Doctors may have found a cure for dangerous peanut allergies. Childhood allergies to peanuts have become widespread in recent years, causing potentially life-threatening reactions when exposed, even in trace amounts, to peanuts. Now, in a groundbreaking study, doctors found exposing … [Read more...]
Study: Stop Smoking Treatments Dont Last
Study: Stop Smoking Treatments Dont LastReported July 15, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) There are a variety of treatments available to help people quit smoking, but evidence shows their effects are not long lasting. A team of researchers at McGill University and the University of Montreal tested six products varenicline, nicotine nasal spray, buprotion … [Read more...]
Spending time Outside may Decrease Asthma Severity
Spending time Outside may Decrease Asthma SeverityReported April 24, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Vitamin D may now be beneficial for more than simply strengthening bones. A recent study suggests low levels of vitamin D may be connected with a high severity of Asthma. A recent study conducted by Harvard Medical School incorporated 600 Costa Rican children … [Read more...]
New Compound May Prevent Allergies, Study Finds
New Compound May Prevent Allergies, Study Finds WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new chemical compound, part-cat and part-human, may provide an end to misery-making cat allergies, U.S. researchers reported on Sunday. And they said their approach in creating the compound may work against more dangerous allergies, such as deadly peanut … [Read more...]
Snoring Linked to Childhood
Snoring Linked to ChildhoodReported August 26, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Your childhood environment may determine whether you will snore when you are an adult. A new report from Sweden shows childhood risk factors such as having pets, early respiratory or ear infections and growing up in a large family can all play a role on adult snoring. Researchers asked … [Read more...]
Fitness News : Asthma More Severe in Obese Patients
Sniffing Out Asthma Reported May 23, 2007 SAN FRANCISCO (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- An "electronic nose" may one day be used to diagnose asthma, say researchers out of the Netherlands and Italy presenting the results from a new study. The device contains chemical vapor sensors that react to volatile organic compounds in a person's exhaled breath that may be used as markers of … [Read more...]
Smoking Vaccine Being Developed
Smoking Vaccine Being DevelopedReported June 18, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) For smokers who are having trouble kicking the habit, science is working to find help. Although its still in the very early development stage, research on an antinicotine vaccine is in preliminary trials. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to develop antinicotine antibodies. … [Read more...]
Smoke-Free Laws Keeping Lungs Healthy
Smoke-Free Laws Keeping Lungs HealthyReported August 04, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A law that prevents smoking in public areas is having a positive impact on public health. Since March 2006, it has been illegal to smoke in any enclosed public place or workplace in Scotland. To see how the law has impacted public health, researchers used information from … [Read more...]
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