Obesity and weight gain associated with poorer breast cancer survival Women who are overweight prior to breast cancer diagnosis, or who are lean but gain weight following diagnosis, are more likely to have their disease return or die of the disease, a new study shows. This effect was found to be particularly pronounced among women who had never smoked. The study is … [Read more...]
Less-severe surgery can tell whether breast cancer has spread, study finds
Less-severe surgery can tell whether breast cancer has spread, study finds AP Medical Writer Removing just one to three key lymph nodes instead of the usual dozen or more can spare women lifelong arm problems and reliably indicate whether breast cancer has spread and needs aggressive treatment, the first big study to test this approach has found.Many doctors … [Read more...]
Aromatase Inhibitors Recommended for Breast Cancer
Aromatase Inhibitors Recommended for Breast Cancer By Amanda GardnerHealthDay Reporter (HealthDayNews) -- A group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors should be used after surgery to treat postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer, new guidelines recommend. The guidelines are an updated technology assessment from the … [Read more...]
BP Drug Blocks Breast Cancer
BP Drug Blocks Breast Cancer Reported June 02, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Reduce your blood pressure cut your risk for breast cancer? New research shows a common blood pressure drug can block a breast cancer gene. Losartan is prescribed to treat patients with high blood pressure. But in a recent study on mice, researchers found it blocked the gene AGTR1, a gene seen in … [Read more...]
Bone Loss in Breast Cancer Survivors
Bone Loss in Breast Cancer Survivors Reported September 21, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Osteoporosis, which can be caused by certain cancer drugs, is a growing concern among breast cancer survivors and their doctors. Many breast cancer patients also experience secondary causes of bone loss, such as vitamin D deficiency. Primary causes of osteoporosis are menopause and aging. … [Read more...]
Bone Density Test for Breast Cancer
Bone Density Test for Breast CancerReported October 24, 2008 TUCSON, Ariz. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Bone scans are typically used to check for osteoporosis, but now researchers say they could be one of the most powerful predictors of breast cancer. Also, why having strong bones may put older women at a greater risk. At 64, two-time breast cancer survivor Ilya Sloan doesn't … [Read more...]
Bone Death
Bone Death Reported September 25, 2006 CHICAGO (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- "Don't tell me about the 85 percent who die," Renae Henkin says. "Tell me about the 15 percent that live." Henkin has battled breast cancer in its most advanced stage for eight years. She had a partial mastectomy, seven rounds of … [Read more...]
Bloodless Transplant: Balancing Religion and Medicine
Bloodless Transplant: Balancing Religion and MedicineReported March 06, 2009 lillLOS ANGELES (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Most people will try anything to reverse a devastating diagnosis, but what happens when modern medicine clashes with strongly held religious beliefs? One doctor is looking for a solution to help those who would rather die than go against their faith. … [Read more...]
Blood Test for Breast Cancer
Blood Test for Breast Cancer Reported September 17, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Researchers have developed a simple blood test that can help doctors assess treatment effectiveness for patients with metastatic breast cancer. "The current standard of care for metastatic disease involves the use of radiology studies such as CT scans, ultrasounds and the like to determine … [Read more...]
Blood Clots in Cancer Patients
Blood Clots in Cancer PatientsReported November 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A drug meant to inhibit tumor growth may have a dangerous side effect. Bevacizumab (Avastin) is prescribed to patients with colorectal cancer, nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC), renal cell cancer and breast cancer to inhibit angiogenesis -- the growth of new blood vessels, which plays a … [Read more...]
Blacks More Likely to See Return of Breast Cancer
Blacks More Likely to See Return of Breast Cancer Reported October 31, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Black women who undergo a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy for early stage breast cancer are significantly more likely to see a return of their cancer 10 years later than white women who have similar treatment. Thats the key … [Read more...]
Black Women Shortchanged on Breast Cancer Care
Black women with advanced forms of breast cancer may not be getting the same kind of state-of-the-art care white women receive. According to researchers from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, the survival rate for white women with the most deadly forms of the disease has risen steadily over the past couple of decades. Survival rates for black women have remained … [Read more...]
Bigger Babies at Risk for Cancer
Bigger Babies at Risk for Cancer Reported February 11, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Recently, much research has been conducted to look at how in utero exposures affect the risk of certain diseases in adulthood. Now, a Swedish study shows larger babies have a … [Read more...]
Biased Breast Cancer Studies From Drug Companies?
Biased Breast Cancer Studies From Drug Companies?Reported February 26, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- When the pharmaceutical industry funds studies on breast cancer, the results are more likely to be positive, according to the results of a new study. New research from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel … [Read more...]
Better Imaging for Tumors
Better Imaging for TumorsReported April 16, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) A new imaging technique could help doctors get a better view of tumors. Stanford researchers developed a specially designed dye containing nanoparticles tiny particles between 1 and 100 nanometers in diameter. The new technology picks up Raman signals that molecules emit in response to light, which … [Read more...]
Benign Breast Disease Increases Cancer Risk
Benign Breast Disease Increases Cancer Risk Reported July 21, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study shows benign breast disease is an important risk factor for future cases of breast cancer. A research led by researchers from Mayo Clinic Cancer Center in Rochester, shows certain types of breast diseases may be indicators more than others. Lynn Hartmann, M.D., Mayo Clinic … [Read more...]
Being Overweight May Kick Start Puberty
Being Overweight May Kick Start PubertyReported March 5, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Overweight girls -- including those who gain a lot of weight in early childhood -- are significantly more likely to experience an early puberty. These findings support previous research suggesting weight gain in girls leads to earlier puberty … [Read more...]
Beating the Odds: Second Opinions (Part 2 of 3)
Beating the Odds: Second Opinions (Part 2 of 3)Reported February 13, 2006 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- So many diseases. So many treatment options. How do you know your doctor made the right diagnosis and suggested the right treatment for you? Most of the time, you don't. That's why second opinions are so important. Buying … [Read more...]
Rare Amazonian Plant Beats Breast Cancer
Rare Amazonian Plant Beats Breast Cancer 7 February 2005 Scientists Deborah Lannigan and Jeffrey Smith at the University of Virginia Health System have discovered that a compound derived from a rare South American plant stops the growth of human breast cancer cells. … [Read more...]
Push is on to fight breast screening cut
Push is on to fight breast screening cut Reported October 15, 2009 A new push to fight Queensland government plans to limit access to breast screening services will be launched on the Gold Coast on Thursday. The campaign, "Who's Handling Your Breasts", is being led by the Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, one of Australia's … [Read more...]
Promising results for new breast cancer drug
Promising results for new breast cancer drug December 09, 2004 A NEWER drug prevented far more breast cancers from recurring in older women than the old standby tamoxifen and with far fewer side effects, doctors in the US said yesterday, citing a new study.Cancer specialists said Arimidex is likely … [Read more...]
Pressure on to speed up cancer compo
Pressure on to speed up cancer compoJuly 13, 2007 Yesterday, it emerged that Angela Eckersley, a former ABC employee and the wife of former ABC presenter and journalist Ian Eckersley, was suffering from breast cancer the 15th ABC Brisbane staffer to fall victim to the disease. Ms Eckersley left the broadcaster two years ago … [Read more...]
Physically Active Women May Outrun Breast Cancer Risk
Physically Active Women May Outrun Breast Cancer Risk Reported May 13, 2008 CALGARY, Alberta, May 13 -- A physically active life may reduce a woman's breast cancer risk by 25% to 30%, according to a systematic review of the literature. The protective effect varied, though, by type of activity undertaken, when women were active over a … [Read more...]
Pesticide linked to breast cancer
Pesticide linked to breast cancer January 29, 2005 PESTICIDES used on tobacco crops in northeastern Victoria since the 1940s have been linked to high rates of breast cancer, sparking fears for the 48,000 women in the area. Researchers at Monash University have … [Read more...]
New scanner aims to detect breast cancer in young women
New scanner aims to detect breast cancer in young women Reported July 01, 2009 In an Australian first, WA researchers are testing a simple scanner that could allow GPs to pick up early breast cancers, particularly in younger women who cannot have mammograms. Edith Cowan University scientists are working with the Chinese developers of the new … [Read more...]
$1.9 Million Boost for Rural Breast Screening
Women living in country Victoria will now have access to state-of-the-art cancer technology, thanks to a $1.9 million grant from the Bracks Government. The funding will go to BreastScreen Victoria's Regional Digital Mammography Project, which will see women across country Victoria gain access to the latest technology in mammography imaging. The funding was announced today by … [Read more...]
Many breast cancers do not need treatment
Many breast cancers do not need treatment Reported November 12, 2009 HUNDREDS of women every year are having treatments for breast cancer, including surgery and chemotherapy, that are unnecessary because nearly one-third of cancers detected by screening tests are not dangerous. Australian researchers have proven for the first time that breast … [Read more...]
Health Canada approves treatment aimed at extending breast cancer protection
Health Canada approves treatment aimed at extending breast cancer protectionApr. 13, 2005 TORONTO (MRI) - Health Canada has approved a medication aimed at preventing the recurrence or spread of breast cancer beyond the first five years after diagnosis. The approval of letrozole marks the first time a medication has been approved for … [Read more...]
Drugs hope for breast cancer
Drugs hope for breast cancer January 27, 2005 A STUDY that researchers are describing as a milestone in breast cancer treatment has found a new class of drugs is more effective than existing medication in preventing the disease recurring.The findings, to be announced … [Read more...]
Clever women hit by breast cancer hardest
Clever women hit by breast cancer hardest Reported November 02, 2009 WELL-educated women and women who live alone are emotionally the hardest hit by breast cancer, according to medical researchers. While these women are likely to be the most informed about the cancer and its treatment they are also likely to suffer greater anxiety, difficulty … [Read more...]
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