Device Tracks Progress of Lung CancerReported July 08, 2008 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Better treatment may be on the horizon for lung cancer patients, thanks to a new device. A microchip-based device previously used to detect circulating tumor cells (CTCs), or tumor cells in the bloodstream, can now be used to analyze genetic changes in those cells. This means … [Read more...]
Detecting Cancer at the Dentist’s Office
Detecting Cancer at the Dentist's OfficeReported April 25, 2008 HOUSTON, Texas (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Every two minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. Every thirteen minutes, a woman dies from this disease. Early detection may be the key to surviving it so what if finding out you had it could be as simple as going to the dentist? It could happen! It wasn't … [Read more...]
Dense Breast Genes Found?
Scientist report they have found a the location of a gene associated with dense breast tissue, a factor known to increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Finding these genes means researchers may have a new lead on how to develop ways to reduce breast tissue density and, possibly, breast cancer risk. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic and H. Lee Moffitt Cancer … [Read more...]
Dark Skinned People Should Beware Skin Cancer
Dark Skinned People Should Beware Skin Cancer Reported July 28, 2006 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Many dark-skinned people don't worry much about skin cancer. That's unwise, report University of Cincinnati researchers who reviewed more than 50 years' worth of data on skin cancer in populations around the world. … [Read more...]
Could an Aspirin a day Reduce Breast Cancer?
Could an Aspirin a day Reduce Breast Cancer?Reported May 05, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study finds taking an aspirin a day may lower a womans risk for a common type of breast cancer. The study reveals daily aspirin use was linked to a small reduction in estrogen-receptor positive (ER-positive) breast cancers. However, study authors say aspirin and other … [Read more...]
Computers Detect Breast Cancer
Computers Detect Breast CancerReported October 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- New research shows when a computer-aided detection system is used in breast cancer screening, it detects cancer as effectively -- if not with more precision -- as an additional radiologist. Research has shown mammography reading by two medical experts is more sensitive at detecting cancer than … [Read more...]
Compound Discovery Could Strengthen Chemo
Compound Discovery Could Strengthen Chemo Reported December 24, 2004 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Researchers say their discovery of a new compound could improve chemotherapy. Researchers from Michigan State University in East Lansing discovered the compound known as SP-4-84. They believe the compound, when used in conjunction … [Read more...]
Combo Treatment Ups Fatigue in Breast Cancer
Combo Treatment Ups Fatigue in Breast CancerReported September 10, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Women with early stage breast cancer who receive treatment with both radiotherapy and chemotherapy are more likely to report fatigue, even six months later. The result comes from a study comparing breast cancer survivors with similar women without breast cancer in the general … [Read more...]
Combination Treatment Shrinks Tumors?
Combination Treatment Shrinks Tumors?Reported August 26, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A one-two punch may be the best way to shrink tumors. A new study may help explain why anti-cancer drugs, which boost the tumor-killing power of immune cells, havent done well in clinical trials. The report shows a way to enhance how these drugs shrink well-established tumors. The immune … [Read more...]
Colors Make Surgery More Precise
Colors Make Surgery More PreciseReported August 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Cancer surgeries may soon get more colorful and more precise. Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have developed a new imaging system that highlights cancerous tissue, making it easier for surgeons to see and remove it with less damage to normal tissue. The technique could … [Read more...]
College Grads Have Lower Cancer Death Rates
College Grads Have Lower Cancer Death RatesReported July 14, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Higher education isnt just good for the mind; its also good for your health. According to a new study done by the American Cancer Society, people with a college degree or more than 16 years of education die less often from the four most common kinds of cancer lung, colorectal, … [Read more...]
Study: Childhood Soy Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
Study: Childhood Soy Diet Reduces Breast Cancer RiskReported March 30, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Asian-American women who ate a lot of soy during their childhood are significantly less likely to develop breast cancer than other women, even those who consume a lot of soy in adolescence and adulthood, according to a new study. Historically, breast cancer rates are four- to … [Read more...]
Childhood Cancer Survivors Remain at Risk
Childhood Cancer Survivors Remain at RiskReported June 03, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Adults whove survived childhood cancer must remain vigilant to stay healthy in the future. A new study finds these patients have a higher risk for both cancer and heart disease. Researchers from Brenner Childrens Hospital at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., … [Read more...]
Chemotherapy Resistance
Chemotherapy Resistance Reported September 01, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Cell cycle checkpoints act like molecular tripwires for damaged cells. Leave the tripwire in place for too long, however, and cancer cells will press on regardless, making them resistant to certain types of chemotherapy, according to researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. "A lot … [Read more...]
Chemotherapy for Older Breast Cancer Patients
Chemotherapy for Older Breast Cancer Patients Reported March 3, 2005 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study suggests older women with breast cancer, who are otherwise in good health, may be dismissed as candidates for treatment with chemotherapy. Previous data shows secondary treatment chemotherapy in women with early stage … [Read more...]
Chemotherapy and Tamoxifen Reduce Second Breast Cancer Risk
Chemotherapy and Tamoxifen Reduce Second Breast Cancer Risk Reported January 07, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) Breast cancer patients may reduce the risk of developing a second cancer in their other breast if they have chemotherapy or tamoxifen. The risk of developing cancer in the other breast is two to six times … [Read more...]
Chemobrain Reported December 20, 2004 HOUSTON (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Chemotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment. But with the therapy comes an often overlooked side effect that researchers have dubbed "chemobrain." Here's what is and what doctors are doing to stop it. Janis Shea works hard to stay focused. "I'm … [Read more...]
Risk factors explain racial breast cancer patterns
Risk factors explain racial breast cancer patternsMar 29, 05 The differences in breast cancer rates among various racial and ethnic groups can be largely explained by the presence of breast cancer risk factors, according to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. After factoring in age, breast cancer rates for women in … [Read more...]
Red Meat Linked To Breast Cancer
Red Meat Linked To Breast Cancer July 15, 2007 Science Daily Eating red meat increases a womans chance of developing breast cancer, according to new research from the University of Leeds. The findings are most striking for post-menopausal women those with the highest intake of red meat, the equivalent to one portion a day (more than 57 grams) - … [Read more...]
Catch Some Rays, Avoid Breast Cancer?
Catch Some Rays, Avoid Breast Cancer? Reported October 22, 2007 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- While too much sun may be bad for your skin, increased exposure to sunlight may cut your risk of advanced breast cancer in half. Researchers reveal women who had high exposure to sunlight had half the risk of developing advanced breast cancer -- … [Read more...]
Cancer Survivors Stuck in Limbo
Cancer Survivors Stuck in LimboReported June 02, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Long-term cancer survivors arent getting the guidance and care needed during a crucial time, according to a group of Scottish researchers. A recent study found many patients have finished their oncology treatments but are not receiving support to manage their ongoing symptoms. The impact of … [Read more...]
Cancer Survivors at Risk for Relapse
Cancer Survivors at Risk for RelapseReported August 18, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A new study cautions breast cancer survivors to remain on guard. Results reveal survivors of breast cancer are at substantial risk of recurrence even 15 years after their first diagnosis. Researchers at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston examined recurrence rates … [Read more...]
Gene Linked to Breast Cancer Risk
British researchers have uncovered another gene that appears to significantly raise the risk of breast cancer among some women. Their study shows women with a faulty version of the CHEK2 gene are more likely to develop the disease when compared to non-carriers. Julian Peto, from The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and colleagues tested 469 patients with … [Read more...]
Cancer-Proofing Foods
Cancer-Proofing FoodsReported February 13, 2006 ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Drink tea. Eat broccoli. No fried foods. Lots of fish. Lose weight. Exercise more. Stop smoking. You've probably heard of all these ways to prevent cancer. But why bother? Is any of it really doing any good? Doctors say yes ... Only 10 percent … [Read more...]
Cancer Linked to Behavior in Elderly
Cancer Linked to Behavior in ElderlyReported November 18, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- About 80 percent of cancer diagnoses occur in the elderly, but many of their risk factors for the disease are behavioral, a new study revealed. The Duke University study was done to estimate the impact measurable risk factors have on cancer in the elderly. It revealed more than 80 percent … [Read more...]
Cancer Education Needed
Cancer Education NeededReported September 01, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Do you think you know what causes cancer? Results of a new survey show you probably dont! Results from the survey by the International Union of Against Cancer (UICC) indicate most people have an exaggerated idea of environmental factors that may cause cancer, while minimizing the influence of … [Read more...]
Cancer Blood Test Improves Therapy
Cancer Blood Test Improves Therapy Reported February 25, 2005 DALLAS (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Knowing the enemy is an important part of any battle plan. Researchers are using that strategy in the fight against cancer. And this new targeted therapy scores a direct hit. Rebecca Kearny searches for … [Read more...]
Calcium May Protect Against Cancer
Calcium May Protect Against CancerReported February 27, 2009 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Drinking milk not only makes your bones stronger, it may also protect you from cancer. According to a new study, women who consume a lot of calcium have a lower risk of cancer overall and both men and women with high calcium intake have lower risks of colorectal cancer and other cancers of … [Read more...]
Caffeine and Breast Cancer Risk
Caffeine and Breast Cancer RiskReported October 20, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- In a new study, researchers found caffeine is not associated with overall breast cancer risk, but it could increase the risk of cancer for women with benign breast disease or for specific types of tumors. Its believed that caffeine is the most commonly consumed drug worldwide. Caffeine is … [Read more...]
Second-hand smoke linked to breast cancer
Second-hand smoke linked to breast cancerReported November 06, 2009 A panel of international medical experts has found a link between exposure to second-hand smoke and breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. Meanwhile, other research presented on Wednesday suggests that women could "virtually eradicate" their risk of developing breast cancer by raising the levels of vitamin … [Read more...]
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