Ms. Necar Zadegan: Well, it’s really as you have said, I studied and worked hard and it always feels like a work in progress. I always knew that this was what I wanted to do, and I pursued a work in the arts from a very young age. My studies always included theatre and dance. My work started in the theater and when I graduated from the university I moved to Los Angeles to find work in film and television.
It was like figuring out a jigsaw puzzle starting from the beginning, not knowing anyone in the business. But I knew I was good, and I looked for every opportunity I could to show my work and as it went, smaller roles turned into bigger roles. I continue to be a student of this life and this art and look for opportunities to become better all the time.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have selected a profession of being an actress, into fashion and beauty that requires a lot of hard labor, technical soundness and excellence in different faculties to finally succeed, how do you achieve that?
Ms. Necar Zadegan: I think the path is different for everybody, but I think of it like an athlete would. To be prepared, keep your head in the game, and your eyes on the prize no matter what happens.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Necar Zadegan: I think physical fitness should be a mind and body experience so I like to get outside. I’m generally an outdoorsy person like hiking and swimming. I love to run and I’m particularly into barre classes. I always studied dance so that type of training speaks to me. I still take dance classes when I have time. Yoga is terrific and if I don’t have time to do that then at least I spend a good amount of time stretching out my body.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Necar Zadegan: I am committed to an organic, hormone free diet, and I am mindful of what goes into my body. But I am lucky to be healthy and I don’t like to deprive myself.
I enjoy everything in moderation. I grew up in California which is very health conscious and raised in a home with Persian cooking so we enjoyed lots of fresh herbs and fruits which is the style of eating what I love most.
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