Namita Nayyar:
What is your motivation to take a multi-faceted personality of a fitness model, LOOX expert and author, Olimp Sport Nutrition Athlete, Ninja Warrior, Personal trainer, Presentation coach and participant in Olympia Arnold Classic, professional bodybuilder competitor and IFBB-Pro athlete?
Nathalie Schmidt:
My motivation is that I love what I do. I love bodybuilding lifestyle and it is a great gift that my husband is a competitor too, so we understand each other and what is most important, we share our love for bodybuilding, the travels, the unforgettable moments and a sporty and healthy lifestyle. I also like to share my experiences and knowledge for the young athletes, who started to walk this way too. I want to teach and accompany them. Also I love to shoot, because for me it’s kind of preserving the body I worked so hard for. Maybe I can show these pictures one day to my homies in old homes 😉 I worked already with the biggest names in the fitness industry, it’s such a big honor!
Namita Nayyar:
Share your exercise routine that you do to maintain such a perfect physique?
Nathalie Schmidt:
My exercise routine is quite intensive. I work out every day! In the morning I do my cardio with the HITT system about 30 minutes. In the afternoon I lift weights and do some crossfit exercises. I try to keep my body in shape the whole year, to be always ready for shoots. Also I like routine in my life. I always need a good structured day to feel good. I train legs 2 times a week, because I think that’s the most striking body part for most women, also for me!
Namita Nayyar:
What is your diet? Do you take a particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?
Nathalie Schmidt:
Most time of the year I keep my diet, what means that I eat low carb! I just eat some oats in the morning and further on only protein like meat, fish and eggs. But I eat veggies and fruits, because I think it’s good for my hair, skin and health. I also take Vita-Min-Multiple, Chela-Mag B6 Forte shots, Q10, ZMA,BCAA and green tea extract from Olimp Sport Nutrition.
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