Namita Nayyar:
How would you define Women Fitness?
Natasha Hastings:
Women Fitness is a lot like the definition of beauty to me. It’s what you have set for yourself and what you desire it to be. I believe it’s all about setting your goals and having a plan to achieve those goals.
Namita Nayyar:
After overcoming issues with your “boy” body and depleted self-esteem, to missing out on the 2012 Olympics, your journey to success hasn’t been an easy one. You have a very interesting series of videos called “Tea Time”, which focuses on topics ranging from dating to mental preparation, often with friends and fellow athletes. What inspired you to take this up? How can one overcome their “self-doubts”?
Natasha Hastings:
I felt that it was important people understand that on the other side of the incredible things you see us doing on the track or field, there is a human being. There are so many things that go into preparing for competition, but there are also so many other things that affect our performances. I wanted to educate people on what it’s like to be a professional track athlete. There were many questions that people had, that I just assumed were common knowledge. So, it’s actually ended up being a learning experience for me as well.
I’ve learned the first steps to overcoming self-doubt is changing your language. There’s tremendous power in words, and sometimes you have to fake it till you make it. I had to learn how to speak to myself positively. Change my negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Even if I wasn’t quite where I wanted to be, I had to believe I was going to get there and I’m able to achieve all those things. I also wanted to create a platform where there is a transparent discussion on growing pains and issues regarding self-love that especially young women go through. I wanted to show them that they are not alone and that we can all uplift each other through out our journeys.
Namita Nayyar:
Relaxing and rejuvenating your body is equally important for any sportsperson; how do you relax after a hectic training session?
Natasha Hastings:
First, I get weekly massages. Although, they don’t tend to be “relaxing,” I do feel ten times better afterwards. I also use my compression boots and take warm epsom soaks pretty often. For the more feminine things, I try to get my nails done every other week, and do at home facials every week. I do believe it’s important to make this time for yourself no matter what. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but small moments of self-love are absolute necessities.
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