Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Your inquisitive mind lead you to skincare, healing and eliminating skin issues naturally, helping women embrace their own beauty and teaching them how to be their greatest advocate. Tell us more about your motivation behind starting the brand
Ms. Natalie Bolton:
Living in one of the greatest cities on the planet, Los Angeles, I started to notice how painfully unattainable the ideas of “beauty” were that were and are being forced on us at every turn. It is suffocating and it is not just happening in LA, it’s present in every city. It isn’t even real-this ideal, unreachable beauty. I also started to pay attention to how the messages to us are all fear based in regards to “getting beautiful”. Then having the struggle and pressure of “staying beautiful”, as if this “beauty” is only granted to a select, elite few; if you aren’t one of the “chosen” ones then you get left out. It’s all coming from a place of fear. I wanted my contribution in the realm of beauty to be one of celebration, inclusion, empowerment, and pride.
Celebrate each other in our differences. Inclusion of all. There is no one, single standard of beauty.
Empower each other. One day I may be down and need my fellow woman to speak life into me. Tomorrow it may be you and you better believe I will lift you up. We all get insecure from time to time. We all struggle in different areas. Support and empowerment of one another is where it’s at. Pride in the journey we have had the courage to sign up for. In one of my Instagram posts (skinsacredbynataliebolton) I wrote, “Crow’s feet? Ok, so you’ve lived some life and hopefully gained some wisdom in the process. Smile lines? Great! You’ve been fortunate enough to experience joy and happiness. An extra 5 pounds? Awesome, you were able to enjoy loved ones and visit with friends.” Pride in the obstacles and challenges we’ve made it through and to the other side. If we would focus more on our strength, tenacity and the fire in our spirit we would see how freaking gorgeous we are. Stunning, actually. In a world where nothing seems to be sacred anymore our relationship with ourselves, our love for ourselves and our constant improvement in our humanness should remain sacred. From here is where everything else stems…
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Working with clients and women all over the globe you are definitely working towards improving and beautifying the lives of many women. Provide us an insight into a day in your life.
Ms. Natalie Bolton:
About 6 months ago I really got serious about my morning routine. All the greats talk about our habits and the power of having morning rituals. I watched my mom my whole life be really faithful with her morning reading and quiet time. I had a practice, but got really serious and unwavering with it some months back. It has changed my life. Before I get out of bed I think of what I am grateful for. First thing after getting up, I journal, meditate, and pray. I have to wake up very early to fit all of this in but it is more than worth it. For me, my day starts here. Don’t get me wrong, I can still get extremely annoyed from time to time, but my reaction time is much slower and has far less power over me than it used to. Then I sweat. I’m a much better person to myself and everyone else when I sweat. I MUST WORKOUT for my own sanity! Then I go over my goals list and see what can be marked off. Always forefront I think of how I can just show up kindly for at least one person in the day.
I think my mission here on earth goes beyond slapping on a mask and slinging an acne cleanser. It fuels me to give something to someone everyday. Be it offering an ear to a client on my table who needs to process out loud or maybe it’s me staying up past my bedtime researching a healing agent that’s been overlooked to help an insecure teenager who is being bullied at school because of her acne. I am so proud of us women today. I am in complete solidarity with how we are reaching so many new heights with where we are headed.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
There is an ocean of confusing facts related to skincare both online & off-line. You have also talked about integrative therapies. Tell us more about these therapies.
Ms. Natalie Bolton:
Like I stated before, I fully believe in healing with nutritional supplementation. You can only heal so much topically. Not to be mistaken, I am so excited to witness the technology in the realm of facial treatments that continues to expand; it is rather miraculous and remarkable. I am just of the vein of ‘whole’ healing. Inside out. If there is a condition happening on the skin we can always look internally for potential root causes.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.