5 exercises that are a must for building a strong core.
I think in my sport, more than any other sport, it’s not about building strong muscles, but a strong chain of muscles. All muscles are connected, so also when doing core work we try to incorporate the whole chain. You are as strong as your weakest link.
- Basic abs like window wipers and leg lowering, keep belly button tucked in and lower back pushed into the ground.
- Dynamic plank exercises, such as groiners and mountain climbers.
- For the sides: side plank with leg lift. I also like the ‘swaying tree’, where you hold a weight above your head and gently move from side to side.
- For the posterior chain: different variations of the superman exercise. Use every muscle from shoulder to hamstrings at once.
How would you define Women Fitness?
On the athletics track I know that if I am physically in shape, I feel mentally in shape as well. These two are very closely related. I guess that is what Women Fitness is all about for me. Feeling physically and mentally healthy, ‘in shape’!
After having participated at the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games, how is your preparation going for the 2020 Games?
Despite rehabbing from a PCL tear for nine months already I honestly think I can say prepations are going well. For the past seven years, there was a major championship each summer, that made it difficult to work on long term goals. This year we could really go back to the basics, take the time to manufacture a new Nadine. For instance I learnt about the biomechanics of sprinting, and we worked on strenghtening some weaker parts of my body so I will be less prone to injury in the future.
It was a big setback, but as a result we were able to change a lot, so the last year into the 2020 Games I can just focus on excelling on the track.
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