Sometimes it can feel as though you have barely made it through Christmas before you are hit by Valentine’s Day, with Mother’s Day following hot on its heels. You don’t have to be a slave to commercialism to celebrate your love for your mum, step mum, aunt, godmother, foster mum, or just someone who has been just like a mum to you over the years. We have carefully curated a list of six thoughtful Mother’s Day gift ideas that are simultaneously traditional and original.
#1 A Luxury Scarf
It’s not too much of a stereotype to say that most mums just love a scarf. If the mum in your life gives the best hugs, return the favour and keep them warm, snug and feeling loved with a beautiful scarf. This personalised cashmere blend scarf oozes sophisticated luxury and is a perfect treat for women of all styles and ages.

#2 Flowers
Mother’s Day doesn’t have to break the bank. For most mums (and that goes for aunts, step mums, grandmothers, mums of four-legged fur-babies), it really is the thought that counts. A beautiful bunch of spring blooms is a perfect, traditional Mother’s Day gift that is beautiful in its simplicity. If she has green fingers, get her a plant for the garden – surely a mum in a million deserves a rose of the same name.
#3 Spa Day
Everyone knows that plenty of mums struggle to actually switch off. Always on the go, with a constant reel of reminders, lists and jobs scrolling through their heads, it can be difficult for parents to actually stop and think about themselves for a bit. A spa day is, therefore, an ideal gift; a flotation tank experience, a massage, or just a day sitting by a pool and reading is absolute bliss for lots of mums on the run.
#4 Theatre
Parents often have great intentions to create “me-time” but, as with all good intentions, this one can sometimes take a while to come to fruition. If you’re determined to go out more or do more, put your money where your mouth is this Mother’s Day and buy the female parent figure in your life a few tickets to the cinema, or to go to the theatre. Watching something that is NOT a children’s TV programme, a depressing soap or Love Island could be just the rejuvenation that she needs.
#5 A Gift With A Conscience
It’s easy to get carried away and forget just how fortunate we are. If you want to buy a Mother’s Day gift that really will transform lives, why not consider a charity donation? This charity’s innovative sponsorship programme doesn’t just send a child to school, it supports a whole family for three years, at the end of which they have the eco-farming, business and communication skills they need to be self-sufficient. And at less than 53p a day (£16 a month), this life-changing gift is a real bargain.

#6 – Pamper Hamper
Not sure what to do, buy or say to show her just how much you appreciate her? Why not put together a little hamper of treats? Find a shoe-box, gift bag or hamper and fill it with her favourite goodies: a magazine or book, chocolate treats, gourmet snacks, cheese, wine, gin, candles, bath products, face mask, nail varnish… the list is endless. Your hamper will only be limited by your imagination and budget – and you can get a LOT of cute, thoughtful little gifts for not a huge amount of money.
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