Namita Nayyar:
What is the most important component for an athlete while playing a team sport like yours?
Monica Abbott:
Probably — being able to work with a lot of different personalities and respecting people for who they are. A mutual respect for each others skills, effort and what they bring to the team is important.
Namita Nayyar:
In 2013, you founded the Monica Abbott Scholarship Fund to support the education of multi-sport female athletes. Tell us more about these endeavors of yours.
Monica Abbott:
Yes, in 2013 I started the MA14 Scholarship and it rewards 2 multi sport female athletes that demonstrate leadership in their communities. There’s a lot of people out there that can change the world and we want to help give them the opportunity
Namita Nayyar:
Share a few words about the website Womenfitness.net and message for our visitors?
Monica Abbott:
This is a great resource and community for the women out there that believe, and actively live a healthy lifestyle!
Follow her journey on:
- https://www.instagram.com/monicaabbott/
- https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMonicaAbbott/
- https://twitter.com/monicaabbott
This interview is exclusively taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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