Namita Nayyar:
The youth today is highly becoming dependent on junk food and alcohol due to multiple reasons. Being a speaker for the National Youth Institute according to you how can they be motivated towards healthy lifestyle choices in order to fight physical, mental and emotional challenges?
Vanessa Ponce:
I think what people are not conscious about is how great a healthy body feels. When you give your body what it needs you are unstoppable, you can think better, you are stronger, faster and happier. It’s hard with young people because probably they have never faced sickness, so what I do is motivate them and teach them that they can achieve their goals through changing their lifestyle. This includes eating at the right time, exercising, reading and being disciplined…this leads to a healthier lifestyle overall and they suddenly feel better, look better and gain lots of confidence.
Namita Nayyar:
With that flawless skin & shining hair. Share with us your daily skin & hair care routine?
Vanessa Ponce:
A good diet and sleep are the key to good hair and skin. To be honest the better you eat and the more water you get the shinier the hair, the nails grow and your skin looks perfect. Also getting a regular eight hours of sleep makes the difference. If you don’t get enough sleep your skin and hair dehydrates, wrinkles begin to appear and your skin loses its shine.

Namita Nayyar:
Being a Miss World doesn’t just require a person to be beautiful, but also exceptionally smart and a good human being. What were the question and the answer that decided your final victory for the crown?
Vanessa Ponce:
I have watched the video all over again, that whole part of my participation is lost in my mind. The judges asked me: How could, Would you use your influence to help others as Miss World?
I replied that I would do it the same way as I’ve been doing it for the past years, being an example of all the good we can do. Using social media as a tool to impact on people and showing that anyone can help, no matter what career we chose we can always help and share ourselves.
Namita Nayyar:
You told the Miss World organization that your personal motto is “We all need each other.” Please elaborate?
Vanessa Ponce:
We weren’t born in an empty world, we were born into a place full of people who share the same emotions – laugh, cry and grieve. I believe we are all connected and the biggest changes happen when we take collective actions. The strength of humanity comes with unity and we all have to recognise that we all need each other.
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