Namita Nayyar:
Modeling career can be both demanding and stressful along with the glamour factor. How have you coped with all that, do share 5 tips with upcoming models?
Vanessa Ponce:
1. Healthy is beautiful. The industry makes you think that you are prettier the skinnier you get, and by trying to meet those expectations it’s easy for models to get into unhealthy eating habits. I have seen some of my friends fall into those bad habits and never get out of those cycles and ended up in the hospital. Sick is not sexy, or elegant or chic. Healthy is beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
2. Get an education. Education is not only about knowing accounting or laws, it’s also about social skills. Understanding how to manage yourself in social occasions and being qualified to have conversations with people from all walks of life. I started modelling after college and when I got into castings I found myself talking to directors, producers and technicians about multiple subjects, this lead me to have more bookings as they got to know me. Having a good education is important whatever field of work.
3. Always help others. If you start to get a lot of attention it can be easy to let your success go to your head. Then you start making wrong choices and change your core values. To keep your feet on the ground, help others. Find something to do for the community around you, the secret to success is sharing. Use your influence to create a positive impact . And always stay humble.
4. Dont take rejection personally. Rejection in this industry is normal, models live with it every single day. Don’t take it personally, either you are what they are looking for or you are not, but it doesn’t matter. Embrace yourself and be proud of your individuality
5. Be patient. It took me almost a year to start booking jobs regularly, don’t fall into despair, it is a process. Be disciplined and work on yourself to become the best option at any casting.
Namita Nayyar:
An optimum balanced diet is a significant factor to look and feel your best? What is your diet routine. Foods you love to eat, advise women to eat? 5 foods you avoid in your diet?
Vanessa Ponce:
Well I have tried some of diets. My conclusion is that we only need to eat a healthy balanced diet. Personally I try to avoid sugar, carbs and all processed products. I feel healthier for not eating these. But I am also a believer that everything in moderation every now and then is OK. Once a week I treat myself to ice cream or pizza…let’s face it, we all deserve pizza once in a while!
I avoid: pasta, candies, soda, bread and alcohol.

Namita Nayyar:
NGO’s you are presently attached with? You are also a member of the Board of Directors of a Rehab center for girls. What does your role involve?
Vanessa Ponce:
In addition to being a member of the Board of Directors part also I run workshops for the girls at the rehab centre. This means I’m involved in the decision making and directly in the rehab treatment of the girls.
I’m also involved in Comunidad Loyola, where I have my ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ project called NA Vali which focuses on supporting Indigenous kids in extreme poverty, I work with Migrantes en el camino, a shelter for migrants from Central America and also El manantial, a house for people with disabilities.
Namita Nayyar:
“I can’t believe it, I really can’t believe it… And I think all the girls deserved it. ” were your words after winning the title. Why so?
Vanessa Ponce:
When you get to compete at Miss World you can see that all the woman are incredibly smart and talented.. You can’t compare in terms of beauty because we are all individuals from different backgrounds and walks of life. We all have different projects and stand for specific causes through our ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ projects. The judges are the ones to decide and I feel blessed to be chosen that night and will be forever grateful.
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