Namita Nayyar:
Do you advocate opting for cheat meals once a week? Cheat meals that you can’t resist?
Mickie James:
Yes absolutely your body will tell you what it needs and wants. I think it’s necessary once you’ve committed to a diet. I don’t do a cheat meal I do a whole day. I don’t believe in any carbs just always in moderation. If your body is telling you, you’re craving something then have it, one day I say I’m not dieting today it’s my cheat day. Always allow your cheat days, go for those cravings but let that be your day!
Namita Nayyar:
Three components that are key essentials in a wrestler’s fitness regime?
Mickie James:
Flexibility in the ring, yoga is amazing you need to be constantly testing your flexibility. Your explosiveness, your ability to go from 0 to 100, challenges yourself to keep your wind up. Your thinking and your moving at the same time so like jumping rope to use hand eye coordination and speed and ability to slow it down and speed it up it’s those kind of drills you need to maintain your explosiveness. You have to have thick skin and put your ego aside and know that not everyone is out to break you down, these criticisms you get are to your benefit. You have to be in a good mental space, were on the road, away from our families. We have to put on a front of who we are 80% of the time, it’s not just on the screen, it social media so you’re “on” pretty much all of the time. It’s important to take care of your mental health so you don’t break when people are trying to help you.
Namita Nayyar:
You have a big fan following, what do you think motivates people to follow you?
Mickie James:
I think it’s because I’m not a phony type of person, what you see if what you get, I try to be transparent most of the time. I think that some people like that I am positive and always looking to help others and some people may like me for my loud mouth! Some people are huge fans of my music, they aren’t even wrestling fans and I have some fans who don’t know anything about my music but know all of my matches by heart and some where it doesn’t matter what I do, they have all my albums, watched all my matches, etc. There are a lot of loyal fans in wrestling so once you have that fan until you break their trust you have them forever!
Namita Nayyar:
Your favourite active wear brands are?
Mickie James:
I love under armor stuff. But I’m not a super brand person. I go for comfort and whatever feels right. I have workout stuff from target and workout stuff from lulu lemon and I like them both!
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